
Goodbye Little Sweater.. I will miss you.

This is unfortunately the last time my almost seven month old son will wear this treasured handknit, 

I knitted this for him at the very end of my pregnancy and thought of this little guy with every stitch. When I hold the cardigan in my hands, all of those sentimental feelings and memories of awaiting his birth come flooding back to me. I love this sweater for many reasons.

The funny thing is that once he was born I took the sweater out of the closet and held it up to him. 
It seemed so large at the time... surely he would never ever fit into it. 
But now seven months have passed and it is practically bursting at the seams.. 
(You may have noticed that one of the buttons has popped off.)

I am happy to report that this little cardigan has been well loved and well worn.
But now with my son growing larger and the weather growing hotter every day.. it's time to pack it away in his baby keepsake box. 

I just had to share this final photo taken last weekend at our friend's fancy anniversary party on the coast. 
It was the perfect opportunity for this cardigan's final outing.

You just gotta love a baby in a bow-tie and hand-knit cardigan. The three go together so very well. :)


  1. Such a cute baby, wearing such a cute sweater, and such a clever bow tie ♥

  2. I really love this cardigan. It's so sweet and he looks so handsome in it.

  3. LOVE! the baby, the bow tie, the sweater, the sentiments. And he bears quite a resemblance to your daughter - what a smile they both have!

  4. great memories for a little handknit!!

  5. So cute! And that sweater is perfect. Yours was actually inspiration for me to knit one for a friend's new baby boy (I seem to mostly have girls to knit for!). It should hit the post office this week!

  6. That is the CUTEST photo! Thanks for starting my day with a big smile.

  7. I remember well when you knit that sweater! He looks incredible with the sweater and the bow tie. I'll say it again: Best dressed young man around!

    To me, one of the fun things about knitting for kids is that you can keep doing it over and over as they grow. I say make him another one in whatever colorway strikes your fancy for next winter! :)

  8. Absolutely adorable. Though it seems so far away, a grandchild wearing it will come sooner than you think! (I speak from experience!)

  9. Best word I can think of for your handsome little man in a bow tie and cardigan is "Dapper". He just looks adorably dapper! Love it!

  10. You've gotta frame that photo -- it's fabulous!

  11. Aww . . . I can relate very well.

    I remember when you knit this and shared with us on your blog and it does seem like only yesterday. Goodbye cardigan!

  12. Fantastic sweater! That is such an adorable picture, and a handsome little baby.

  13. What a doll! And the sweater is a classic!

  14. how beautiful! he's gorgeous. i'm actually knitting up this sweater right now! i hope it turns out as nice as yours ;) xo

  15. He is super cute and his cardigan will always bring wonderful memories to your mind!

  16. I am knitting all sorts of things for my soon to be expected little one, I figure she can use them when she's older to dress up doll babies and teddy bears with them :) Your little guy is too precious!

  17. that is so cute - it is so sad when they grow out of their baby clothes isnt it xxx

  18. I just listened to your latest podcast, laughing at your struggle to take a satisfactory photo of your guy in the Little Oak sweater -- and then I go to the blog and find this delightful photo. Such a happy boy, and a handsome sweater. So sad that he's grown out of it!

  19. Aww that is so adorable!! The sweater is beautiful.

  20. Aw that is too cute! Just love it!

  21. So sweet, look at that adorable little boy!

  22. He is so adorable in that sweater!

  23. So handsome.I saved lots of handmade items from my son.He is 38 his girls wear his baseball shirts to bed.

  24. Wow what big feet you have got!!

  25. Wow, what big feet you have got!!

  26. Wow, what big feet you have got!!

  27. Awwwww! and Amen. This has got to be one of the nicest sweater patterns I've seen for kids. Add Mr. Adorable & a bow tie, and it's almost too much! Snorgle that kid for me, willya?!

  28. 7 months?? how did that happen?? wow! i can relate to your "little sweater love".. my first born is 18 and i still have a little drawer of favourites that he and his brother wore that i just never could part with.

  29. What a wonderful picture! No problems getting a good one here!

  30. It's always a little sad to put a lovingly made hand knit away, but just think of the day when you hand that little sweater over to your fully grown son to put on his own little man... This cardi has that kind of timeless stayingpower!

  31. I really like the buttons on your Gramps Cardigan. They remind me of a set of old, leather buttons I found in my grandmother's button collection.

    It's always sad when kids outgrow the projects you knit for them, but that means you get to knit more, right?!

  32. I really like the buttons on your Gramps Cardigan. They remind me of a set of old, leather buttons I found in my grandmother's button collection.

    It's always sad when kids outgrow the projects you knit for them, but that means you get to knit more, right?!
