
The Never Not Knitting Podcast : Episode 67 : Interview With Neesha Hudson

Episode 67

Click here to download the mp3 file for Episode 67


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Enter to win a signed Deluxe Edtion of Annie and the Swiss Cheese Scarf by leaving a comment under this blog post by November 15, 2012. Please do not forget to include your contact information!

The winner will be announced on Episode 68.

Thank you for listening!


  1. the book and extras look so fun! go alana go!

  2. I´d love a signed copy of this gorgeous book!

  3. My little girls would love this book...the pictures look adorable!

  4. you've done an excellent job with this project.

  5. This book set looks lovely. I hope to see it in person:) (Mooch on Ravelry)

  6. Not participating hon as I have pre-ordered my own copy but I wanted to let your readers know that OMG i'm so happy. It promise to be a great valuable book for kids plus all the adds on
    The lil sweater pattern is so awsome, you just have outdone yourself.
    Everything is so beautiful, a perfect present for my youngest daughter for Christmas. Can't wait for it to come in the mail!!!!

  7. I'm so excited for the book release and know of a couple little girls in my life who will be getting a copy. (twistedtexan on Ravelry)

  8. I am so excited about your beautiful book, Alana! Keep up the good work!
    Rnmama on ravelry

  9. Oh, I have to enter, too.
    I really like the paper doll :-)

  10. My girls would love this book. Thank you!

  11. I have this book on my wishlist! It looks great.

  12. Your fearlessness to dive into things is quite an inspiration! Podcaster, knitwear designer and now author! You go girl! It makes me want to try something I've always wanted to do as well.

    (gardendeeva on Ravelry)

  13. This is such a cute book! Congratulations! :)

    raelynne01 on Rav

  14. I'd love to share this book with my little girl. What a wonderful idea.

    (knitterlynina on rav)

  15. Congratulations on the new book! My sweet sweet cousin would LOVE this book.

  16. Congrats to all of you! I would love a copy of the signed book. What I love is your desire for excellence throughout everything you work on...from your knitwear designs to your new childrens book and all the extras!

    Tiffany Lobner
    tlobner on Ravelry

  17. Cute book, and very clever little goodies to go along with it.
    hotknitter on rav

  18. I really loved listening to this episode as it was so interesting to hear all the creative and collaborative work that has gone into this wonderful project. Would love to get a signed copy of this book :)

    I'm cinnymom on Ravelry

  19. How sweet! I would love a signed copy. Thanks!

  20. wish you had a crochet version!

  21. I loved the pictures of you knitting with your daughter and then her modeling the finished scarf. :-) I would love to win this special book.

    Zowmom on Ravelry

  22. Love this idea and I just preordered the book.
    Thank you so much

  23. You daughter did a fantastic job reading! Thanks for the giveaway!


  24. Such a cute combo! Would love to win this one...

  25. What a nice set! I'd love to win.

  26. I've already pre-ordered mine, but I would love to win a signed copy!

    Rav: GingerLee25

  27. I've been waiting for the publication of this sweet book. Thanks for the chance to win the book.
    guppymommy on rav

  28. Just came across this on Twitter... SOO cute!! (Spinning Wheel Studio on Etsy... can't wait to see this book!)

  29. I'd love to own a copy of this adorable book, but it would be even greater to receive it with not only yours and the illustrators autographs but also your daughter's since she shared in the project. Plus she has a wonderful reading voice.

  30. This book sounds so fun!

    Nanaelliott on Ravelry

  31. This is an I credible endeavor. You are over the top on this one. So very creative. I hope it sells well!

  32. This book would make a perfect gift for my five year old daughter who is interested in knitting. It looks amazing! Thanks for the chance to win! Stephanie (stephi_gordon@yahoo.com)

  33. I have a wee five year old who would LOVE this for Christmas! Fingers crossed :)

  34. I have a almost 3 year old son that I think would enjoy this book. He already knows all about yarn and tries to knit on occasion.

