
Handspun Baby Set

Several weeks back I knit up this quick little set for our new baby out of a gorgeous skein of Becoming Art Handspun yarn that has been waiting patiently in the stash for some time now.

The hat was knit from the pattern Quynn from the book Bambeanies. I love this design! Not only is it fun and quick, but I love how the ear flaps are constructed! Although I love the look of them, I've never been fond of knitting ear flaps onto hats.. until now.

These ear flaps are created as you knit through increases and decreases.. no picking up stitches... so nice!
This is a seriously adorable hat that I will be making again!

Along with the hat, I knit up some quick matching baby mitts out of another fabulous children's knitting book, 60 Quick Baby Knits. This book has tons of great practical baby patterns all knit from Cascade 220 yarn.. the perfect worsted weight. 

There is a sweater in there that I am dying to knit for our little one... eventually...

I can't wait to see our little guy in this handspun set! 


  1. Love it! Perfect for Fall. I'm a big fan of Becoming Art yarn also. In fact, in my hands I am knitting up your Cosette Wrap in BA's Agave sport in Huckleberry and Pristinely Ungifted.

  2. another beautiful set of baby items. you better pop that kid out so we can see him modeling everything!!
    jk little guy, you can stay in there as LOoOoOoOng as you want.

  3. what an adorable little set!! And a perfect use for handspun. Your little guy is going to be super cute in that.

  4. I love it! The colors are beautiful.

  5. The flap construction sounds so cool and your FOs are so enticing!

  6. Your little guy is so spoiled! I love absolutely everything you knit for him! So much love!!!

  7. What a wonderful work for your baby :)
    I am sooooo soooo happy to have found your blog.
    Greetings from Austria. maria

  8. Coming over from Wendy's...

    I had no idea you two self-published the book, great job! I know it's a lot of work.

    Best of luck with things over the next few weeks... that baby will be clad in some lovely knits!

  9. What a lovely way to spend time waiting for the grand arrival!

  10. He's going to be a very handsome young men in so stylish sweaters!
    I love the Bambeanies patterns.

  11. So cute! I wish you good luck, easy birth and healty family!

  12. I am LOVING all the newborn knits...your colors and work are beautiful!
