
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 36 : Embracing The Bump

Episode 36


The Winner of Episode 35's drawing giveaway is Penelope10! Congratulations!

*Check back in a few days to enter a special "Amy Butler drawing" for episode 36!

Receive 15% off of the new Amy Butler Belle Organic yarn at Dancing Ewe Yarns
until June 15,2010! Just enter special code "NNK1" in the checkout process!
This offer is exclusive to the Never Not Knitting listeners and blog readers!


  1. Glad you pointed me to Amy Butler Organic, I love it.

  2. Loved the episode! Especially that podcast listener's story ;0)Can't wait to see your new design projects!
    Jessica (jpeled on ravelry)

  3. I'm a quilter as well as knitter. It's so exciting to see Amy Butler venturing into yarn!

  4. Thanks for another great episode, which just accompanied me on my Sunday morning run. :) I am excited to check out the Amy Butler yarns. FYI -- I heard she'll be a guest on the Ready, Set, Knit podcast next Saturday. Hope you're enjoying your new home! :)

  5. Wow, Never even knew Amy Butler had moved into the knitting world!
    She's gonna take it by storm too!

  6. I just love Amy Bs fabric..I'm guessing her yarn is wonderful too!!

  7. Another great podcast! I especially enjoyed the story by your listener and how many times she ripped out to the beginning because of a tiny mistake. I am still that person after knitting most of my life! It was like that when I made my first Cedar Leaves-I'm sure you will remember my frantic pleas for help because I was having so much trouble with the short rows. That first shawlette I must have ripped out dozens of times for some tiny mistake! I'm getting a little better about it, but I'm a perfectionist and still sometimes can't live with it! And Amy Butler's yarn, oh, soooo pretty! I have an ancient sweater, store bought and designed by DKNY that was made of wool and cotton. Vogue recreated the pattern and I tried to make it, a complicated fair isle pattern, but I couldn't find a yarn that would truly recreate the look (or gauge). It's still my fav sweater, must be 20 yrs old now and falling apart. So maybe now I can recreate it with Amy Butler's yarn. I'm going to have to get her book, too! I'm going to have buy a skein though and see if I can get gauge for my fav sweater! Susan

  8. I really enjoyed episode 36, especially the listener's story, "Embracing the Bump". As always it's great to hear about new yarns.


  9. Thanks for introducing Amy Butler Organic. I love her. Also, thanks for the smile on my face, what a great way to end your episode "I knit my purl", it was great!

  10. Great Podcast... I am new to your Blog and have subscribed to your Podcast through Zune... Nice Blog BTW

  11. I saw the yarn in person last weekend and have been thinking of an excuse to buying a sweater's worth since then! It is so beautiful, texture and color!

  12. Glad to know about Amy Butler

  13. Loved the pod cast can't wait till the next one.
    Lori B.

  14. Thanks for another fun podcast! Knitting is always so much more enjoyable while listening to knitting talk!

  15. That's so funny that you think you're a yarn horder. I was talking to my mother and telling her I think I am one too! I said that at least yarn is soft and comfy and pretty so if my house fills up with it we can just sit on it and still be comfortable. ; )
    Gmail: archercrafts@gmail.com

  16. I'm a brand new knitter, like 2 days old. I picked it up after listening to some of your podcasts. Thanks for the inspiration

  17. I love Amy Butler. Thanks for talking about her.

  18. Just finished listening to your podcast while walking, and I am ordering some of this yarn today! You make it sound like I just MUST have some of this! I too am an Amy Butler fabric fan - thanks for turning me on to this yarn! Who knew? :)
