
Upcoming Book Giveaways and Reviews

Over the past several months, I've received a bounty of beautiful new books from Sixth and Spring Publishing. Since I am currently on a podcast break, I thought it would be fun to organize something new for the blog.

For the next seven weeks, I will be providing a review of each book. One book per week.
This is a great opportunity for you to look inside the publications and figure out if these would be a good addition to your knitting library.

And of course.. there will be a giveaway for each book too! Everyone will have a chance to enter to win one book each week. This will be fun and fast paced and I hope you will enjoy it.

Speaking of giveaways though.. 

Many of you winners have not claimed prizes from previous giveaways. Please check out the previous posts and contact me right away if you are a winner at nevernotknitting@gmail.com.

Thanks! Ill be back next week with a book review!


  1. How exciting! I've never actually purchased a knitting book, but the last podcast you did reviewing Kate and Courtney's book tempted me. Can't wait to read your thoughts on this new selection!

  2. Goodness, I can't imagine not claiming a prize if I had won. I
    wonder if because the winners are announced on the 'old' post is why they are being missed?
    I love reading knitting books and have quite a collection, but always on the look out for new ones. Can't wait to read your reviews.

  3. I can't wait for a chance to win any knitting book. I have been working my way through your podcasts and I am enjoying them immensely!

  4. I can't wait to read your reviews! I'd like to expand my slowly growing library, and reading another knitters review would be lovely. =)

  5. I'd love to read your reviews! Can't wait for it to start!

    BTW, when are you releasing new patterns, Alana? I love seeing these beautiful creations, both the pattern itself and the layout designs. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What a nice surprise :) It'll be great to read your reviews over the next few weeks, and to participate in the upcoming give-aways.
    Thank you Alana. Take care x

  8. I love to create the things as well,I dont know how to knit so for now I am just crocheting,but I am going to learn!
    have a nice day!


  9. I think weekly reviews will make waiting for your next podcast a little more manageable. :-) I hope you are enjoying your break.

  10. Oh wow! Those look like great books!

  11. hmmm, some of those books look intriguing. I'll be interested to hear what your opinion is. Knitting over the edge looks the most excitng while I can't imagine an entire book on cowls.

  12. Great idea! I dont think I am a previous winner...maybe a future winner!

  13. Well, I don't think I've wone anything, but I do find reviews helpful - especially if they are real honest ones. Thanks.

  14. so I immediately went to check if I'd somehow won some lovely yarn... I don't think I have, but did you ever draw a name for the Feb 5th giveaway? I don't see it on the original post or your post from Feb 15th....


  15. I love book reviews. I love knitting books. What could be better than a book review about knitting books?

  16. Not only do I love to knit, but I love knitting books! And what's neat is I don't have any of the ones you are going to review. So this is very exciting! Thank you Alana! Now I have something to look forward to each week!

  17. I am actively building my knitting book library, including videos. I'll be interested in what you have to say about these books to see if I should add them to my collection. Thanks!

  18. double temptation. Book reviews to tempt me to buy more books, and the vague possibility of free books!

  19. look forward to the book reveiws. can't wait to see.

  20. I'm missing your podcasting, but am glad to have your blog and book reviews.

  21. I love reading knitting books and have quite a collection, but always on the look out for new ones. Can't wait to read your reviews.
