

I am so happy to tell you that on Monday, November 7th, we welcomed our new baby boy. 
He is soft, and sweet and just perfect in every way. I couldn't have asked for a more precious baby. 
Seriously.. I love this little guy.. I can't even begin to tell you how much. I still can't believe that he is actually ours.

While I was pregnant, I guess I just assumed that our second child would be exactly like our first. 
I was expecting a light haired but mostly bald, 10 pound baby... but we ended up with this little guy instead.. a full head of dark hair and almost a full pound less than our daughter was at birth. 
But still more beautiful than I could have envisioned.

Soon after birth, I felt that it was only fitting for our new one to be adorned in handknits. 

Very quickly he was dressed up in his Malabrigo baby hat and matching Baby Sophisticate cardigan.
So that he could look his best when we introduced him to his big sister and the rest of our family... of course.

A perfect little gentleman.

And then again we just had to dress him up to go home. 
This time in the full ensemble with the coordinating booties... which fit by the way!

As we walked (or in my case.. were wheeled down) the halls of the hospital on our way out, I couldn't help but feel so much pride as both a mother and a knitter to overhear multiple nurses and patients commenting on the sweet little baby "in the sweater". 

Here is this new little life that I have created and nurtured for the past several months, and the handknits that were carefully selected and knit just for him. There is no greater sense of accomplishment than to see the two together.

I feel so incredibly blessed to have this little one join our family. Thank you to everyone for all of your kind emails and well wishes. I am happy to report that everyone here is happy, healthy and adjusting well. :)

More updates to follow!


  1. Absolutely beautiful! Congratulations:) :) The hand knits are perfect too. Enjoy your sweet, new addition.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congratulations Alana, he's just perfect and so cute!
    YOur words really speak loudly of the love you have for him! Can't wait to know his name.

  4. Congrats! On both the healthy baby and those booties fitting perfectly :)

  5. Oh, Alana, he is so handsome! What a beautiful little boy! Congrats!

  6. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! And he is sure to be the best dressed boy with all of his "mommy knit handknits!"

  7. Congratulations! He is indeed a perfect little baby! Furthermore, he is very cute in these handknits! I'm sure he feels all the love! ;-)

  8. Congratulations Alana! He is beautiful and the handknits look just perfect on him. I can't wait to see the big sister photos :)

  9. What a gorgeous little boy! Congratulations.

  10. Congratulations to you and your family. Welcome little man x

  11. Many congratulations to you and your family. The handknits are perfect.

  12. What a beautiful combination, congratulations!!

  13. Congratulations, Alana! He's beautiful (and so is his knitted ensemble). So happy for you!

  14. He is beautiful! Congratulations.

  15. Awww, so sweet! Reading your post brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations on your precious, beautiful baby boy. He looks perfect in his little knits, obviously made with so much love. Enjoy this time with your family. =)

  16. Congratulations on your perfect, beautiful baby boy in his perfect, beautiful hand knits! What a loving welcome into the world.

  17. You're right, he is perfect in every way. Adorable. congratulations!

  18. Oh....I am so happy for you all!!! A new life! Yea ! And so dapper in his knitted duds!!! Lucky you!!!!!!!!

  19. Congratulations! It's like you wrapped him in knitted hug.

  20. He is beautiful! Congratulations! And his coming home outfit was just so cute!

  21. He is beautiful and so are the handkits. Enjoy this time, it goes by so quickly.

  22. Alana, he is beautiful! Congratulations to you and your family! What a lucky little boy to have all those lovely handknits to wear. Looking forward to seeing lots of pictures--after you are all settled into your new routine of course!

  23. He is so precious, congratulations! So glad to hear you are both doing well. :)

  24. So sweet, so much character, so well dressed :-) Congratulations

  25. Oh my!
    What a darling little boy...and could you find a cuter model for those precious hand-knits? I think not!
    Congratulations to you and your little family.

  26. Congratulations, Alana! He's so beautiful. I'm very happy for you and your family. You son looks adorable in his new handknit ensemble! I hope you're feeling well and that everything goes smoothly as you settle in at home. Enjoy!

