
How much yarn will I buy?



I will be visiting 2 awesome southern California yarn shops this weekend!

On Friday (tomorrow) I will be at Unwind yarn shop in Burbank from 5:30-9:00 for a special "Mini Stitches Extravaganza". There will be refreshments and special sales and it sounds like a whole lot of fun. 
If you would like to attend, please click HERE to sign up!

On Saturday, I have the priviledge of doing a "designer meet and greet" at this amazing yarn shop, Wildfiber in Santa Monica! 

Look at the size of this store! 

I have a feeling that I am going to do some serious damage here! I will be at Wildfiber from 10am-2pm and will be there  incessantly shopping  knitting and meeting people. So come on by and say hello!

At both stores, I will have my all of my printed patterns available for purchase and a whole bunch of knitted samples on display. So please, if you are local to the southern California area, stop by either Unwind or Wildfiber and say hello. I LOVE to meet my blog readers and podcast listeners in person!

I hope to see you there!


  1. Wish I still lived in CA so I could attend at least one of your sessions. Oh well. I saw your "Trunk Show" at "In the Making" today. It was so nice to see your creations in reality, rather than just pictures. Love 'em. Have fun buying yarn! :-)

  2. You should come up to NorCal, although there's not an awesome yarn shop like that around here (that I've found at least). :) Have fun!

  3. Ahh! I used to live in Burbank, I wish I was there now!! I hope you have a fabulous time!! Enjoy all the yummy yarn at those beautiful shops!

    A very jealous Eliana

  4. Gosh that store looks amazing, wish I had a LYS like that! Wish I could come see you too :)

  5. Wildfiber is AMAZING! I used to make special trips with my ladies from Ventura to Santa Monica. Make sure you have lunch at Fathers Office. Seriously, To DIE FOR.

  6. bring your wallets folks! because when you see the items from the trunk show and the beautiful pattern lay outs, you will have. to. buy. them. now.

    Or that was my experience at Stitches West! Once all these babies in my life get fitted out in knit wear, I'm casting on for my spring tee.... knowing me, it'll be ready just in time for fall. :~P

  7. This is an amazing store! Have fun! Hope to see you soon in Montreal! Just kidding...

  8. Wish I weren't thousands of miles away. However, I just know I will meet you one of these days Alana. The yarn stores look AMAZING and your presence just add to them. Have fun!

  9. I can smell the fiber fumes from here! Enjoy!!

  10. More than you will tell your husband ;-)
    Those yarn stores look amazing, have fun!

  11. Wow! Wish I lived close enuf to visit Wildfiber! Stunning!

  12. WOW !!!!!
    Would love to visit that store one day ;)

  13. Wow, if only I wasn't on the other side of the Atlantic!! Any chance you could ever come over and *star* in British Yarn stores?

  14. I would be vewy, vewy ascared to go into Wildfiber... there is sooo much yarn! Wow. =>

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Holy Crappers, but that's a HUGE store!

  17. Wow! You've found Nirvana....have fun!

  18. Ooooh! I wish I could be there - to meet you AND shop!! I've been to Wildfiber before and it is wonderful! :)

  19. Whoa--that is some store! Enjoy the day!

  20. Wow!! Why can't we have yarn shops like that in NY? Or why can't I live in CA? Hope you had fun!!!
    Jpeled on ravelry

  21. Oh my that looks like knitting heaven

  22. Now the question is: How much yarn DID you buy?!! :-)

  23. Oh, Mother of God... that store is huge. Better you than me, girlfriend....
    I would be spending the rent!
    I hope you enjoy totally!

  24. Do they have a big yarn stores like these out here in Northern California?

