
Spring Sale

Get ready for Spring with a special sale!

Get 50% off of my childrens sized Spring Garden Tee and the adult version of the Spring Garden Tee pattern through Sunday March 20th.

This is a very fun and feminine springtime top that is worked entirely in one piece. 
The children's pattern is sized all the way from baby to girls size 14!

To receive your discount, please follow the link to my pattern store here
Select the patterns you would like and click "Checkout" at the bottom.

In the checkout process enter the special code "SpringSale"

This code can also be used for pattern purchases on ravelry.com.

Enjoy your springtime knitting!


  1. This has been on my list for a while, thank you for the sale Alana, I've purchased the pattern and will now get some yarn... Christmas gift knitting will be put on hold til I treat myself to this for Spring ;-)

  2. Thank you for the discount, Alana. I already have the adult version, and although I don't have a girl to knit the small versions for, I'm going to buy the pattern anyway. Can't resist the temptation to keep such a beautiful pattern in my library.

  3. Simply gorgeous - as usual! Thank you!

  4. This is VERY tempting! I think I will have to get both!!!!

  5. I made a pair as a mother/daughter gift and it was very well received. Great patterns!

  6. Ooh! I love the idea of the spring garden tee for me. I'm such a selfish knitter. :)

  7. I got the adult and child sized spring garden tee and couldn't resist throwing in the oak grove mitts. I'm burning through a printer cartridge as I type printing them out. Thank you so much for the sale!

  8. considering I haven't knit a stitch on my tee, I should have waited until now to buy it! haha. Happy Spring to you!

  9. I missed the sale but I recently purchased this pattern. It is the perfect top to dress up a pair of summer cargo shorts on a 6 year old! I plan to knit at least 2 for the summer and maybe a longer version for bathing suit cover up.
