
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 32 : Yarn Fetish

Episode 32


*Don't forget to enter this episode's drawing giveaway!

Get 20% off all Louisa Harding yarns at Loops by entering the code "NNK" in the checkout process! 
Offer valid until April 15, 2010.


  1. Wish it had more than a number, but Thistle #3 is a color I could see myself wearing. It's a stone color, that looks like it could be worn with anything from charcoal, to pink to black, to GREEN. Thanks for offering the give-away.
    Sara in AL

  2. My favorite color is the Old Rose.
    So nice to have your podcast back!!

  3. It was a great podcast ~ glad you're back! I love the Louisa Harding Thistle - will need to buys few skeins at my LYS.

  4. I forgot to tell you that my favorite Thistle color is #9. Thank you Alana!

  5. Thanks for the giveaway Alana! I love the teal/green of #11 - I just can't resist green ;)

  6. Thanks for another giveaway...I love the green (#11) color of Thistle...

  7. Really enjoyed the podcast! I love the soft pink color of Old Rose #5. Jenny in VA

  8. I love Louisa Harding, her designs and her yarns. I was drawn to #8 - the deep burgandy color.

  9. Thanks for airing my story!
    I think Thistle #3 is my favorite.

  10. Hello Alana,
    thnks fro pointing out Louisa Harding! I was looking for a cardigan pattern and found it.
    And I really like that hat! I think I should check the top tens on ravelry.
    I like Thistle No. 9 whick seems to be rich brown.
    Cheers Eva

  11. Great episode -- thanks for the good listening! :) And I, too, love Thistle color #3! :)

  12. I like #9 brown best. I'd love to win; great giveaway!!

  13. I loved the story in this one. My lust for animal fiber is a secret one, hubby is DEATHLY allergic. So I keep a few acrylic skeins laying around the house, and then pull out the lovely stuff when he's not around. It's hard being a fiber junkie who is still "in the closet".


  14. Oh, how pretty! Thistle #3 is my fav! Thanks!

    (woodzy ravelry)

  15. How can you choose? Thistle #3, #5, & #11 are my favorites, but it I had to choose.... the #5 Old Rose

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I just started listening. Thanks for sharing. My favorite color is the old rose.
    Becky (gathersnomoss - ravelry)

  18. My favorite thistle is the dark red, #8. Thanks for another great give-away.

  19. I love the "Thistle" in old rose- beautiful!!! As always- wonderful podcast!!

  20. Thank you so much for your podcast - I love the care you take in putting it together. My favourite 'Thistle' yarn is no 3 - the soft, gentle grey.

  21. Thistle #5, Old Rose, would be lovely!
    Sara (Rav JoanBlondina)

  22. Another great podcast. Thistle #3 is a great color.

  23. I like both colors #3 and #8, thanks for the great giveaway!

  24. I have a little addiction to cables and that hat pattern is now in my rav queue! I think it would look beautiful in Old Rose!


  25. Love the 16-cable hat. Slouchy with character. And my favorite Louisa Harding Thistle shades are # 8 and # 11.

  26. Oh I love that hat - it is stunning! My fave color is Aqua #4.

  27. Great podcast! I'm a first-time listener (after being a reader for a while) and I'm impressed! My favorite colorway is Old Rose.

  28. It's easy to see why you enjoy Louisa Harding's books. They really are quite lovely to look at and I can see Thistle #3 working up beautifully in a number of her patterns.

  29. Love love love Thistle #8. Great new podcast. Enjoyed every minute!

  30. Great show and loved the listener story. I'm partial to Thistle #11.

    Stephanie B

  31. Thank you Alana for another great podcast episode and giveaway. It's hard to pick, but I think #11 would be my favorite.

  32. Oh, I love that dark teal, #12, in the Louisa Harding Thistle. Mmmmm, teal.

  33. Colour nr. 8 is definitely my favourite!

  34. They all look gorgeous but I think #8 is my favourite colour. #11 is nice too, but I think #8 is definitely more me!

  35. Love Louisa Harding Thistle #8!!co

  36. I love the # 9 Ginger color. The hat is absolutely precious!!! Love your blog and podcast. Thanks for all the info you are always providing

  37. I've previously purchased #11 green and #7 Blue-Purple. I now have my eyes on #8 Burgundy. I love all these "jewel" tones.

    I really enjoyed Ep.32 podcast. I had listened to Ep.31 recently too.
    I need to make time to listen to the others.....you are such an inspiration. Thank you.