  27. I just adore sweet baby toes. He's perfect!

  28. Congratulations! Best wishes to all of you!

  29. Congratulations to you and your family! He is absolutely precious. Thank you for sharing...I've been anxiously awaiting pictures. And the handknit outfit is perfect of course! Enjoy him!

  30. Congratulations, Alana! I'm so happy for you! He IS perfect in every way! And he looks so comfortable in your handknits!

  31. What a precious little boy!! Makes me want to have one, too:) And he looks so handsome in those handknits. Congratulations!

  32. Congratulations! Your sweet boy is so handsome in his sweater set. I can see love in every stitch!

  33. I am so happy for you and your family, your son is beautiful! Hugs to everyone!!

  34. What a beautiful boy! Congratulations to you and your family.

  35. Yay! Congratulations! He's beautiful!

  36. Congratulations he is beautiful! He looks very sweet in his knitted cothes.

  37. Congratulations to you and your family on your perfect little boy! He is so cute in his beautiful and very special knitted delights.
    I have to tell you that I was hoping you would have your little one on the 7th, as that is my birthday too.

  38. What a gorgeous baby! Congratulations.

    I'm so pleased that all went well and that both of you are healthy.

  39. Just precious... Congratulations!

  40. He is beautiful! Love those pouty lips. Congratulations!

  41. He is absolutely beautiful and he looks like a little GQ model in his hand knits! Congratulations to you
    and your entire family!

  42. Congratulations! He's adorable!
    My baby finally fit into the little dress I knit for her while I was pregnant with her - so I know exactly the feeling you are talking about - it's deeply satisfying to clothe your baby in your hand-knitted items.

  43. He's absolutely adorable and so handsome in his handknits! Mazel tov!

  44. Congratulations, Alana! And thank you for finding time to share this wonderful news and adorable pictures with us!
    Good luck to all of you!

  45. I gave birth t my first on November 7th, ten short years ago. Congratulations!

  46. Congratulations...Beautiful baby!:-)

  47. Congratulations! He is beautiful!!

  48. I'm so happy for you and your family. Your new little guy is absolutely precious, and he looks so sweet in his tiny little knits!

    Best wishes for a smooth recovery, I hope everything goes well!

  49. Congratulations on the birth of your dee wee boy.
    He is a darling. Thanks for letting us all see him right away.
    There's nothing like a brand new baby to make a knitter happy.
    His clothes are beautiful.

  50. Congratulations to your family on your sweet little boy. He looks just so adorable and perfect in his handknits. Thank you for sharing him with us.

  51. Congrats! What a beautiful baby boy in beautiful hand knits!!! Enjoy him!!!
    jpeled on ravelry

  52. Congratulations Alana! He's beautiful! And he looks so dashing in his handknits.

  53. Congratulations Alana! He is adorable and most precious! Love the pics with the knits too!

  54. Congratulations and best wishes from Germany! Your little boy is really cute and his self-knitted wardrobe fits perfectly.

  55. Oh my heart melts, such a beautiful boy in beautiful knitting! A big hug and congratulations from us here in Finland :)

  56. Congratulations, Alana (and family!) He's beautiful, and very handsomely dressed too :-)

  57. So cute! Congratulations!

  58. Congrtulations! He looks adorable! And the knits are perfect for him xxx

  59. Congratulations Alana! He looks so cute in the knitted clothes!

  60. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! Enjoy!!!

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. He's perfect and he does look quite handsome in his handknits. Congratulations.

  63. Congratulations! He is beautiful! Hope all are well!

  64. ohh Alana what a handsome little man! He looks adorable in his new outfit!
    Congrats to your whole family!!!

  65. Congratulations! LOVE his hair!!!

    I know exactly what you mean- I just mentioned to my husband that it amazed me how much I was in love with our daughter after only knowing her for a few weeks! (She is 3 weeks now though I did have my entire pregnancy to get to know her. ;)

    I made your striped cardigan for our newest little one & it is my favorite thing to see her in. :)

  66. What a beautiful baby!! He is so precious in his handknits. I have two regrets for when mine were babies- I did not knit and there were no digital cameras. I would tell you to treasure this time but I can tell that you already are!! All the best wishes to your family.

