
A New Sweater And The Bag It Calls Home

I recently fell in love with yet another sweater pattern. The Tea Leaves Cardigan by madelinetosh. Even though I still have a few projects currently on the needles, I felt the need to cast on for this one right away.

Do you blame me? Seriously.

Is it just me.. or is this ruched yoke pattern in this colorway of madelinetosh merino pretty much the most beautiful thing ever?

I decided that I had to go with the Tannehill colorway for my sweater, just like the original pattern photo. This color intrigued me in the pictures and is equally stunning in real life. Usually I would be scared of so many colors thrown together in one yarn.. but its so elegantly executed. It's truly unique and lovely.

(Be sure to listen to Episode 30 of the NeverNotKnitting podcast airing tomorrow.
There will be a special offer from Backwards Loop for the madelinetosh yarns.)

Plus I had to have something exciting and new to put into my new RoseKnits project bag.
If you aren't familiar with these bags, I highly suggest you check out RoseKnits etsy shop and the selection at Backwards Loop.

I am in love with this little bag. It holds 2 balls of yarn, my work-in-progress and the pattern quite comfortably with room to spare!

And it's a whole lot cuter than the gallon size ziploc bags that I normally use...

I also love that it has its own handle! Perfect for knitting on the go!


  1. Love your new project and yarn choice and I can totally see you wearing it. It's so feminine and elegant!

    Your new love Roseknits bag is so pretty! What a good idea to hold knits and etc rather using a ziploc bag! I am really jealous!


  2. that IS a lovely cardigan. i can't blame you for casting on right away. i also love your bag. it's perfect. i'm SUCH a bag person. :)

  3. Yum. Love the colors in the Madeline Tosh yarn, and your little project bag is darling.

  4. Oooh, I can't wait to see how that cardigan turns out. I am currently following in your footsteps, knitting Rose Red, a pattern I discovered thanks to your blog! :)

  5. I love everything about this post!! Your new project, the bags, and as usual the photography is just stunning. Can't wait to see how the cardi turns out!

  6. Love the bag, the sweater...the fact that it is the 15th so you'll be announcing winner soon!!
    Can't wait to see th finished sweater!

  7. That is so pretty. I have been eyeing that pattern also, love seeing your progress.

  8. Can't wait to see the finished sweater - that colorway is gorgeous!

  9. i fell in love with that pattern, too, when i saw it on ravelry. it's so pretty and i love the colors, too! i think that i'm going to knit it with malabrigo, though. well see if that works.
    love the sweet bag, too!

  10. That yarn is just scrumptious! The bag is too cute - I shall have to look at the site. Such an enabler you are, LOL.

  11. I think the colorway is much more subdued on the original pattern, I love the colors that are coming out in your cardigan. This is definitely on my to do list. I love everything about it. And your bag is really cute too. Definitely cuter than a Ziploc baggie!

  12. I love that Roseknits bag. But my eye spies another lovely bag in that last post. Who made that gorgeous thing?

    Selkie on Ravelry

  13. wow, you are so right about that gorgeous yarn choice and the ruched yoke!! It looks stunning so far.

  14. That is a beautiful sweater so far! I love to yoke - and the colors are wonderful! I look forward to seeing how it turns out! J

  15. Love the sweater. Wish I could afford the yarn to make it. The yarn looks soooo yummy!

  16. So far, everything you like, I like. I am waiting for the podcast tomorrow and then ordering this yarn. I love the way the colors all fit together in a subtle way.


    jilldwarren at ravelry

  17. It is crazy how you seem to channel my own personal taste for projects, yarn and color through your knitting and photography. I love the cardigan you are currently knitting... and the COLOR - wow! Just beautiful. And of course I absolutely love your new little bag. (And my husband never knows what to buy me for Christmas....?)

  18. A woman in my knitting group just got one of those Namaste bags for Christmas. It is gorgeous! It hold a ton and doesn't look like a knitting bag so you could easily take it with you to dinner, work, etc.