    "bschlot" on "ravelry" too

  38. Beautiful hat! My favorite color is #8.

  39. Louisa Harding Thistle #3 is gorgeous!! I really love your version of the 16 beret, so cozy looking!! The mods you did finished the hat off sooooo nicely!!!

  40. Alana: What a generous soul. Love your podcast. Sitting in a hotel room knitting a citron with Malibrigo Lace listening to your blog is sublime. I like the Thistle #1 - white as snow. You knit beautifully. Rosemary

  41. I really like the Old Rose colorway. It is so vintage and soft. I enjoy your podcasts so much!

  42. thanks for another great podcast... #3 looks the best colour to me, although I love the burgundy too.

  43. Love the darling little Dindy Beret in the Old Rose. I've missed your podcast; happy the next series has begun!

  44. My favorite is the deep red - Thistle #8. Love the photos of your daughter in the Dindy Hat. My 4yo oftens begins the day by declaring it is going to be a silly day. And she's always right!

  45. You should really try cabling without a cable needle! Makes the whole process much smoother, and no fiddly little extra bit to use.

    I love #8. Looks burgundy, but when you enlarge it, it becomes a nice red. At least, it does on my monitor!

  46. Wow! What a beautiful hat! I'd love to try Thistle # 1. I can imagine myself wearing each hat in white, that way, they match my spring clothes that I will be wearing soon. Thx for this fun giveaway :)

    (IKnitCupcakes- on Ravelry)

  47. Another wonderful podcast. I like Thistle #3.


    Heather (marigold345 on Rav)

  48. I like Thistle #3, it would go with everything. Great podcast! Thanks, Alana.

  49. I really like old rose colourway of thistle. Really enjoying your podcast, and am inspired to try your cedar shawlette.

  50. I like #11 the best! That green is so pretty!

  51. Loved hearing you discuss your experience with Thistle. I'm a huge fan of Louisa Harding's Grace and from what you say about Thistle, I'm going to have to get my hands on some of that.

    My color faves are thistle #8 (looks like a nice glass of Zinfandel), and second fave is #3, a very pretty soft gray.

    Love listening.

  52. Love the yarn - thanks for the give-away offer.
    I would be so happy with the old Rose colour way.
    Was happy to have you to listen to on our March Break trip.
    Pamela in Canada

  53. I've been thinking of making this hat for a few weeks now and love how yours turned out. My favorite color in the Louisa Harding Thistle would have to be #3.
    Natalie in Australia :)

  54. It's a tough choice on the color of the Thistle I like best. The berry #8 is really pretty, but I think I have to go with the natural #1 as a go-with-everything choice.

    Love the 16 cable hat - I just love berets anyway, and that one has some real character.

  55. It is such a treat listening to your podcast while I ... KNIT, of course! I am smitten with Thistle #11, but all of the colors are lovely. Thanks for offering the giveaway, Alana!
    Jen in NJ

  56. I'm glad you had a good time at Stitches! I like color #3 of the Thistle. Thanks!

  57. Just discovered your podcast today. It's been a wonderful distraction... I just waved goodbye to my son as he goes on a camp with the school to Central Australia. The house seemed very empty when I got home but listening to your podcast was a wonderful distraction.
    Where was I? Ah yes! I really like the 'Old Rose" colourway. That hat looks exquisite. (Fingers crossed!!)
    (contact ATdancingwithfrogsDOTcom )

  58. Thistle #11 is very beautiful!

    Dianna H in OH

  59. Great podcast - you've piqued my interest with those two hats - and the thistle yarn is so pretty. I think my favorite is the blue, YLOU27-04. I have a niece who would love it!

  60. I love Thistle #11. Thanks for a great podcast!!!

  61. My favorite is Thistle #3. It would match every coat and jacket I own!

  62. Love your podcast! Definitely like the burgunday color #9.

  63. My favorite color is the #11, the dark peacock blue.

    I have had the 16 cable hat in my Ravelry favorites for quite sometime. *Crossing my fingers*

  64. If I was lucky enough to win I would choose Thistle #8, a sort of mulberry color.

  65. YAY! The NNK podcast is back!

    I love Thistle in #11.


  66. I am totally in love with Thistle color #11. It is a deep green that I think would be perfect for the 16 cabled hat! The podcast, as always, was wonderful!
    Natalie M.

  67. thanks for another great episode! My favorite color in Thistle is #8.
    thanks! Wendy

  68. Ohhh.... Love the hat patterns! I'm going with color #3...

  69. Oooh, I love #8, such a lovely rich burgundy color.

    I'm glad you're back from your podcast vacation!

