
Puerperium Cardigan

Another newborn sweater off the needles and ready for our baby boy.

This is knit from the Puerperium Cardigan pattern, and as soon as I discovered it, I felt the need to knit it IMMEDIATELY. 

It is a newborn sweater that I think will be so easy to slip on and off. 
The side buttons are extra adorable too.

The pattern calls for a small amount of DK weight yarn which I may or may not have massive quantities of.
There is nothing like tiny baby knits for using up stash yarn!

For this sweater I used a new Fiber Company yarn that I've been dying to try called Acadia. The wonderful softness and tweedy quality of the yarn made it really fun to work with. 
I rarely work with textured yarns such as these. It was a nice change of pace.
I was glad to have found a good application for these 2 skeins that have been lingering around for months.

Now to find projects for all of that "other yarn".


  1. What a great project for that yarn. I have a feeling your baby will be the most photographed baby of all times, modelling all your terrific little knits! :-)

  2. All the baby knits you have showcased here recently are heavenly: this one is perhaps my favourite due to that divine yarn and the simplicity of the design which reminds me a little - barring the buttons - of Hannah Fettig's sock yarn sweater.

  3. I've been eyeing Acadia at my LYS few a week and a half now. I might just have to give in. It looks like it knits up wonderfully!

  4. Don't you just love a good stash buster? The buttons really do add a nice touch!

  5. Gorgeous sweater beautifully knitted in an exquisite yarn. Your little man is going to look divine in all these knits :D

  6. His sweater is a beautiful combination of texture and simplicity.

  7. This sweater seems to be popping up everywhere these days. Started mine this past weekend and am almost finished.

  8. You are flying! I wish I could say the same, but I am really tied down with a very recently turned three-year-old (with special needs) and a nearly two-year-old . . . Hmmm . . . "Good" thing I am not sleeping much, as this seems to be when I get my most baby knitting done!

    I hope your little boy arrives soon. I am sure you are getting impatient.

  9. What an adorable sweater! Aren't you happy that you can spend this waiting time busy knitting? I knit a Pair of baby booties while I was in labor with my second son. It really helped the time go...and the gauge didn't seem to change with the contractions, either!

  10. I'm loving your baby knits! Great inspiration for our little one due Dec. 12th. :)

  11. So adorable and I love the yarn you chose! I can't wait to see pics of your little one in all his new woolies! Congrats!!

  12. I have just finished making 2 of these little cardigans. They really are so cute and very practical for new babies.

  13. I love the pattern and the yarn was perfect. This will certainly be the best dressed (in knits) little boy. Dressed in love, actually. :-)

  14. ooh, this looks like such a gorgeous little sweater, and I lvoe the yarn you chose!! I think I'll have to add it to my queue...for my on-the-way little one, too!

  15. Wow that yarn looks so super comfy!
    That lucky kid.
    Did you ever do a post that shows ALL the things you've made for him? because it seems to be a ton.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I love all the tiny baby knits you have made. Your son will treasure them....as you treasure him. I found your blog a few weeks back. I am new to this blogging world but am really enjoying yours! Good luck with your little one.

  18. Very cute! That baby boy is so spoiled!

  19. Very cute knits! Your little one will be so warm & cuddly this fall/winter. As a labor & delivery nurse I wish you a pleasant birthing experience, quick, but not too quick. And an early welcome to the new club you are about to enter: being a Mother of 2! It's a whole new level of parenting :)

  20. Beautiful sweater!!! I love the yarn. What color did you use??
