
Side Slip Cloche

Ever since I saw this hat on the cover of the book Boutique Knits
... I knew that I had to have it.
It's just so cute!

Originally this hat was supposed to be for me.
But this color I chose for it ended up being kind of a difficult color for me to wear.

I was trying to pick a pale pink color.. but you know how it goes with shopping online.
I went with the Champagne colorway in Blue Sky Alpacas silk and alpaca blend,
but it turned out that it was much more of a peach tone than pink.

Also the yarn was thinner than I was expecting so I had to double it to get the correct gauge.
The blend worked wonderfully for this pattern though.. the silk gave it the pretty
sheen and drape, and the alpaca added the soft halo which I really love.
2 skeins was just enough to finish the hat.

Even though the hat didn't work out for me.. I think it looks absolutely precious on my soon to be 4 year old daughter.
Kids can wear anything and still look cute!

I just love the feminine vintage style of this cloche and look forward to making myself one out of a different yarn.

I'm thinking a charcoal gray angora blend. I think that would look really classic and cute.

Does anyone have any good yarn suggestions for me?


  1. That is tooooooo cute on her! Adorable! :) (And happy new year!)

  2. Oh my goodness! Those photos are absolutely darling.

    I've been wanting to knit this as well. I think it would be great in a charcoal too!

  3. How beautiful! I want that hat! Ava is getting so big... she is such a darling little thing. hugs!

  4. What a breathtaking model you have there!! She could sell anything.

  5. This was absolutely adorable! I can't wait to see the one you do for yourself!

  6. Aaagh! That's just about the most wonderful set of FO photos EVER! She looks just beautiful and the light in your photos is perfect. I don't have any yarn suggestions I'm afraid but I want to make one of these hats too so I'll look forward to seeing what you come up with.

  7. That is beautiful!

    I too adore that hat. I never thought about making one for my daughter (who just turned 4). Hmm...

  8. your daughter looks darling in that hat! i have admired it too. i'm not sure about gauge, but Berrocco Alpaca Ultra comes in a nice charcoal, and i think it comes in multiple weights? happy knitting!
    best - annri

  9. Beautiful hat. I t looks like such an interesting pattern to knit. It looks adorable on your little girl.

    I am knitting a Thermis for myself right now in Baby Alpaca Worsted by Plymouth. It is such a soft wonderful yarn to work with, my new fav! It comes in charcoal gray, and has that angora haze to it too.

    Good luck!

  10. Ava is just too adorable...precious!

  11. Oh, how sweet! Berroco Ultra Alpaca is nice and soft with a slight halo. I made a cardi for my daughter for xmas out of it and it's lovely.

  12. Super cute! My favourite angora blend yarn is Orkney Angora St. Magnus. I don't know how readily available it is in the U.S., but it is so soft and such an amazing range of colours I'd say it was worth hunting down! It's a DK, so you might have to double-strand it...

  13. Hmmm...not sure what the gauge should be on this one...how about Suri Merino in Fog or Dusk?

    VERY cute lil' model...she looks to enjoy her new lid perfectly!

  14. that is too cute.. could you post the information for the book you got the hat from? I love it and would love to make it. Did they have the pattern so you could make it in multiple sizes??

  15. I have made 3 Side Slip Cloche's with Berrocco's Lustra. I am atyourBecandcall on Ravelry if you would like to see my pictures.

  16. I made this hat with a nice blue Malabrigo worsted, and it turned out really nice. I love the fluffiness of yours though; it does have an angelic quality especially on your sweet model.

  17. Could it be anymore perfect? Lovely!

  18. To "specks",

    I got this pattern from the book "Boutique Knits". There is a link in this post to the book on Amazon. Its the cover pattern, and I just fell in love with it as soon as I saw it!

    Unfortunately the pattern is just for one size, but I easily sized it to fit my daughter. I just made the hat not as deep.

    As far as the circumference goes.. her head is just a few inches smaller around than mine, so the hat ended up being a little slouchier on her. On me it would be fitted. I think it kind of looks cuter slouchy.

    Hope this helps!

  19. Ooh I know a perfect yarn! 100% Yak down
    The Rocking Yak is working with Tibetan women whose families reside in impoverished communities in rural China. Aiming to empower these women & their families in their choice to live a more traditional lifestyle, The Rocking Yak is brining economic value to the traditional skills of rearing yak and spinning wool. In doing so, helping these families gain long-term employment and a greater sustainable income, while instilling self worth and pride in the celebration of their unique culture.

    I use this yarn ALOT!
    I love having the ability to help another woman care for her family by the choice I make in the yarn I use. I love that as I work each stitch to bring my family handmade warmth, I know that another woman's hands carefully & diligently worked to spin the yarn I use in an effort to bring warmth & shelter to her family. There is a connection there. A bond between us, and I am Thankful to share in this experience.
    Yak is VERY soft - comparable to cashmere, and it is VERY warm. It is this down fiber that keep the yaks (and their Tibetan owners) warm through the harsh Himalayan winters. I've also found it to be quite water resistant. My husband had ran his hat under running water to show how resistant it is. I was impressed.
    It can be bought here:

    Sorry for the long comment.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Looks adorable on your daughter!

    I've knit this hat four times (I only kept one) out of cascade's dolce...nice drape and a hint of halo. I have pics (not the most flattering) on my ravelry project page kristinsknits

  22. WoW! This hat is so adorable on your little one. I love it. I'm going to have to check into this pattern for my little one. I can't wait to see the grown-up version.

  23. Wow, so beautiful. The hat, your daughter. And the pictures. Wow.

  24. WOW, that is just the cutest hat. I have to know- do you hire professional models? What an adorable set of pictures. Too cute for words.

  25. To "Hi Im Sierra Dog"

    Nope, this is my daughter in the photo. She models for me and gets paid in lollipops. :)

    Thats flattering for to to wonder if she is a professional, thanks!


  26. This is just super cute and your daughter looks so adorable in this cloche. It is such a beautiful pattern and so classic too. Lovely job!

  27. you might just have the cutest daughter I have ever seen!

  28. what a beautiful hat and an even more beautiful model!

  29. That hat on your daughter is just too delicious! She is lucky to have a mom like you.... Now to make your own hat!

  30. I just found your blog, and this wonderful hat. Were can I get the pattern, I want to make one for myself. And your daughter looks so beautiful in it. If you can tell me were to get the pattern please e-mail me at hoopttub@gamil.com I am new to knitting and loving it. Thanks for sharing your stuff.
