
All Together.. At Last!

A few weeks back, Hannah sent me all of her book samples just in time to display at a Coastal Knits preview event at one of my local yarn shops, Ranch Dog Knitting.

It was so fun to see the entire collection all together in one location!

It also was wonderful to finally see Hannah's east coast knits in person. 
..which fueled my unbridled obsession with this pattern...

It's the coziest, comfiest, most wearable cardigan ever. I want one. Now.

The Water's Edge Cardigan is also adorable!

And I thought it matched quite nicely with my Cambrian Cowl.
(For those of you who have been asking, the buttons are from HERE.)

I was also quite enamored with the beautiful side shaping on the Bayside Cardigan
It was even more striking in person.

Here is a 32" Gnarled Oak Cardigan knit up in the Bronze Age colorway from Pigeonroof Studios
It's a bit hard to tell in this picture, but it's a rich coppery color. 

I often like to get my patterns test knit in an alternate color or yarn. 
Here are my two samples of the Cambrian Cowl. 

The cream version is the original from the book knit up in Alpenglow Yarn Big Fat Alpaca
The blue version was knit in Misti Alpaca Tonos Chunky
Both are excellent options for this design.

Here are two versions of my Rustling Leaves Beret. The lighter green is the original Tactile Fiber Arts version, but the tonal green beret was knit up in Madelinetosh Tosh Sock in the Wren colorway.

Any sock weight yarn will work will work for this pattern, but Tosh Sock is an excellent alternative.

For the Sand and Sea Shawlette, I had my second version test knit in Madelinetosh Prairie in the Cove colorway.  I wanted to show what this design looks like knit in one main color. Since Cove is a beautiful blend of browns and blues, it still evokes the feeling of the Sand and Sea combining on the shoreline.

This is such a versatile design. Any combination of lace or sock weight would be great for a light summery shawlette. But you could even do a thicker yarn for a more substantial shawl.

There will be two Coastal Knits trunk shows traveling the country very soon! 
Please check the schedule here to see if it will be appearing at a yarn shop near you! 


  1. I love that you get two patterns from the book when you pre-order Coastal Knits. I've been trying to figure out how to use my Juniper Moon Farm share yarn (cormo/mohair) for a year and decided I had to use it for the Rocky Coast sweater. It's really lovely! I think I'll have enough leftover for the hat, too. Lucky me!!

  2. Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing! I can't wait to get my book!

  3. So beautiful! i love the Rocky Coast cardigan, too. And your wildflower cardigan is sooo pretty.

  4. Wow thanks for sharing the lovely photos. I can't wait to receive my Pre-order Coastal Knits. I am going to knit the Cambrian cowl first! Kristal135

  5. Beautiful hand knits. They all look so pretty and cosy!

  6. I love how both of your designs actually go together. I am also obsessed with making the Rocky coast, I've been knitting up swatches. And those buttons are beautiful.
    Would you ever consider a stop in Montreal???

  7. Oh Alana this is perfect! I love that we get to see a close up of the designs. It makes me want them all even more!!

  8. Oh, the pictures are so enticing!

  9. love the wildflower cardi and I know I will be making the beret!

  10. I am just in awe of how beautiful these items are. My goodness, that stack of all of them is soooo stunning.

    Alana, you do the most beautiful job of blocking. If you ever publish anything about how you go about it, I would be all over it! Your finished garments are always just stunning.

    Thanks again for your great work!

  11. The collection looks seriously amazing- what an exciting time for you two!

  12. Oh my I can barely wait until the book gets here. The patterns make me want to start something NOW!

  13. So pretty! I really love the water's edge cardigan paired with the cowl

  14. Love seeing the samples in the store and the different colorways. I have a ton of projects waiting to cast on but I can't wait to recieve my copy of Coastal Knits! Congrats!

  15. I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on the book!!!

  16. Yea!!! The trunk show is coming to a store near me!!!

  17. I'm so glad you gave the source for those amazing buttons! I can't get over how great those are and will certainly be perusing the site to find my own button gems :).

  18. SO beautiful! I think I love the Cambrian Cowl.

  19. what a gorgeous,gorgeous collection!! just WOW.

  20. I love them all, I cannot wait to start knitting!

  21. These pictures are incredible! I think you and Hannah's book is beautiful!

  22. Waouh ! Magnifique !

  23. Can't WAIT to get my book. Absolutely gorgeous!

  24. Hey Alana,
    I can't wait for Coastal Knits to be released!!
    What kind of lamp is that in the background of the first picture? I've been looking for a good floor lamp for knitting by.

  25. Lovely patterns, I want to knit them all.

  26. All the patterns are awesome - esp the cabled cardigan!!

  27. I just ordered my copy...the patterns are so beautiful...The pictures are breath taking! I can't wait to start knitting!

  28. Sorry I am a bit behind in reading your blog. All the pieces look woderful. I noticed you've used the same buttons on the two cowls that I have on my Juliet.