  35. This is just the sweetest and most original book I've seen for kids. I already pre-ordered and cannot wait to give it to my grandchild. I'd love to win a signed copy to have at my house to read when my little one comes to visit. I also got the sweater pattern and plan to give both the sweater and scarf along with the book for a special Christmas gift! I am so excited!!!! I am GirlKnitster on Rav

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. The book looks soo cute. You did a great job on it. I don't have kids but want it for myself. Or to teach my niece how to knit one day:)
    Rav ID: lovetoshop82

  39. Thoroughly enjoyable. Your little daughter reads so well!
    Such a cute package, one I would love to give to my little baby grand daughter!

  40. Congratulations, Alana! I loved hearing your daughter read the book. The illustrations are wonderful.

  41. Congratulations Alana! What an adorable book! It's so awesome seeing all that you've done over the years! :)

  42. My little girl jut leaned the knit stitch. What a great it would be to find this under the x-mas tree! Moniru on Ravelry.

  43. My granddaughters would love this book and extras..

  44. Such an adorable book. I love that you added a collection of paper dolls!

    cocoavanilla on Rav.

  45. My daughter would love this book.... mummy too :)

  46. OK I want one! hum that would be two years in a row for Xmas i wanted a children's book..:)

  47. The book & gift package look fantastic ... well done you!! (lbsunflowers on ravelry)

  48. This is WONDERFUL! Really enjoyed listening to your daughter read aloud part of the book. She did and EXCELLENT job! ;-) Would love to win a copy--this will make a perfect Christmas gift with some knitting supplies!! (KathieR on Ravelry)

  49. This is wonderful....love everything about it. I have two boys so I wish I had a girl to get this for. Can I get this for myself? I loved paper dolls as a kid!!

  50. What a great project! I especially love the added paper dolls because I, too, loved them as a child.
    Way to go!


  51. Congrats on the book! I love the giveaway idea! I cannot wait to read this book and gift a copy to my niece. I just love the whole concept and am thrilled you are releasing the book and put so much thought into the gift as a whole.

    I enjoyed the I interview and your daughter reading the story was so touching! Thanks for everything!

    Zippybg on ravelry

  52. Another awesome NNK creation! :)

  53. Sweet, sweet book. I preordered for my 5-yr old granddaughter. Can't wait!! RAV: grandmatutu

  54. Such a nice project! I'm a new reader and a little curious... When did you start knitting?

  55. What a sweet book! My eight year old would love it.

  56. I am hanging on the edge of my seat for the rest of the story since listening to the excerpt on your podcast! Love it:)
    Rav ID mrstn2006

  57. My children are too old for this book but I am pre ordering it anyway in the hopes that I will have a grandchild someday;)
    A second, signed copy would be great to have, you know, in case I have more than 1 grandchild!

  58. Great episode! Your daughter reading out loud from the book was absolutely precious! I would love to win a copy of this book to give to my nieces! I'm BlueCanoe on Ravelry.

  59. Great podcast episode, your daughter reading was wonderful. I can't wait to get a copy of this book, and would love to win another one to give as a gift this Christmas!

  60. Loved the episode - your daughter is an excellent reader, and it was great to hear from the (very talented) illustrator! Perhaps in the sequel, Annie will get a new brother or sister that she can knit for!

  61. Beautiful book:-) (elikae on ravelry)

  62. Already preordered a copy but I would be very happy to gift that to my neice and win a signed copy for my daughter!!! Now that would be the icing on a very special gift:)

    Knittygolfgirl on Rav

  63. This whole set is so exciting! Perfect gift for my girls. I have a boy a little older than your boy ... Maybe there will be a boy version coming up for them? ;)

    Vegimama on Rav

  64. omantonestsNwn
    What a treasured memory working on the book will be.
    My daughters are grown but I remember teaching them how to knit as my mother taught me and her mother taught her.
    skibum on RAV

  65. What a fun book! Do you have an age range for book? I don't know if I can get my son to read it although he is interested in my knitting and in learning to knit.

    cindymen on rav

  66. Congratulations Alan, you are so talented and a continuous inspiration! I am so delighted with your creativity and can't wait to see what you do next!

