
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 38 : Love Potion

Episode 38


The Winner of Episode 37's Be Sweet Bamboo drawing giveaway is knitterlydesigns! Congratulations!

Receive free shipping (international too!) at the Becoming Art Etsy shop
until June 30,2010! Just enter special code "NNK" in the comments section when you place your order.
This offer is exclusive to the Never Not Knitting listeners and blog readers! Have fun!

Download the Mp3 for Episode 38 HERE.


  1. love love love your podcast! i just recently found it on itunes and have been listening to past episodes. i love your style choices, i think everything you made i would make too! keep up the good work!

  2. Oooh...Aaaahh...would love a skein of Becoming Art yarn!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Loved your listener's story about the power that beautiful yarn has over us knitters ;0)Can't wait to see your new design in August!
    (jpeled on ravelry)

  5. I just went on the "Becoming Art" yarn Etsy site, and it looks so yummy!

    (IknitCupcakes- Ravelry Name)

  6. Awesome giveaway!! I really liked the Love Potion story. Happy Knitting!

  7. Wonderful podcast, and oh my such beautiful yarns.

  8. Becoming Art yarns are just gorgeous! Would love to do the Wrist Mitts.

  9. Alana, another fab podcast. I already belong to the Becoming Art Rav group, although I haven't had the chance to purchase any yarn yet. Oh, that variegated green yarn is just delicious! I want, I need, I must have! And sadly, none available to purchase! The handspun is so pretty also. Must have some, too!

    I have to say, loved the story about the power of yarn, how it just entrances you! I would have had to keep it, too, if I loved it that much!

    I'm sorry you are still feeling under the weather and wishing you good health and that you feel better very soon! I can relate to your issues with certain foods, I've had similar problems and so many people just don't "get it" (including my mother!). Feel better! You are better than I am, I usually can't concentrate enough to knit when I'm under the weather. The wish to do it is there, but I know that I will just make too many mistakes and it's just going to be too frustrating. I am very much looking forward to your new pattern that's up and coming in Aug. Maybe it's something I can bring along with me when we go on vacation!

  10. Thanks for a great episode!

  11. I think I was spoiled by discovering your podcast before any others because it raises the bar and I am having a hard time finding another knitting podcast that I like as much as yours!! One podcast every 2 weeks just isn't enough!!

  12. love becoming art! i picked up a skein at stitches this year and loooove it. thanks for the giveaway! kungfucujoATgmailDOTcom

  13. love the rabbit idea. feel better

  14. Becoming Art + Spring Garden Tee= STUNNING!

  15. Thanks for featuring one of my favorite dyers!!

  16. great podcast, cant wait to see your toasty mitts in the green goodness.

    kikine78- ravelry

  17. I can see why you like the Becoming Art yarn as much as you do. It looks amazing.

  18. Love the skeins of Becoming Art yarn. Will take advantage of the free shipping.

  19. One of my favorite episodes, Alana! I really enjoyed the Love Potion knitting story, and was especially glad to hear that you have found a project and yarn that brings you some comfort knitting time while you've been feeling so lousy. Your mitts sound lovely :)

  20. Thanks for another great episode! Yours is one of my favorite podcasts to listen to while I'm knitting!

    "meilynne" on Ravelry

  21. Thanks for another very enjoyable episode!

  22. I think I shouldn't spend too much time exposed to "Becoming Art"...sigh...so much lovely.

  23. I've been enjoying your podcasts and was so intrigued by your description of this yarn and the Love Potion story, just had to stop by!

  24. I'm finally catching up with podcasts. So, I hope I'm not to late to enter the giveaway for the skein of Becoming Art yarn!
    (pastvast on rav)

  25. I first heard of Never Not Knitting on twitter just before Ravelympics, and I was actually a member of Team Never Not Knitting for that event! But only recently when I got my first ipod did I begin listening to the podcast. And I LOVE IT! I have gone back and listened to every episode from the beginning, and now that I'm caught up, I'm really bummed that I have to wait for you to post a new one instead of forging ahead as I have been. :) Thanks for your entertaining and delightful musings. I can't wait for the next episode! And I hope you are feeling better.