  67. Congratulations! He's just beautiful and the knits look so lovely on him.

  68. congrats on a beautiful baby in a beautiful handknit ensemble!!!

  69. What a gift he is to your family. Congratulations!

  70. Congratulations! Baby and sweater are beautiful!

  71. Alana~so precious! Does the little lad have a name? Your craftiness is admirable, both in knits and babes!

  72. Congrats Alana! What a perfect little baby boy! And in that beautiful hand knit outfit! it's too much cuteness to bear.

  73. Congratulations! He's beautiful!

  74. Oh he's SO beautiful, Alana! I'm so happy for your family. Enjoy every second.

    The sweater set is Perfect!

  75. Alana - I am so happy for you and your family! Enjoy...

  76. What a sweet, sweet baby! Congratulations to you and your family!

    P.S. Those hand-knits are wonderful!

  77. Congratulations, Alana! He is just beautiful!

  78. Congratulations to you and your family! He is just beautiful!

  79. Alana, he is beautiful and so adorable. Congratulations to you and your family.

  80. Congratulations to all of you! He is so sweet!

  81. Congratulations! Your little boy is gorgeous and precious in his handknits. The baby feet are perfect!

  82. Congratulations to the Dakos family on your new addition. He is so handsome! Blessing to you all!


  83. Blessings to you and your family - what a handsome little man has arrived for you all:)

  84. Talk about a perfect creation! Wow, what a beautiful baby. And so handsome in his new outfit. No wonder the nurses noticed. Take care, enjoy every minute. You have so much to be happy about and proud too. Beautiful...

  85. How beautiful!
    The best wishes fo mother and her sweet child!
    HG from Germany from a "silent reader" of your wonderful blog!

  86. Congratulation! And all the best to baby-boy and parents!
    Like your handknits, too!

  87. Congratulations Alana! He's just so cute!!! Have you already a name for him?
    Best wishes,
    Phoe :)

  88. Congratulations Alana on such a beautiful little boy!

  89. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So sweet baby!!!
    MMMMM! )))

  90. Congratulations Alana & family, he is so handsome, bet he was the best dressed baby in the hospital.

    Enjoy the every second yo know how quickly they grow up.

  91. Congratulations to you and your family! He is so beautiful.

  92. Congratulations and welcome little. Love and blessings to you and your sweet family.

  93. I'm so happy for you and your family, Alana! Congratulations: I can't wait to see him in more knits when we know his name!

  94. congratulations, he is gorgeous and so handsome in his hand knits

  95. So beautiful, so perfect, many many congratulations to you and yr family. Enjoy him a lot because they grow very fast!! He is very handsome with those cloths. So precious!!
    Wish you all the best.

  96. Parabéns pelo bebê e pelo pelo conjunto tricotado para essa fofura!
    Que Deus abençoe rica e abundantemente!

  97. congratulations :) he's so beautiful and you have every right to beam with pride. (and the outfit was super-cute too, lol).

  98. Congrats - he looks adorable in the sweater!

  99. BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations!

  100. Congratulations - he is absolutely gorgeous! Has really made my day to see your little guy. Thinking of you all. C

  101. Congratulations, he's just amazingly beautiful! So happy for your family!!

  102. Joy! He is absolutely perfect (as you say) and those knits ... gorgeous.

  103. Congratulations! So sweet and wonderful:) That's a real miracle,a baby.

  104. Congratulations! He is absolutely adorable!

  105. Well done you! Healthy Mom and Baby, and beautiful, warm handknits- it's all just right. Congrats and warm wishes to the whole family!

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. what a beautiful baby. linda gerig

  108. so beautiful ... the baby and of course the knits :-) congratulations from Ireland!

  109. Omigosh! How cute is he!? Can't wait to watch him grow and model some new NNK designs ;)) CONGRATS to all of you :)

  110. What a cute little one! He has a lovely head of hair, and his little face is so adorable. Of course, he looks perfect in his pile of handknits. Congratulations to you, and to the new big sister in the house. :D

  111. he's beautiful...on his own and in his lovely handknits! congratuations!!

