
Dindy Beret

One hat out of the Thistle yarn wasn't enough,
So I made this sweet little hat for my daughter out of 2 balls of the Old Rose colorway.

The pattern is the Dindy Beret by Kate Oates of TotToppers.

What a cute little hat this is. The leafy border is such a nice detail.

I made a few modifications for my daughter's version.
The pattern calls for 2 adorable body styles, but I chose to leave her hat plain on the top.
Also I knit the leafy band with a size 7 needle, and the body in a size 8 which created a slightly slouchier look.

I love the swirly decrease pattern and the bobble on top.
The small little details really add to the design.

If you like this hat, check out Kate's blog here.
She has a ton of great hat designs for adults and children.

For all of the great photos I get of my daughter, there are twice as many...
uh... uncooperative photo taking experiences. :)

It seems that the more of a deadline I am under with the photo taking,
the goofier my 4 year old gets during our photoshoots.

But I will get my revenge someday.. these will be great to show at her high school graduation party,
or if she ever has a boyfriend that I don't like.

Cute hat though!


  1. Oh I LOVE the outtake photos of your adorable daughter! I'm sure she'll think they're hilarious when she's grown :)

  2. That can't be our shy precious little girl?!?!? LOL
    Just givin' you the biz', Mommy.
    My favorite under the gun story is that when Nathan was three yrs., if I was late getting ready I would always walk out of the bathroom finally ready to go to work and find that he had stripped himself bare. He thought if he wasn't dressed I wouldn't take him to pre-school. Fixed his boat, wrapped him up in a blanket and threw his clothes and shoes in a bag. Away we went!

  3. the outtakes are my favorite -- and the fact that you shared them is one of the reasons i love your blog! :)

  4. What a beautiful hat, I love this colorway and your daughter is just so adorable!!

  5. So cute! The hat for sure, but most of it, your daughter!!

  6. Haha, having a 4 year old myself I know exactly what you mean!

    Nice hat, adorable daughter :)

  7. Love the border! Great hat and great photos!

  8. gorgeous hat! and your daughter is just adorable

  9. Oh my word- I *love* the goofy photos! These will totally come in handy for you in the future. Love that hat...and Kate... and the rest of her designs, too :)

  10. I'm so glad you posted those outtake pictures. They are truly my favorite!

  11. Your daughter is beautiful! I love the top two pics in the first column. She's going to love those photos when she grows up!

  12. Lovely hat, cute kid! I have the same problem with my 5 year old. She's suddenly totally uncooperative when I need her to be my model. We've resorted to bribery...

  13. OMG she's so cute! Love the hat too. I think I'll make one for my granddaughter for Easter.

  14. Oh, I know! If only everyone knew how many pictures I take just to put one or two cute ones on the blog!

    Lovely hat. Even more lovely daughter.

  15. You've discovered another great hat! Your little one looks so cute in it. She's getting the modeling thing down pat, isn't she?!

  16. I knew those cute photos just looked too simple and effortless! I really love the "other" ones!

  17. She's so expressive! The face in the first photo is absolutely perfect.

  18. Alana, you want me desperately want to knit the hat for myself! And I want to use a larger needle size for the hat to achieve a slouchier look too.

    Can I ask you a question please? Will size 9 needles work? Since I don't have size 8 needles. Thanks.


  19. This is a beautiful hat. I like the delicate color that suits your daughter's complexion so well.

  20. Adorable hat for a precious little girl...I love the pics!

  21. Great hat and pictures of your little girl!

  22. I love the pictures, my 3 yo is the same way. I can't ever get all 3 girls looking the same way without one goofy face. I love your podcast. thistle 11

  23. love thistle #9 and #8, but old rose is gorgeous as well. who could choose just one!

  24. Thanks for including the bloopers Alana! Super cute!

  25. She is adorable . . . and the beret as well.
    Girls are angels from heaven . . . enjoy every minute with her.
