
Week 7: Book Review: Knitopedia

And... here I am again with another book review!

I randomly chose a winner from last week's book giveaway. Congratulations to Sangeetha!

For this week I will be reviewing and giving away this copy of Vogue Knitting Knitopedia 
provided by Sixth and Spring books!

And what an amazing book it is too!

This is a fabulous all around reference book for knitters of all levels. It is a thorough, very well written encyclopedia of all things knitting. And what I really appreciated is that it is not just text, but many of the words include pictures too! There are basic knitting terms, as well as obscure knitting related words that Ive never even heard of before. Inside you will find explanations and definitions for techniques, ethnic knitting traditions, history, fibers, and even knitwear designers! 

Um.. on a side note.. I did look up Alana Dakos in there.. and didn't find a listing... but that's ok. :)
Maybe someday though, right?

I found this book to be extremely interesting and very informative. I think it would be beneficial for any knitter to have in their library. I could see this being an absolute "cant-live-without" resource for a beginner especially. 

So.. since I am so nice and all, I will be giving away this copy of Knitopedia to one of you readers. 
To enter to win, please leave a comment under this blogpost that includes your contact information.
Only one comment per person please.

Ill be announcing the winner next week with one final book review.
So please check back then to see if you are the winner!

Since I've started these reviews on my blog, I've been working on some projects behind the scenes! 
I look forward to sharing them with you soon! :)


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Anna said...

This book looks fantastic. I'm always looking for new knitting info. I've only been knitting for a couple years so I'm still learning. Thanks for the giveaway!

Joanne said...

Wow - another amazing book.
My fingers seem permanently crossed! LOL

Hannah said...

Want this book!

Nina said...

I'm looking forward to see your new projects! And reading about the books are interesting for a girl in Norway :-)

Have a nice weekend!

Karate said...

You are very nice, indeed! What a handy resource. Enjoy your weekend!

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Holly said...

Sounds exactly like the type of book this novice knitter needs! I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the review!

Christine said...

I'd love a copy of this book!
Rav: christinecy

Ann said...

What an interesting book and even though they forgot you, I would love to have it!

Jandy said...

Thanks for a great giveaway. I'd love to win this book. I'm cowgirl92 on ravelry.

Anonymous said...

I'm almost non-stop knitter, but must be some things that I don't know :), so this would be nice thing to have.

~RaenWa~ said...

Wow another generous book giveaway. This looks like a great book thanks for the contest.


Unknown said...

In spite of the fact that you are missing from this book (?!) I would still like to enter this drawing - Thanks Alana :)

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

I haven't seen the book in person yet, but I'd love to!

Knit Kat said...

Hi, I saw the book being launched at Vogue Knitting LIVE in January, and couldn't afford to buy it then, however, I would simply love a copy. Many thanks Alana.
Rav. Nellie1001

Little Miss S. said...

Love your book giveaways. Makes me want to enhance my knitting book shelf...

Valula said...

One day...for sure!

I'll consider myself much improved when I don't need to get Mr Google to help me all the time, he must be fed up of my questions by now ;-)

Rav: -Valula-

Rachelle said...

Here's hoping!
sable at xtra.co.nz

Anonymous said...

Seems like a brilliant book, want one!

Fingers crossed :)

Estella said...

I keep hoping that random generator finds my number! :)

Anonymous said...

I love reference books! :)

Monica said...

I am always amazed at how much more I have to learn about knitting...so I hope It'll be me!

sconelady said...

would love to add this to my knitting library!

Toja said...

I would LOVE to win this knitting book! Thanks for the give-away.

memphish said...

Lovely book. What a treat for the winner.

In Julie's Opinion said...

I've heard so many good things about this book, and I would love to own my own copy :)

wdtmb said...

Looks great, thanks for the review, and the giveaway!

Kamigaeru said...

Somehow I have not seen this book yet, perhaps because my local bookstores don't carry a lot of the good knitting books? Looks like a great resource!

Chantal Boucher said...

You are very generous... i would keep all those precious books!! hi hi hi!!!

kjramstack said...

I would love a chance to win the book. I'm a fairly new knitter and need to look up how to do certain stitches quite often.

kjramstack at yahoo dot com

mhchong said...

This book is on my wish list. WANT... no, NEEED this book! Thanks for all the book giveaways. I hope I walk away with one :)

Suzanne said...

Um...you may not have made Vogue yet but give it time. You made Stash and Burn's top 100 which I thought was pretty awesome.

ctexas said...

Would love to have this book in my library.
Great giveaway again, thank you for the chance to win.


Jen Price said...

Would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Something like this is exactly what my [so far rather small] knitting library needs!

Kim said...

Looks awesome. Thanks for the great review!

Steph said...

you'll make the revised edition!

Pauline Barry Clark said...