  112. What a divine baby boy; dressed like a prince too.

    My warmest congratulations on the birth of your miracle.

    I have just posted about my knitting up your cosette wrap to celebrate your new arrival ;-)

  113. He is absolutely gorgeous!!! Congrats! I'm so happy he is fits so nicely into all of those beautiful hand knits, too! Enjoy him!

  114. What a beautiful little boy! Congratulations. The sweater, hat and booties are precious.

  115. Congratulations! He is adorable and looks so cute in his handknits :)

  116. Congratulations! He's adorable!

  117. Congratulations!

    He's beautiful.

    Twenty two years ago, I showed the lactation nurse the sweater I'd made for my new baby boy. I'll never forget (and I still ponder) her response. "You're going to be a good mother."

    Maybe she recognized that knitting for a baby is one way to love them before you meet them.

  118. So sweet and precious!!!
    Very happy for you.

  119. Congratulations!!! He is SO beautiful, and so are your handknits!

  120. He is so precious! Congratulations!

  121. Congratulations Alana, he is gorgeous, can't wait to see more beautiful pics wight big sister

  122. What a gorgeous baby! Congratulations! He is just perfect in his handknits. I especially love the sweater--it looks like it fit perfectly! Great job.

    Kelly (a new reader! just received Coastal Knits!:))

  123. Awwww, congratulations!!!!! What a gorgeous little man! So precious! Wishing you and your family lots of love and rest during this special time :)

  124. Congratulations Alana to you and your family. He looks very sweet and handsome in the lovingly knit sweater,hat and booties. Enjoy your new little treasure.

  125. Congratulations on your baby! He looks very comfortable in his lovely hand knits; I think he can tell that he's going to spend a lot of time wearing them.
    I've only recently found your podcast, so I'm way behind, but I just heard you on Stash and Burn, and wanted to send you this note: I knit the same way you do! I hold the yarn in my left hand, but I don't pick it with the right needle, I throw it. I learned from my grandmother, so not from you or anyone you taught, so this way of knitting has at least two independent origins. I wonder if we purl the same way... I loop the yarn over my left thumb and just lift the thumb up and down to wrap the yarn. I've never met anyone who has even seen anyone else knit like I do, so it was son nice to hear you describe how you knit.
    Again, congratulations on the handsome little baby. I hope you get to take some time off from the book craziness while you get to know him. (congratulations on the book, too!)

  126. Incredibly beautiful. Congratulations to all.

  127. Incredibly beautiful. Congratulations to all.

  128. Congratulations! He's beautiful and so are your knits! Lucky baby.

  129. Congratulations!! He is just perfect! All of you and especially big sister must be so proud and thrilled!! Enjoy every moment with him:)

  130. Congratulations! Every little thing about him and his trousseau is precious.

  131. Alana he is just BEAUTIFUL!! Many congratulations to all of you! He suits Preppy Grandpa just perfectly! Enjoy him! x

  132. Just perfect - Congratulations. What a lucky baby he is to be loved so much.

  133. Congratulations to you and your family! Your sweet boy looks just perfect! Glad you're all happy and healthy!

  134. I'm so glad to see your precious bundle! So perfect :-)

  135. Congratulations on your new addition. He is just to adorable for words.

  136. He is TOO CUTE!! And so are your knits. :) Congrats to you and your family!

  137. Congrats Alana! what a perect addition to your wonderful little family.

  138. Congratulations!! He is gorgeous!! He will be such a blessing to your family!

  139. Wishing you the best in these "baby moon" days. Enjoy your family and live in the moment. Congrats!

  140. CONGRATULATIONS! He is adorable in his handknits. *sigh*

  141. Your newest "project" is your best one to date. What a sweetheart in those amazing handknits. Congratulations to your whole family!

  142. What wonderful news! Enjoy these early days together.

  143. Such a beautiful little boy. You do good work!

  144. Congratulations! He is a beautiful baby! Love his hand knits :)

  145. Congratulations! He is beautiful. The little feet picture made my ovaries cramp. Great handknits and even better baby! Way to go Mama!

