

Every night for the past month or so I have been knitting...and knitting...and knitting some more.
I wish that I had something truly magnificent to present to you to show for all of this hard work.. 
but instead all I have is this.

So pretty... riiiiight? 

Although this is merely a big old pile of ugly swatches, I feel that it is the beginning of something truly great.
I am working on a new collection of patterns that focuses on botanical elements in my favorite Autumn colorways. It's so "me".. and it is so very self indulgent. I am loving it and I hope that when I finally finish it.. that you will too.

I will keep you updated as to my progress!


  1. I love digging through the 'swatch pile'. You never know what treasures you'll find in there :)

  2. All I have to show for my knitting lately is a giant pile of swatches as well. Usually I abhor swatching as it's a speedbump in the way of the project I so want to cast on, but I've been making myself slow down lately. Get to know the yarn. Experiment with different needle sizes. Take notes about the result. And I'm starting to enjoy it.

  3. I think the warm weather months are perfect for playing with stitch patterns and swatching. Looking forward to seeing your new designs!

  4. All of that swatching sounds like fun to me-all all that potential! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

  5. It is because you like playing with swatches that you can become a good designer! I totally appreciate and admire the entire creative and design process, not just the end result. You rock!

  6. Well, I for one am looking forward to the new designs. And one MUST swatch, right? Keep up the good work!

  7. Thank you for your hard work. I can't wait to see what I'll be knitting in the future! :-)

  8. This both looks and sounds really interesting to me!
    Can't wait to see what you are creating
    :o) sometimes the processes have to be long.
    Good luck!

  9. I love swatching, just to try new stitches, but eventually I get impatient too. And fall colors are the best. Can't wait to see your new collection.

  10. I am anxiously waiting for this new reveal soon!!

  11. This is a bit like knitting torture! I really really like your designs and look forward to seeing new patterns.

  12. Well, I like everything you design so... I'm sure I'll love this!

  13. I can't wait to see what those turn into!

  14. I really look forward to seeing it! We were talking about Coastal Knits this afternoon! A very beautiful book again!

  15. Can't wait to see where these swatches lead you!

  16. hi dear alana,

    it was so nice meeting you today at knit and purl. i'm glad you were able to come down to julie's shop. i'm so enjoying your book!
    xo lori

  17. New patterns? I can't wait! It was wonderful meeting you at Knit & Pearl yesterday by the way- your daughter was so adorable sitting in the corner and working on her knitting. Too cute!

  18. Go ahead, indulge! We trust your process completely.

  19. Oh I can't wait to see more. love those colors.

  20. Mmmm ... yum ... autumn colorways. I love them all! Can't wait to see what you have in mind!

  21. The colors are looking magnificent. Can't wait to see what it becomes!

  22. I think you should name the swatches the "Pile of Promise". Knowing you, it holds the beginnings of a fabulous new collection!

  23. Oh, wonderful-your designs and Autumn icolors/sweaters! I can't wait to see the results.

  24. Best swatch pile i've ever seen! Love the colors! And botanical knits sound lovely!