Would love to have this as a replacement for the very old reference I have now. Looks great.

Hazy said...

I would love to add a book like that to my shelf. I'll make sure to write your details in with it. :)

Erin said...

That DOES sound useful! Hope I win! =)

MotherHenKnits said...

Looks like a great book!

Monica de Moss said...

You're making me drool with all those great books! Fingers crossed that I can win this one.

I'm looking forward to seeing the projects you've been working on.

Emily said...

Ooh that looks so useful!

Alicia said...

Gotta love reference books!!

Ellen Barnes said...

This looks good! I love a good go to reference book.

Melissa said...

This looks like a great book to own for any knitter! Thank you for the giveaway!

Rachael said...

What a great reference to have around!

Retha said...

this looks like a great book to add to my ever-growing library. :)
rav id rethers

Ana said...

The cover alone is gorgeous. Hope to win!

aanderson said...

Thanks for another great giveaway.


Teresa said...

Looks like a lovely resource. I'd love to win it!

pickledpurls said...

It must be mine! Seriously.. I must be mine.

Judi said...

This definitely looks like a great read and reasource book. Probably would be a good one for me/1 :-)

The Huron Family said...

Oooo, sounds like a wonderful book! Hope I win

Anonymous said...

I would love this book.

Laura said...

I think you should sneak into the bookstore and add yourself to every copy :)

-aprilshowers on Ravelry

Pam said...

I have an OOOLLLD Vogue Knitting book - full of things that help me make good knitting decisions. This is a different book & I'd love to call it mine.

Pam on Ravelry

Whitney said...

Awesome giveaway!

Erin said...

What a great resource!


Geny said...

This looks like a fabulous resource, espeically for a new knitter like me! Thank you for the chance to win!

marlie said...

This definitely needs to be added to my knitting library!

marlon (at) pobox (dot) com

Maryissewfast said...

What a great book! Thanks for a chance to win it! Mary mdeeter@hotmail.com

Polarpurplebear said...

Thanks for the giveawy, would love to win!
Loupyloo on ravelry

Rachel D. said...

This would be a great book to have. I'm glad to hear it has pictures as well, as I am a very visual learner.


Kristin said...

I would love that book!! Can't wait to see what you have been busy with!!

kristinfitzgerald on Ravlery

Charlotte kaae said...

This was just the book I have been looking fore. I hope this will be mine.


Cinnamon said...

Shame on Vogue for leaving you out! ;) I've been coveting this book, would love to win. And can't wait to see the "behind the scenes". Thank you for the wonderful book giveaways.

Miss Julep said...

Oh I could REALLY use a book like that!! Thanks for the giveaway.

Guru Nam Kaur said...

The book looks great. Thanks for the chance to win it.

joyceetta said...

I'd love to add this book to my library.

Susan J. said...

Looks like it would be a great addition to the knitting bookshelf - as always, thanks for the chance to win!

drMolly, the BeanQueen said...

Hi Alana, LOL, I'm shocked that you were not in there! But, it does look a wonderful addition to a knitters library.

Sara Kathryn said...

Wow! That sounds like a great book!

Katie L. said...

This book would be a great addition to my very small knitting book library. Thanks for hosting the giveaway! katie.lustig@gmail.com

Tracey said...

Nice! Would love to win a copy

Cheryl said...

What an excellent looking book - thanks for the review - and the giveaway!

Charlotte said...

This looks like a fantastic book!

Zenitude said...

I agree that everyone needs a reference book like this one. I would be happy to give this book a home!

Tall Kate said...

Another great book you're offering--thank you for the opportunity!

Van said...

Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I love all of your beautiful things. I was so happy to meet you at Stitches West. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!

Francie said...

My favorite reference book is the Ultimate Knitting Book by Vogue Knitting. So, I'm sure this is a great book too.

Thanks for the chance to win.


Svenja said...

This looks great! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

mattinasera (at) yahoo (dot) de

710 East Myrtle Avenue said...

I'm only starting my knitting book collection and would love to win this one!

knitterlydesigns said...

Wow! What a great book. I definately would love to have this in my collecction.

knitterlydesigns on Ravelry

Shannon said...

It's always nice to have another great reference book!

Lauren said...

Wow, that book looks amazing!

Sabrina said...

I would LOVE to have this in my knitting library! What a great resource.

Susannah said...

I could see this coming in super handy!

Anna said...

I never seem to get around to buying a knitting reference book; everything I have is patterns on a certain topic, like socks or lace. Looks interesting, though. charis_channah17 AT hotmail DOT com

Raime said...

Fabulous! Rav ID: mamaramelade

Skye said...

I know you'll make the next edition. still, it looks like a nice book.

Kristi ~ ArtSea said...