  146. Oh, my goodness, your post made me cry. I can just hear the love you have for him in every word. And he is so beautiful! (And as predicted, he had to have been the best-dressed baby there!)

    He missed my birthday by just one day!

    I'm very happy for you and the rest of your family. :)


  147. SUCH A BEAUTIFUL BOY! Congratulations Alana!

  148. Congratulations Alana---- he is so scrumptious I want to kiss those baby toes!!!!

  149. Congratulations! I'm so glad everyone is doing well. I'm planning to knit that sweater for my nephew. It is ADORABLE.

  150. Nothing says "welcome to the world like wrapping your little one in things you've lovingly knitted. Does this charming little man have a name yet?

    Congratulations, mom and dad and big sister, and welcome, little boy; you chose a great mommy cause you are going to enjoy some really cool knitted toys in just a few months (you may get some before then, but you really aren't going to care much about things without nipples for a while).

  151. HOW WONDERFUL :-)
    & don't those knitted baby clothes look perfect.......:-)
    We are expecting two baby boy great nephews the 17th of Nov. & the end of Dec. SO fun to see the precious little ones.
    God Bless You and YOurs :-)

  152. Congratulations Alana! Your little boy is absolutely beautiful and so are his handknits :-)
    I look forward to seeing more pictures (especially in the Gramps cardigan). Take care and God Bless You and your lovely family.

  153. Congratulations! He & his clothing is beautiful!

  154. What a precious little soul! I'm so glad to hear that all went well.
    Take care!


  155. Well done! Happy Birthday to your sweet boy. Your life will never be the same--thank God!! xoxo

  156. A little late... but congratulations! He is so adorable. You sound so happy.. sounds like he'll be welcomed into a happy home.

  157. I am just beaming!! So happy for all of you and yes, he's totally perfect and beautiful and precious. What a fine job you've done on all levels. :)

  158. Congratulations on a job well done! He is such a cutie. Good day to be born too, it's my husbands birthday :)

  159. Just beautiful, congratulations!

  160. Squeal!! Oh Alana, he is too beautiful for words!! I love his hair, and he looks absolutely perfect- no doubt he had the handsomest leaving the hospital outfit of any baby! I'm so, so happy for you and your family.

  161. Comment #175...yep, I am late to this party! But I still had to stop in to ooh! and aah! over your precious new bundle...perfect in every way! Congrats!

  162. oh my goodness, he is absoutly gorgeous and beautiful and brought a tear to my eye. i hardly comment, but follow faithfully and just wanted to say, congratulations and welcome to the world precious baby. :)

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. Congratulations!!! He is just gorgeous! Many hugs and happiness for this new little guy!

  165. Awwww! He is adorable!


  166. He's beautiful! Congratulations!

  167. Congratulations! He is precious!

  168. Congratulations! What an adorable baby in an adorable outfit! Perfect!

  169. Awwww, what a darling little man! Congratulations, now rest up a bit. Hmm, those are Saartje's booties, right? I've knit a couple pair of 'em, just adore them but they'll only fit for oh, about 10 minutes, so it's good you got a picture. Speaking of which, when will we see Little Man in the Gramps Cardi? Or would that be just so cute heads would 'splode all over the Innerwebs?

  170. Congratulations!

    What a beautiful little boy - and so handsome in his handknits.

  171. Congratulations on your new sweet bundle of joy!! I love baby feet!

  172. Congratulations to you and your husband! Job well done! And how handsome he looks in his fine new outfit his mama made while waiting for him! Much happiness to your entire family!

  173. Congratulations! What a beatiful boy and fabulous in those knits.

  174. Congratulations! He is beautiful!

  175. Your baby is really wonderful!!!
    all my congratulations to you and to the happy daddy too.

  176. Congratulations! Your little boy is so beautiful, and those handknits make him even more adorable.

  177. thank you so much for sharing your joyous moment with us. a shot of fresh new baby is exactly what i needed today... god bless!

  178. Congratulations Alana!!
    He is adorable. So sweet.

    Love to you and your family,

  179. Your little bundle couldn't be cuter if he tried...i love the fact he was adorned in all moms handknits to sport on his way out of the hospital. Too stinkin' cute!