  70. I think I'm going to have to go with #5, Old Rose. Such a pretty color. Really enjoyed this Episode; it was nice to learn about the Louisa Harding yarn line.
    Deb in NJ

  71. Hmmm... a fav color is so difficult to choose since there's a couple I like. I think I'd have to go with the old rose color as I'd be able to make a warm and pretty hat for my daughter with it!

  72. I like Thistle #11. Beautiful yarn. Love your hats. I'm really enjoying your podcast. Thanks for the giveaway!
    juliewknits on Ravlery

  73. I think my favorite knitting book is Louisa Harding's knitting little luxuries, so hurray for new yarn from her! I really like the old rose color of thistle too.

  74. I love the hats and the yarn! I want them all! #11 is my fave.

    Your story this podcast was hilarious. I had a similar experience when I discovered my first yarn store. HEAVEN!! I haven't slept with any yarns yet, but I have some Misti Alpaca that I admit I fondle often. SO SOFT.
    Serenity (callmeserenity on Ravelry)

  75. I missed your podcast! I love the color you're wearing in your hat (#3)but #8 is so gorgeous, too! Beautiful! -Kelly M

  76. Hi Alana. I am new to your postcast and really enjoying it.

    I always drop or lose my cable needle, but I stumbled on a solution. I "inheritied" a couple of slightly bent dpns -- I don't know if they're wood or bamboo or what, and I'm not sure it was purchased already bent or that the previous owner bent it. But it stays stuck in my knitting projects much better than my other cable needle and it works just fine as a substitute cable needle. I don't know if this will help you or not.

  77. Love the depth of #8. And the yarn does look wonderfully cushy!

  78. Looks like the first time didn't publish?

    I love the depth of #8. The yarn has a really cushy look to it!


  79. Another great episode. I love the 16 cable hat. The Louisa Harding colors were wonderful. I love Thistle #1.

  80. I loved your podcast!!! Although I've never worked with Thistle before I think my favorite colors are #1, #3 and #5 and I have seen your pictures for the 16 cable hat and it makes me want to knit one up right away.
    -Meghan V

  81. Cute hat! Don't know where I've been--I have never seen that pattern. I like color #1, white (or cream).

  82. I'm going to check out Loops. I really enjoy your podcasts.

  83. Love your blog, your patterns and your podcasts. My favorite color of thistle is #8. Thanks.
    Chris in Maine

  84. It's tough, but of all the colors listed on Loops, I think I'd choose #11, the greenish-tealish color. I've been considering the Cedar Leaf Shawlette anyway, and this color would be nice and leafy without being all-out green. (And I agree: why do yarn companies, and car manufacturers, for that matter, just use numbers? Isn't creating color names the fun part? It's just like lipstick or nail polish. Color names evoke emotion and inspiration.)

    I also have to say that the Yarn Fetish story made me laugh out loud in the car. Who hasn't snuggled up with a ball of yarn fresh from the store? But to roll over and pull the ball from its own bed and into yours is hilarious! Must have been some dream!
    Bronwyn in IL

  85. Love the new hats. I think they are both on my Ravelry que. I love #5 Old Rose, but any of the colors are great.

  86. i would really like #3, and of course your podcast :)


  87. I love Thistle color #3, but honestly, all of them are stunning!!!! Thanks for the chance to win this yummy yarn. :-)

  88. My Favortie color is Thistle #9

    been missing listening to you, welcome back
    Teri P

  89. Thistle #3 is my favorite color. Thanks for another great podcast and giveaway!

  90. Alana - I just started listening to your podcast last week. I have listened to episodes 1-4, and the latest. I love it - I can relate to your early stories of knitting mishaps :)
    My favorite color of the Louisa Harding thistle is #3.

    Sandra J

  91. I was so stoked when I was clicking through my iPod and saw that you were back. YAY!

    I think that the Thistle yarn #18 is beautiful. The rich merlot color just warms me up looking at it.

    Once again, welcome back.

  92. Hope I'm not too late to enter the giveaway :) This looks like lovely yarn. I would love the #11 to make the 16 cables hat!

    (rav = knitsareforkids)

  93. This was the first time I have listened to your podcast and really enjoyed it. If I was buying LH Thistle I would either buy #1 white or Old Rose. Wish there were more color choices but I could always dye the white. Thanks for the info. Love the hat you made for your daughter.

  94. I love the cable hat and the yarn looks so soft.
