
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 33 : The Never-ending Scarf

Episode 33


The winner of Episode 32's drawing giveaway is Teri P! Congratulations!

*Check back in a few days for a special drawing blogpost for you to enter to win a special prize!

Download the Mp3 for Episode 33 here.


  1. Fabulous podcast as always! I love that lamb! I've got to make that! How awesome your nnk yarn!!! My favorite color too...never have enough green in the stash!:)

  2. I love the NNK colorway- just bought 3 skeins! Can't wait to cast on with it!! As always super podcast :)

  3. Thanks for another great podcast, made for a great Bday present! I think Francis is adorable, how could someone think he's ugly? I love, love, love NNK green! I don't knit socks, but I'm thinking I have to start just so I can try the yarn! Too bad it's not in a dk weight, otherwise it would become a Cedar leaves. And I completely relate to Kelley's battle with her knitting, it's me against the knitting and I'm not going to let it win! Friends often ask why I continue to knit if it frustrates me so much, but it's the challenge and I love a good challenge! So although socks scare me, I guess I'm going to have to step up to the challenge and try! It could make a lovely lace shawl, too, although I don't really knit lace either. One way or another, I'm going to have to add NNK green to my stash though!

  4. Okay... I have never heard this podcast before! I can't believe what I have missing! That was SO much fun!

    I'm a Fiber Fix customer and followed the link and I'm glad I did! That store is great and Vanessa is awesome! I happen to really love green, so.... LOL

    Can't wait to see your socks! :-)

  5. I love Francis- his muted colors rock! I adore your podcast and am always so happy to see a new one! Keep up the great job!

  6. How exciting! Green is great! It's my absolute favorite! Great podcast, as always...

  7. I have been adding more green to my stash because I love all the wonderful green yarn you've used over the past months. This colorway is truly beautiful!

  8. I'm a red -headed mom of red-headed girls and I'm head over heels for this yarn! I've been waiting for the perfect colorway finally knit something for myself ( shocker!) and this is SO it. Yay!!


  9. Love your podcast.

  10. I like your color choices.

  11. Very pretty yarn!! I'd love to get ahold of it!

  12. I love all the little toys. I have two nephews and a brand new niece so i know i'll be making toys in the next couple of months

  13. I'm new to the podcast and thank goodness I found it. You are saving me during the busy season at work. :)

    Terri -
    MsT on Ravelry

  14. Thanks for another Great podcast and the intro to a gorgeous new yarn!
    I am definitely a green LOVER!!! :)

  15. I've only recently found your podcast, but I love it! I've listened to every episode and can't wait for the next!

  16. Well, I have to agree with you, Francis is the cutest! Both my teenaged daughters think so too...and, they agree w/your daughter - the puppy is totally adorable.

    Thanks for the work you do! Even though it's fun, it's a lot of work to put together the show, I'm sure!

  17. Hi,

    I just found your podcast and I am hooked! I download it to my ipod and then I upload it to my car and listen while I am driving to work. I must say that I am disappointed every time I get to the end.

    On Thursday I lost my knitting Mentor. I would take her to and from the shop I work in on Wednesdays and Saturdays so that she could teach class. On the way we would pass an area where we would always find at least a dozen wild turkeys. Most of the time we would stop in amazement mostly because of there speed or lack there of when they would cross the street. It was sort of our time to smile at nature and enjoy the scenery.

    Anyway, it just so happened that on my way home from the hospital where I had just said good-bye to her before they shut down the machines keeping her going (a blessing in disguise)you began to tell the story of Francis and it truly hit my heart. I could swear she was sitting right next to me.

    Thank you again for your podcast and also for Francis!

    Suzi, Shrewsbury, MA

  18. Susan,

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Im glad that the story of Francis was able to brighten your day. :)


  19. This was my first pod cast HOW NEAT!!!

  20. Another first time listener! Looking forward to reviewing what has been said and what will be said, and to knitting some of your patterns.

  21. Love that green in the NNK yarn! Perfect for spring.