Wow, this seems to be exactly what I've been looking for! What a great sounding book! Being the beginner that I still am this would be the perfect addition to my library!

Papayamaya said...

Looks like a great book! I would love a copy. My rav ID is mayapof.

troy and christina said...

Thanks for reviewing these great books! -christina
bowie on Ravelry

Becky said...

I want this book very badly. It looks amazing! Thank you for the giveaway!

Awa said...

oh, I would love a copy of this book!

Sangeetha said...

I have heard amazing things about this book - very informative and good

Pachie said...

I would make great use of this book, please pick me!

Moa said...

Wow, what a great book! I'd definitely love to own it :)

Best Moa

moaboa [at] telia.com

NLeigh said...

Would be thrilled to own this book! At Ravelry I'm NLeigh. Danke!

Susan said...

That's OK, Alana, WE know where to find you! Guess I would keep the book anyway were I to win it...

penelope10 said...

A must have!!

FabEwelous Knits said...

Looks like a cool book!


Deirdre said...

sounds like a great book

wyvernfriend at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

Do I have room on my knitting shelf for yet another book? You bet! This looks like a must have.
Thanks for the review.

jewelann said...

I'd love to have this book to add to my library!

steph said...

what a great giveaway! would get lots of use at my house!

Maryse said...

It does seem like a very interesting book! Thank you for the great giveaway! I look forward to seeing your new projects! Have a great weekend!

Poethead said...

I'm going to give this post the magic kiss! I want this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Ever since I started knitting I've been on the look out for a good ref. book. This looks like a great one!!


Robin said...

I would love a reference book.

Carla said...

I think owning such an amazing reference book would be great!

OkamiShoujo on Ravelry

d. said...

Sounds like a good read. Here's hoping!

billicummings said...

I've had my eye on this book for a while, I'm jumping at the chance to win it!


Meg said...

This would be an EXCELLENT book to add to my collection!

Patricia said...

This looks like a fabulous book! Would love it!

Debbie said...

I would love this book. I've seen some very nice reviews. Although I've heard som prominent knitter's are not included, my fav being Wendy D. Johnson. Thanks for the giveaway. Debbie in Alaska

Kathy said...

It looks great. Thanks for the review. Here's hoping I win :-)

Meg said...

What a wonderful book! Thanks for the giveaway!
Rav: booklady08

dendiane said...

I need a good reference book. Thanks for the chance to win it!

timothyandreas28 said...

I'm intrigued by Vogue's reference books but have never bought one.
I love your Birds and Bees design, by the way. I think Knitterella definitely did an awesome job for the layouts.

My Ravelry ID: Rlynn

Jo - The Knitographer said...

Ohh that looks amazing! Thanks for such a cool giveaway!

melanie said...

Another great book trhat I just need to add to my library!

neferatowen said...

Very nice! :)

Deb said...

Intriguing! I'd love a copy.

kristal135 said...

Hi Alana, I would love this book.. Can't believe you were not mentioned!!!!! Kristal

margaretk said...

This book would fit well in my small knitting library. THanks for the review!

Deb said...

Thanks for another great review, Alana! Sure would like to win this book!

Tish said...

OMG I want that book soooo bad !!!

asteride said...

Knitting books, ahhh! I love them all!
Thank you for the giveaway.

Kitty Couture said...

What a fabulous book! Thank you for another great giveaway Alana. Your name is bound to make the list soon! :)

ladybug said...

I would love to win this book!

Betty said...

This book would help me so much! Thanks for all your info. I can't wait for the podcast to start again!


Frankly Beka said...

Every time I see a knitting encyclopedia, or reference book I think to myself "I really should get one of those. You never know when you're gonna need an answer, and find that your internet has quit on you." Feel free to call me if you're in one of those situations and I've won your Knitopedia. ;-)


Elise said...

I love knitting books and I can use all the help I can get so this would be a great book. Love Vogue as well.

Gracey is not my name.... said...

Me, me, me! I'd love a copy! I just started knitting and am collecting references...

Francesca said...

This book looks fantastic. Thanks for the giveaway!

Heidi J said...

I'd love to receive the Knitopedia. Your giveaway has been fun to read through, but this is the first time I've posted a comment. Thanks for the fun ideas, Alana.

Heidi -- h_jankowski@att.net

Holly said...

This book sounds like a great reference to have on hand!

Jen said...

This looks great!!!

Unknown said...

Eek, this is what I've always wanted!


Gudlaug Erla Magnusdottir said...

Oh my! I really want this book!!

Megan said...

Who doesn't need a good go-to resource? Fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

OH!! I really would love to have this book!! Thanks for the great giveaways!!

Joyce said...

Sounds like a reference I could really use! Thanks for the wonderful giveaways and excellent reviews!

Kathryn W. said...

i love knitting manuals!! thanks for the review and the giveaway!!

