
The Tale of Two Skeins

As a fellow knitter.. you know how it goes. We buy yarn with the best of intentions. Beautiful expensive skeins. But sometimes they are so beautiful we are afraid to use them for fear that they will be wasted on an unworthy project. 

And yes...I'm using the word "we" here when maybe I should be saying "I". I guess I'm hoping that I'm not alone in this.

Frankly, this happens to me more than I care to admit. 
And that is what happened with these two skeins below. 
Remember this? And this?

They were lying in the deep recesses of the stash. One skein dates all the way back to a 2007 purchase!

But guess what? Although I was envisioning each of these gorgeous skeins for their own separate equally gorgeous projects.. I realized as of late that they look awfully good paired together.

So that's what I did! I was able to incorporate both skeins into a design for my upcoming design collection.

And I can't tell you how good that feels to lift these two beauties from the dark, lonely depths of my yarn bins.


  1. Hi Alana,

    I used to do this but stopped the minute I realized I could always unravel and knit something else with again... :)

  2. You are not alone. It is definately a "we" ;)

  3. Yay for new creations! And, yes, we have all done that... ;-)

  4. Oh yeah, I've done it too. All. The. Time.

  5. Beautiful Alana! I have the same problem, but with yarn and fabric! Can't wait to see the collection when it comes out!
    - Barbara

  6. More evidence as to why yarn stash is so important. It just sometimes takes a while for a particular yarn to shine!

  7. Definitely a "we" :0)
    jpeled on ravelry

  8. Totally not alone and they look gorgeous together!

  9. I cannot wait to see your new creations. Speaking of which how is the pregnancy going? ;-)

  10. Don't worry - you are not alone.

  11. Your not alone, I do the same thing with fabric. I wait for the worthy project to present itself and sometimes it takes years!

  12. Yep! Doing it! I have this skein that I thought would be perfect for something. It has been sitting there waiting for 4 years. Gorgeous sneak peak!

  13. oh, I hear that. I've got a gorgeous skein of handmaiden seasilk that I'm actually afraid to use.

  14. Don't worry it is "WE" not "I"

  15. Hi Alana,

    Congratulations on your new patterns, I have purchased all your head band patterns for my little girl! I love your podcast and your fun and sophisticated patterns! Pace yourself and never never give yourself a hard time - life is filled with small moments that should not be filled with regrets! You are amazing!

  16. Oh yes, because when it is used up we don't have it any more and what if the PERFECT knit comes along?

  17. Yes, you can say "we". I do that too. Those colors are beautiful!
