
Autumn Vines Beret in Fresco

This beautiful version of my Autumn Vines beret pattern came in the mail to me just the other day. This is a test knit done for me by the talented Lily France and she did an amazing job as always!

The yarn she used was Classic Elite Fresco which is a soft, slightly fuzzy, beautiful alternative to the crisp smooth yarns that I used in the other samples. I thought I would share this hat with you to give you an idea of how the yarn can completely change the look of the pattern.

And guess what else? She got this hat out of only one skein!

Yarn found HERE. Pattern available HERE.

Thank you Lily!


  1. Holy moley! Your test knitter did a great job. I'm blown away...

  2. Lily is such an amazing knitter. I look very forward to seeing how she shapes up as a designer when she is older. I think the yarn she used added a nice halo to the beret!

  3. Wonderful job knitting and photographing!

  4. I am knitting the leaves on the Cedarleaf Shawlette right now. This is the first pattern of yours that I have purchased. I just love it. You give the best instructions. I taught myself to cable recently and I am feeling that I might need to by the Beret pattern and work on using some of those cable skills soon.
    I love the green.

  5. Listened to your podcast for the first time every on a VERY long trip back home. It was 11:30 on Christmas night and everyone in the car was asleep except me of course LOL You kept me company. I am now a huge fan of your podcast and can't wait to hear more from you !!!

  6. absolutely stunning. the stitches look so delicate.