Marie-Hélène said...

This book seems amazing too. Thanks for the draw!

zenmaria said...

Have a great Mother's Day!!!

Linda said...

Would love to have this book when teaching beginners.

Shelley said...

As a novice knitting this would come in so handy - thanks for the review and the opportunity!


Kerstin said...

Thanks for another great giveaway Alana! I would love to win this one!

donna said...

Maybe you'll be in the reprint?!

cksknitter said...

I could use a good knitting reference book.

cllcraft said...

Vogue books are always the best, and this one sounds like a winner too. Thanks for the giveaway!

Favona Girl said...

Looks fantastic, fingers crossed!!

mary said...

Obviously this book is a work in progress as they haven't included you in it yet. Would love to win a copy. Would to check that there isn't a mention of you that has been omitted from the bibliography by a a proof reader who perhaps needs to do some more knitting.

mary said...

Obviously this book is a work in progress as they haven't included you in it yet. Would love to win a copy. Then I can check that a proof reader hasn't missed you off the bibliography by mistake because she had too many knitting projects on the go.

Amanda said...

Fingers crossed...!

SillyLittleLady said...

Everyone needs a good reference book in their knitting library, thanks for the giveaway!


Ms. Knitsalot said...

Looks like a great addition to the knitting library! Thanks...

KCarney said...

Looking forward to seeing more of those new projects you've been working on!

Missy said...

I just started knitting last year- what a great tool this book would be! Thanks for the great giveaway! :)

rinebird said...

This book by Vogue is a great book acordinbg to reviews I have read,It is wonderful Alana,you are giving these books away.

rinebird said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
karen alho said...

It looks wonderful! I know it was on my daughter's Christmas list of wanna haves. I'm currently overseas so I haven't been able to drop inot my nearest book store to take a look.

ravelry id: intavira

Quelle Fille said...

Did you try to find your name as a synonym for the colour green? You never know.

....and I agree you can never have enough green!

Brenda said...

Thanks for another contest! Looks like a great book.

I am goodstuff on Rav.

Anonymous said...

i love all the vogue knitting books! what a fun give-away!


Liberty said...

I agree that someday you will be in it. :)

Cara said...

Yes please :) what a great giveaway.

G. K. Green said...

Please enter me in the book giveaway. I have already been on to the publisher to add your undoubtedly accidentally omitted entry into the errata they will soon issue, I am sure, and if I win the book I will personally add your entry to my copy to make it complete, so there! 8^) Thank you ...

G. K. Green
gkgreen on ravelry.com

LittleEdenMakes said...

Oh this book looks fantastic, apart from the glaring error of missing out one 'Alana Dakos' a knitwear designer and podcaster of some major awesomeness.

knitgirl said...

That would be a great addition to my library. Thanks for the giveaway.

knitgirl said...

That would be a great addition to any library. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Unknown said...

alana dakos should definitely be in there! write the editor! ashleymccauley on ravelry

Wendy said...

Sounds like a great book. Please enter me in the drawing.

Wendy (Wendeluu on Ravelry)

thewalshfam said...

I'd love to add this book to my knitting library! Thanks for the review!
rnmama on rav

stephigordon said...

I would LOVE to win this! Thanks for the chance! Stephanie stephi_gordon@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I might actually buy this if I don't win!

Unknown said...

This would be a great book to own! Thank you for the review!!

sara said...

Great give-away, thanks Alana!
rav ID = smdenbo

Alycia C said...

Awesome giveaway! I would love to add such a wonderful book to my collection.

Julie said...

Just bought a bunch of yarn/fiber at MD Sheep and Wool. Need projects!

Unknown said...

Wow - that looks like an amazing knitting resource !! I hope I'm the lucky one !! :-). PKMom on ravelry...

summerjc said...

Looks like a great resource!

Bonnie said...

Thanks so much! That looks like a great book.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for giving away all of these books! It must be hard not to keep them all for yourself!

Char said...

I'd love to have this in my library!

Unknown said...

Wow do i need this!!!

karen said...

Hope I am not too late for the giveaway. I am a fairly new knitter and would love this book.
Can't wait to see your new projects!

onescrappychick said...

ohh I'd love to own this one.

Savannagal said...

I've heard good things about this book. It would be a terrific resource. Thanks for the contest.

Savannagal on Ravelry

Kristen said...

I could definitely use a Knitopedia!

globalite on Ravelry

CeciGonz said...

great blog! Keep up the good work!

Larissa said...

Oooo- I want in! Please count me in for your giveaway.

Alisa said...

looks like a great book! Thanks for the chance to win!

shannon said...

What a great resource, I would love to have this book.

L. P. said...

Even if I don't win this book, it is on my wish list.

Missy said...

Looks like a great reference book!
mkrids on Ravelry

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