
1 Month

Someone that I know is now 1 month old...

...and has gained 3 pounds...and grown 2 1/2 inches...as you might have noticed.
I haven't wanted to mention it to him, but his Owlet sweater is already growing a bit snug around his tummy. And lets not even get into the double chin situation. :)

The month has gone by all too fast. I can't believe how much he has already changed and grown.
The past few weeks have reminded me of how unbelievable time consuming newborns can be.
It is amazing how much I work and how little I accomplish. At the end of the day I try to remind myself that this is the most important job I can be doing right now.. taking care of my little chubby guy.
The rest can be put on hold for the moment because this special time won't last long... and in a year from now I will miss this roly-poly baby in his handknit sweater sitting on the couch with his big tummy and multiple chins.

Somehow between all of the feedings, diapering, and soothing.. I managed to knit up this stripey little hat for him a few weeks back. I'm a bit surprised that I actually got this done. I rarely have time to myself anymore, and when I do.. Instead of knitting, I find myself exhausted and staring blankly at the living room wall. I know that when we get into more of a routine, I will have more energy and get my creative enthusiasm back.

This little hat was knit from two stray balls of Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino, and I made up my own pattern using Kate Oates awesome Math For Hats book as a guide. 

I love the way this little project turned out and I think baby does too... maybe.. I dont know.. It's kind of hard to tell. :)

It just feels good to get something off the needles. It makes me feel productive.


  1. I'm sure he loves the darling little hat - he just hasn't perfected his smile, yet. :) Debby Bliss Baby Cashmerino is the perfect yarn for tiny ones, in my estimation. Enjoy these days, despite the lack of rest. Before you know it, he'll be grown. (This is a grandma speaking.)

  2. What a beautiful baby. The sweather is so cute. Love the hat.

  3. My oh my that DID go fast!
    He looks adorable in his owlet sweater and cute hat!

  4. He is adorable! LOVE the hair! And you're right- this is the most important thing you can do & time does go by fast. Our little one turned 7 weeks yesterday and the time has FLOWN by!!! I'm still pretty tired these days but I did manage to finish knitting her blanket. :)

  5. What a beautiful little fella! I so love to see babies in real clothes.....things that are other than the usual blue and pink.....that outfit is wonderful!!! So is the little guy!

  6. Oh, he is so adorable! Time really goes by fast! One month?
    and the sweater - perfect!

  7. what an adorable picture!! worthy of a framed place on your wall!!

  8. he's so cute. I am actually knitting the Owlet for my niece right now. I remember the blankness all to well, but you are right, you'll miss it a year from now, so enjoy!!!!

  9. He's such a lovely baby! Cute, cute! And the sweater and hat look adorable on him. :)

  10. What a wonderful picture!
    ♥ greetings

  11. What an adoreable baby you have! The hat is just as cute...well the baby is a tad bit cuter, but overall I would say you are one lucky mommy!

  12. What a beautiful baby!! Enjoy this time!!
    jpeled on ravelery

  13. Oh man, that baby is a cutie!

    Beautiful knitting, as per usual!


  14. He's about the best dressed baby I've ever seen, so precious in that little sweater and hat. Thank you so much for sharing him with us

  15. He is absolutely gorgeous! I love his little owl sweater, such a cute pattern. Enjoy month 2.

  16. As chubby as that baby is Alana, you are very productive. He is gorgeous, and his hand knits are in second place. Continue to have fun. Soon you'll see knitting pattern ideas swimming around on that blank living room wall <wink?

  17. So adorable, I miss when my youngest guy was that little you are so right it goes so fast. Enjoy that sweet little mister

  18. Oh Alana, he's gorgeous. The most important WIP you could have.

  19. I couldn't think of a better reason for being unproductive. He is so sweet! Your hat is beautiful. This soon will pass and creativity will return(as will your energy) As soon as I had my needles in hand, I fell asleep- so I am very impressed something is off your needles!

  20. How very sweet! I'm gonna go right now and cast on that hat!

  21. I think you've been working hard on raising an adorable baby, so I'd give yourself some slack on yarny FOs! :)

  22. What darling clothes and baby to boot. I am sure he is nice and warm, and knows that his mommy cares about him.

  23. Such a cutie!! that little hat is so charming on him.

  24. At his age he is entitled to as many double chins as he can manage. And those chins do look adorable above the row of owls. Darling child and wonderful sweater.

  25. OK your post has made me teary… Can't believe how fast this time does fly by - even when it seems like the sleepless nights are never ending. You sweet guy is looking so happy and healthy. Wish we lived closer so I could meet him in person!

    He new hat looks great!

  26. OMG, I can't believe it has been a month already! He is SO beautiful. I hope your other little one is adjusting well to having a little brother.

    The owlet and the hat are so gorgeous. I have wanted to knit owlet for a while now but just haven't managed to get to it yet!

    I'm glad you're able to see through the haze of diapers and sleeplessness and realize how precious this time is. Good for you, and you are right ... you'll be back to a routine (and knitting) before you know it.

    He sure is a sweetie. Thank you for sharing pictures with us. :)

  27. Oh, your little guy is so precious! I love seeing hand-knits for children, and your sweater and hat are too cute.

    I came across your blog a few weeks ago and am now a big fan! Thanks for creating such a great space online for knitters.


  28. So glad you both are doing well! And your hand knits look gorgeous.

  29. I aspire to be as talented a knitter as you one of these years...

  30. You are both wonderful! I remember having my first son and being barely able to get us showered and out of the house by 2 PM on any given day. That you knit a beautiful hat on top of your mommy duties is extraordinary.

  31. Oh that owl sweater is perfection ... lucky little boy!
