
Behind The Scenes of Coastal Knits

Over the past few weeks I have gone through my pictures from the photoshoots for Coastal Knits and was reminded of how much I enjoyed that experience. For those of you familiar with our book, you'll know that it isn't me modeling my designs, it's actually my former babysitter and friend Andrea.

Hannah and I had originally intended to model for the book ourselves, but since I ended up pregnant during the time the pictures were taken.. I wasn't exactly feeling or looking very "model-y".
It really worked out well however because not only did Andrea make for a perfect model, but now I have a super cute and squishy baby too! :)

We spread the picture taking over three separate days using the evening time for the best light. 
My husband, daughter, and Andrea's fiance, Hunter accompanied us each time. 

On a side note.. Both Andrea and Hunter are two of my most favorite people and couldn't make a cuter couple! 

In fact.. you podcast listeners might be interested to know that Hunter is also the voice behind the Never Not Knitting podcast theme song! We have known Hunter for years. He is an amazing and talented guy, and proved to be a great help on the photoshoots as well. He worked the second camera for me and helped us carry coats, props, and even my daughters pink sippy cup. What a guy.

We were able to capture some really pretty model shots of Andrea for the book, but it wasn't all serious work all of the time...there were definitely some silly times too.

Additionally.. Andrea was such a great sport because I made her do all sorts of uncomfortable things.. like model in front of onlookers. 

That's the awkward part about photoshoots in public places. :)

I also made her climb eucalyptus trees for the Rustling Leaves Beret photoshoot.

and instructed her to stare at them lovingly...

Which she actually did. 
Poor girl. I really put her through it. :)

We weren't the only ones who had fun though.. my daughter LOVED exploring our coastal locations with my husband while we were busy taking pictures.

She walked the flower fields of Shell Creek Rd...

Ran through the waves at Morro Strand Beach...

Climbed the gnarled oaks in the Los Osos Oaks State Reserve...

And walked the Moonstone Beach Boardwalk with us.

And had a fabulous time with Andrea as well. 

Andrea started babysitting for us when my daughter was only 8 months old and the two of them have a very special relationship. My daughter looks up to her so much. It is very sweet.

What a fun experience it was creating this book with friends distant and local. It was a lot of work, but I will always look back on the process with fond memories.

Thank you again to Andrea and Hunter for all of your help with our project. 
We couldn't have done it without you!


  1. What a great post Alana! I loved seeing all the outtakes, especially the "Are you kidding me?" face in the rustling leaves beret heheh

  2. I've always wondered who was the voice behind the podcast song. I thought it was your husband.

  3. So interesting to see behind the scenes!

  4. So interesting to see behind the scenes!

  5. Wonderful post! Great photos! Your daughter is getting so big!

  6. Thank you for such a great post! Darling photos and story.

  7. How apropos. I just listened to episode 60 yesterday. I don't know how I missed it but because you talked about the photography shoots, I was able to envision what was going on as I viewed your photos. Nice!

  8. Enjoyed seeing 'the rest of the story' in these shots. Your book is wonderful and I'm enjoying knitting from it!


  9. ooh, I love behind the scenes peeks! this is a great colleciton of photos, and your daughter looks sooo happy! Amazing.

  10. I love getting to see your coastal scenery! And, getting some behind-the-scenes tidbits are fun, too. Thanks for sharing!

  11. This was so sweet! is it possible I love the book even more now? :)I loved seeing your daughter go with you to all of the locations!

  12. I really enjoyed reading this behind the scene post! The result is stunning!

  13. What great pictures, thank you for this look behind the scenes.

  14. Beautiful photos, I love them and it seems like you had a great time.

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  15. Well, I found out where you lived, exactly one month after going there to run in Los Osos park just before Thanksgiving. I have to agree, your park and beach are beautiful - I've been to the beach many times, but not the park.

    So neat to see the behind the scenes pictures. Thank you!

  16. Hi, this is a little off topic but my friend and I need to know how Andrea does her hair and what products she uses :) we have curls ourselves and we love hers!

  17. Beautiful pictures! And your little girl and now the baby boy........adorable!
    Best wishes to all of you!

  18. Hey! Ran across your blog by pinning some of your things on pinterest ... and now see you must be somewhat of a neighbor somewhere here in SLO county. We're in Los Osos/Morro Bay, and really enjoyed seeing some of our beautiful locations featured in your photography. Thanks for sharing your wonderful work.
