
Squishy Sweaters

This winter I have really enjoyed working on sweaters. But not just any sweaters.. sweaters knit from single ply soft merino wool.
It's my new knitting obsession.

There is nothing like spending a wintry evening inside
with a warm merino sweater on your lap.
There is something so cozy and comforting about the process.

These two in the photo are my Vine Yoke and Tea Leaves Cardigans.
One is knit in Malabrigo Worsted and the other in Tosh Merino.
Two very similar yarns. Equally soft and squishy.

I've been making fine progress.. they are both over halfway completed!
I'm very excited to get them done.. but will miss working on them at the same time.

Thankfully I came across another sweater pattern recently which would make another wonderfully squishy project.
Click here to see. I'm thinking about Tosh Merino in Tart for this one.

Wow. I love yarn.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! You really have come far :) And they both look beautiful. I'm head over heels for Malabrigo, so I can't wait to try the Tosh Merino.

  3. Those are going to be beautiful. I gave my 8 year old daughter her first knitting lesson last evening - I was really surprised at how well she took to it. She's begging me for another lesson as I type. Got to go, knitting is calling!


  4. Beautiful! I'm perfecting spinning up balanced single ply since they are so yummy to knit with.

  5. Looking forward to seeing your two sweaters completed!!! I also love Malabrigo, so looks like I also need to try the Tosh yarn! :=)

  6. Both are gorgeous. i can just feel them thru the screen!

  7. Yum! I also love knitting with that yarn.

  8. I am working with Malabrigo yarn right now for the first time, I so know what you mean about it being soft and squishy!!

  9. Beautiful ... can't wait to see your finished Tea Leaves Cardigan. Love the yarn ~ looks so yummy and ever so soft.

  10. there is something about a cozy cardigan that doesn't take you a year to finish. that's what i've come to love about the changes in knitting designs compare with 15-20 years ago. love the pattern and yarn you're considering. i'm off to que it now and the vine yoke cardigan, thanks for the inspiration.

  11. I agree 100%! I don't think I enjoyed knitting anything more than my 2 giant Malabrigo Clapotis' last year. I'm officially hooked on single ply merino wool!

  12. I'd love to see you knit the Kerrera next! I faved it right away and would love to knit it myself (someday...) I'm in love with the tea leaves cardi and can't wait to see yours. Happy Knitting!

  13. That photo is amazing- I just want to reach through the screen and touch those squishy sweaters, they look so soft and amazing!

  14. wow, I love both. the tea leaves cardi is something I've been planning on in the back of my mind....too many things to knit for other people right now though!

  15. Both beautiful sweaters Alana! I love the Malabrigo but have not tried the Tosh yet.

  16. Ohhhhh I so love your choice of yarn for the tea leaves! I'm working on it right now (i'm half done with the 2nd sleeve), but I didn't choose the right yarn and so I'm not entirely thrilled. Your yarn choice is beautiful!

  17. They look lovely and squishy - just like you said! I loved hearing about the Tosh Merino - I'd not heard about it before - thanks!

  18. They are adorable, and they do look very squishy and cuddly.

  19. gorgeous! i wish i had your skills!

  20. I will look forward to seeing the progress on these. They both look so beautiful!

  21. It's great when the yarn love and all the knitting experience just comes down to a single phrase.

    I love yarn too.
