
Still Knitting...

Life has recently thrown us some unexpected surprises as sometimes life does. One change that has caused some stress recently is our moving houses, and figuring out exactly where all of that yarn of mine is going to fit. :)

But I'm still here working and knitting.

Here is my latest design project.. almost done! Well.. On my end anyways...
there is still the business of test knitting, tech editing, and pattern layout.
It takes a team to get a pattern published!

This is my first adult garment and I'm awfully excited about it!
Expect to see it around the first of June.

Also.. check out this wonderfully cheery new yarn I got in the mail yesterday..

There's nothing like brightly colored yarn to cheer a person up, right?
I have a little design project in mind for this one as well and I can't wait to get going on it.

This yarn is part of an exciting new line that I know a lot of knitters have been talking about.
I'll be sharing a review of it in my next podcast episode!


  1. oooh, i cannot wait to see your first adult garment. i'm sure it'll be a stunner!

  2. Best of luck getting settled in to your new home! The moving process itself is the worst... I'm in the midst of packing boxes for our upcoming move, too.

    Can't wait to see the new pattern! I hope it's a grown-up version of that sweet little tee from last year. ;-)

  3. Good luck with moving!! I can't wait to see your first adult design (or rather I can't wait to knit it up for myself ;0)

  4. Ooh bright colors. Can't get enough of that lately!

  5. I hope you will love your new home. Moving isn't fun, though. Sorry! I love your new adult whatever! I also love the beautiful coral(?) yarn. I will eagerly await to see what you have in mind for that.

  6. Gorgeous yarn! Love the colorway you're knitting with...can't wait to see what it is! Good luck with all the moving and designing!

  7. Is that an adult spring garden tee?? WooHoo!

  8. Your photography is so great! The shot of your new project is a wondeful illustration of the design process. Love the pen and tea!

  9. Hope you get settled in to your new house soon! I feel sure you'll find a special place for your stash! :) Love that bright coral yarn in the pic.

  10. Really beautiful this yarn. I love red in all your shades. The new pattern looks like a beautiful promise. I'm expecting...

  11. oooooo would love to sign up as a test knitter. I´m pretty quick. Let me know if you need one.

  12. You are quite the tease, just pooling that knitted garment like that......hummmmm looks like something my daughter would like to wear, when she still lived at home all of her clothes were are the floor in a similar pile!

  13. Oooh that's gorgeous! If you need a test knitter, you can count on me :)

    ~ Elly ~

  14. Enjoyed the Knitting Iceland interview. A friend went to Iceland a year ago and brought back 6 wheels of Icelandic wool for me -- I've begun the old shale stole in Folk Shawls, but haven't gotten very far. It's very interesting yarn! I'm using a dark denimlike blue. I'd love to see the Oh so blue colorway in real life!

  15. Good luck with the move - I know eacatly where you are at the moment - we have done 7 in 7 years. Humm an adult garment - very excitig - are you still after another test knitter?
