
My Work Week

This past week or so.. I've been literally surrounded by stacks...

and stacks... 

and stacks....

And some more stacks...

....which would have been so completely daunting and overwhelming if it wasn't for the help of our wonderful family and friends who tirelessly helped us get all of these copies of Coastal Knits packaged and out in the mail to all of you! 

Thanks to all of their help, we were able to get completely up to date with orders as of the end of last week. As a big, tired, very pregnant lady.. I am so grateful to each and every one of them!

Whoever might think that mailing out piles of books around the world is easy... well.. its no small feat let me tell you! Never did I imagine how many books would have to be shipped out thus far. I am amazed.. truly.

Thanks to your unbelievable support of Coastal Knits, I am happy to announce that less than two weeks after the book shipment was delivered, we are already into our second print run! 

Can you believe it? I can't. 

Thank you everyone!


Rachel said...

I was introduced to your podcast, book, and blog through the knitmore girls. My copy of Coastal Knits came this weekend, and it is a beautiful book. Please tell me you are already working on a second book!

acornarts said...

Yea! Congrats! I love my copy & thank you to you & your helpers for working so hard so I received mine so quickly!

Sue said...

I just ordered my copy at the end of last week and cant wait for it to arrive. Hopefully mail from your country to mine doesnt take too long. The patterns look wonderful everytime I see them.

Unknown said...

I have been meaning to write and thank you... for Nevernotknitting podcasting, for interviewing Hannah, and for co-authoring Coastal Knits! It is such a stupendously gorgeous book!!! I hope you are going to set a standard for others to follow!

Mostly though, I want to thank you and the team that packed and mailed the book to me. In your wisdom, you did a double envelope pack which saved my book from water damage. It arrived on a very wet and windy day, and the postman left it on my steps, vulnerable to the elements. Luckily, no damage was done, but I did open the package holding my breath!

Good luck and get some rest big momma!

Ms. Kimba said...

I got my book and it's lovely!!!! Thank you so much. I was delighted to see it in my mailbox and even more excited to see it opened up.

I don't know which project to start first,, but i think I picked the rocky coast cardigan

Jenn said...

Wow! That is just wonderful! I too want to say thank you to you and Hannah, and all your volunteers. I love the book, and am enjoying poring over it and planning my next projects.

Monica said...

Mine is on the way, and I am thrilled! Thanks to you and your friends and family for pitching in...
Hope you get to rest a little!

Kristina said...

It is beautiful! I am so excited to try several of the patterns. Thanks to all your hard work, and your helpers, for getting it out so quickly!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Now get some rest and get ready for your nest big delivery!

Silvia M. said...

I got mine already and I love it. Thanks!

Lisa said...

I got my copy last week and it is beautiful! Now I just have to find some time to knit for myself. Stupid Christmas knitting. lol

Kate said...

No wonder my book arrived so quickly! (And I'd also like to thank you for the double-packaging; even with the Fragile: Do Not Bend or Crush Corners stickers on front and back, mine was folded in half, and all four corners crushed. I can't think what it would look like without the extra packaging!) It's absolutely beautiful. I'm also a CA native, and had been trying to guess on the locales from which you derived your inspiration - I was pretty close on a couple of them, and others are so reminiscent of places that I visit regularly that it will be a joy to knit them all!

knittybarb said...

Alana - the book is completely beautiful. When you look through it, the care that you and Hannah put into producing it is very obvious. I hope there will be another book from the two of you!

Unknown said...

Oh my Goodness! That is so good, I'm really happy for you of how well this is going!

Amy Olsen said...

Got my book and have big plans in store. Waiting for my yarn to arrive though! Great work!

Keppy Girl Knits said...

Congratulations on your wonderful book and the second printing! It truly is a beautiful book!

I hope you can enjoy your family time now!


Nuttygal said...

2nd print that is so wonderful. I L-O-V-E my book.

annmarie said...

I love how this whole project shows from beginning to end the personal involvement of both you and Hannah, as well as your families and friends.

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! I'm glad that they are printing more, because I need to order mine.

Kerry McArthur, MPH, RD, CDN said...

I got my copy last week, too, and can't wait to finish all my WIPs and cast on for something in your gorgeous book. Congratulations on such a beautiful product!

Tully Family said...

CONGRATS & thank you for sending my copy so quickly! I'm itching to get started! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new book! Good luck on your projects for the next 2 weeks - they are gorgeous!

Regina said...

Well, thanks for getting the books in the mail. I love mine! You both did a wonderful job - everything about them. Congrats on the second printing.

Betsy said...

I got mine and I love it. Hoping there will be a part 2....After the baby comes of course. :-)

VTwin said...

Wow, and one of those was mine! Thankful it was put inside a second mailer that was rain proof.

Marit said...

Thank you for a wonderful book! I ca'nt stop looking at all the beautiful pictures of project to knit and nature! Love it!

nicole said...

I got my copy today. And I hate to tell you this but even though you put the FRAGILE sticker on the flat mailing envelope on both sides, the mailman folded it in two and stuffed in my po box. Doesn't look like any permanent damage has been done...it's just aggravating that they did it. I'll put it under some heavy books to flatten it out. And then I'm off to knit some wonderful designs...ty!

autumngeisha said...

Congratulations! It is a gorgeous and inspiring book and my absolute favorite knitting book so far. That is saying a lot, since I own hundreds! I intend to knit every single project...they are all beautiful!

Penny said...

Oh my!

Anonymous said...

listening to your pod ! nice so far !!! im inspired !

Anonymous said...

just started listening to your pod, ventured to your blog ...love it so far ! congrats on the podcast and book...