
NeverNotKnitting Podcast Announcement

Hello podcast listeners: I just wanted to let you know that Episode 39 will be postponed to
July 15, 2010.
I've been dealing with some difficult medical situations lately, and I am using this time to recover.
Thanks for all of your support!


Dana said...

Alana, best wishes to you.

drMolly, the BeanQueen said...

Alana my best to you.

Kelly-ann said...

Oh, Alana...so sorry to hear that you are having some difficult times. You will be in my thoughts.

The Unraveled Librarian said...

Feel better soon! Medical problems are never fun.

Knit Kat said...

You must make sure that you REALLY feel better before thinking about podcasting again.

We can wait and will stay quite faithful to you!

With best wishes for a speedy recovery. xx

ZuzanaK said...

I'm so sorry you are not well! Take care of yourself.xxx

Unknown said...

Take care, Alana.

Kristin said...

I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. As others said, take time to recover fully. We'll be here when you are ready.



Anonymous said...

Sure do miss your voice. :) Get well soon!

Navel Gazer said...

I hope you are feeling better

Zenitude said...

Take care of yourself first. Take your time, we'll still be here.

Rachel R. said...

Echoing everyone else's thoughts - please take care of yourself and feel better!

Toby said...

Take care of you...

Pandora's Box of FIber said...

Take care of yourself! We are patient, and prefer you to feel great while podcasting, so do everything you need to.

I hope for a speedy recovery

Michelle B said...

OH take care of yourself and feel better soon!

My Fair Daisy said...

Feel better Alana - take care of yourself!

Deb said...

Hope you are better soon! Sending healing thoughts your way. =)

Anonymous said...

Sending good vibes your way. Your listeners want nothing more than for you to be well! :)

Jane Richmond said...

I am so sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. I wish you all the best and hope you are feeling better soon.

Ariane said...

think about yourself. take time for you. I wish you the best.

Holly said...

So sorry to hear you are having some medical difficulties. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Mosaic Magpie said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Liberty said...

Sorry to hear that. Take care and get well.

Jenny said...

Healing thoughts are coming your way, Alana. I've been thinking about you and hope you are on the mend soon.

LindaR said...

I hope you are doing well Alana.

I just finished a Spring Garden Tee, and wanted to tell you that I love the pattern!

Pam Sykes (aka Pretty Knitty) said...

ditto to the get well wished of others. . .my mother always told me, "When you are feeling 100% better, take one more day off." She was right! So, take the time you need, and I will be waiting and praying for you.

gracielynn's said...

God Bless you Alana..
I secong & 12th :-) everyone elses comments.. don't come back until you feel 100%..
prayers for you today :-)

Psycho-Knitter said...


Take care of yourself. That's certainly the most important thing.

Unknown said...

Alana, get well soon! I love getting your podcast!

Sally said...

Heal quickly, Alana. You are in my thoughts.

daniĂšle said...

Best wishes for a quick recovery ! Take good care of yourself !

Anonymous said...

Alana i hope you get well fast. My best wishes.

Fleur Pang said...

Feel better soon! We will be here waiting for you whenever you are ready. Missing you and wishing you a speedy recovery.

suesueb said...

Hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself.

Laura said...

Hi Alana, I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with this and hope you have a speedy recovery!

pearl said...

I've been concerned about you. I hope that you're recovering well. You are greatly missed, but take time for yourself and feel better soon.
We'll all be here when you're ready to return.
Enjoy all of the beautiful things in your world.

Jen said...

Take care of you!

Kerstin said...

You've been in my thoughts Alana. Wishing you better days ahead. Although we miss you, please take all the time you need for yourself. {{Hugs}} from the east coast.

Megan C. said...

Get better - especially being a mom we tend to forget sometimes to take care of ourselves first, so relax (tell your husband to buy you a hammock, if you don't have one already!).

If you still aren't up to podcasting, we could all send in sound-bites for an "Alana Fan-Club" podcast. :-)

The Unraveled Librarian said...
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