
It's Feeling Real

Over the weekend, I spent some time looking over the proofs for Coastal Knits trying to catch any last minute errors before it goes to press.

Seeing it in these printed forms, although they are rough, makes this feel very real. 

I am so excited about this book!!!!!!!!


  1. Congratulations! The book will be wonderful!

  2. The book looks absolutely stunning! It is a wonderful thing to see oneself published, right?

    I bet the pregnancy is feeling more and more real too!

  3. It's looking amazing! I'm really looking forward to having my copy.

  4. It must be, again, congrats. I personally am giddy with excitement until I get my own copy...

  5. I am finding it hard to wait to see your wonderful book!

  6. Wow! I can't even begin to imagine the excitement you must have. Do you sit and marvel at how far you've come from the start of your knitting career as a girl who bought a pack of size 6 dpns and split them with a friend?

  7. I am so EXCITED TOO!!! And, it comes out just about the time our little one is due, so I can slim down & knit something for me. :)

  8. Congrats! Can't wait to get my own copy!!

  9. Congrats! Enjoy this exciting time!
    jpeled on ravelry

  10. i can't wait to get your book, also! i wish i could have pre-ordered, but i have to wait for funds. Boo.

  11. Alana, I can't find a lot of information on the website. In particular I'm wondering what the pricing and shipping will be outside the US. I'm in Canada.

  12. To handmadehomeschool:

    Once you start going through the preorder process and entering in your info, you will see a running total change with the quantity and shipping address. You will see the total before you finalize your order. There are a lot of factors that determine the shipping price, too many for us list on the site.

    Email me if you have any other questions! Thanks! :)


  13. I'm really excited about your book too! I can't wait to get my copy.

  14. You should be excited and proud and al that stuff -- I can't wait to get my copy!

  15. Oh, Alana, I can only imagine how your heart sings seeing and holding this book!

  16. This looks like it is going to be an absolutely beautiful book. You must be very very proud!

  17. I do some editing and prepress work on books, and no matter how many times a book has been proofed, re-read and proofed again, I still get the jitters when I let one loose to be printed. I've been doing this for a long time and still get nervous about each one. (But they are always just fine.) I pre-ordered the book and can't wait to get it! :)

  18. Enjoy every second of this feeling ... can't wait to get my hands on your new book.

  19. It looks beautiful...can't wait to purchase one in the future. All your patterns are awesome to work up!

  20. When will Oct arrive? I can't wait for your book to arrive in the mail!!

  21. Looks so beautiful! I had banned myself from any more knitting books.....until Coastal Knits ! Xxx kristal135

  22. Congratulations! I definitely will be ordering this book!
