
New Pattern Preview!

Shawl Collared Cowl Preview Framed

Here's a little glimpse at a new pattern I have coming out shortly.
Its a quick to knit small item that is soft, squishy and very warm!
This is going to be a great item to knit and wear for autumn.
I cant wait until it gets cold enough out to wear mine!

Get your needles ready! :)


Kelly said...

Oooo...looking forward to this! I love quick knits and it looks perfect for hand spun!


Tinkie said...

Can't wait...looks intriguing!

Liberty said...

It already looks beautiful!

Unknown said...

what is it? is it a jacket?

Anonymous said...

Hehe, you're always teasing us with half-hidden previews! Looks gorgeous, can't wait :)

thewalshfam said...

Beautiful yarn! I can't wait to see more!

Amy said...

My guess is neckwarmer :)

Anonymous said...

That color is to die for!

Anonymous said...

LOVE those buttons!

Knit Kat said...

Love the buttons!

Maryse said...

It's so yummy! The buttons are gorgeous! Have a great weekend!

thewalshfam said...

I can't wait to see what this is! Love the yarn! I'm excited for fall... I can't wait for cooler weather :o)

Anonymous said...

you are such a tease! '->

Unknown said...

Yeah!! I love this. I think this is going to be my Christmas gift to several nieces this year. Have purchased the pattern and found several lovely colors of yarn.