    Charlene Brown(keppygirl on Ravelry)

  67. The book looks great! would love to see it in person

  68. Alana,
    What a wonderful book! A must read for children and adults. Many thanks for sharing your story and for the lovely drawings by Neesha.
    (tapestryknitter on ravelry)

  69. I have already pre ordered the book but would love a chance to win another one as I have several more Grandchildren who would also love a copy of their own.

    Linda "ONEDAY Designs"

  70. This book is so cute! What a great unique idea!

    knittercrobe on ravelry

  71. What a wonderful book! And, it's so great you got your daughter involved..


  72. 1297What a wonderful gift to hope to win!

  73. The book sounds adorable. I loved hearing your daughter read out loud from it. She is one special kid.

  74. I would love to win this for my great niece. Your daughter is a very good reader - you must be proud.

  75. I'm teaching my niece to knit and this book is just PERFECT! Ravelry ID: TattyTeddy

  76. Such a cute book! All the extras look amazing, too!
    Great Job.

    EmmaJBurton on Ravelry

  77. This is just so cute and perfectly conceived! Want!

    chainoffools on ravelry

  78. Well, I've already pre-ordered my book, but maybe I could win one for a friend!!!
    Snickerdoodle5 on ravelry

  79. Hoping to win this great book and gift set :)

  80. I love the sound of this book, I have actually just started to teach my son to knit

  81. What a fun project! Rebekah@scruffian.com

  82. Your daughter is a great reader! I loved listening to her! I've already pre-ordered and can't wait to see the book!

  83. This book is so awesome! Perfect for every little girl in your life!!
    I am littlevigilante on Ravelry.
    Thanks for everything Alana!

  84. This looks soooo cute! I have just pre-ordered the book and would love to win a signed copy as well. I have 4 beautiful grand daughters between the ages of 2 and 9. I've taught the 9 year old to knit, and would love to teach the others using this book for encouragement.

  85. This looks like an adorable book! After hearing you talk about it throughout the podcast I was so excited to run over here and check out some of the illustrations!
    I love the final character! Such fabulous art work, I can't wait to see what the finished object looks like :)

    Congrats Alana!

    Sarah-Mae (knerdy on Ravelry)

  86. Loved listening to your daughter read. What a fantastic reader she is!
    (Restless-Knitter on Rav)

  87. I so enjoyed the interview with the illustrator Neesha Hudson. I can't wait to see the book.
    Please find me as rlene on Ravelry

  88. Oh my gosh! How could you not get teary eyed hearing your daughter reading part of the book?! Too adorable! I loved your interview with Neesha. You sound like you make a great team. I can't wait to get the book. :)

  89. This was my very favorite episode ever. Loved the interview, but I especially loved hearing your daughter read the story. Fantastic!

  90. I'm amazed at what a wonderful little reader your daughter is! Very expressive! I would love a copy of this wonderful book.

    sarah989 on Ravelry

  91. Congratulations on your latest book. It is wonderful to follow your work, and my!--you do work hard!

  92. What a beautiful book! My niece, cousin's little girl, and good friend's little girl are all getting this for Christmas! Love your work!

  93. Congratulations on your book/family project! It looks adorable!
    hsimoneau on ravelry

  94. I love knitting themed books for children. Loved hearing your daughter read the excerpt.

  95. Alana, great job with this project! I really enjoyed hearing your daughter read the excerpt and the interview with Neesha was very interesting.

    Thanks a bunch!
    iluvalpacas on ravelry

  96. Hi, I've already pre-ordered one book, but I know more than one little girl who would enjoy it !!
    I'd love to win.

    (Goodstuff on Rav)

  97. I am collecting children's books about knitting to share my love of knitting with my grandchildren. Your book is adorable. I would love to have it as well.

  98. Wonderful book, can't wait to receive it!

  99. What a wonderful book! I loved hearing your daughter reading it, she did a brilliant job :)

  100. This must be fate. My GD was off from school for Election Day yesterday. We were sitting and knitting and she brought up the fact that her "scarf" did not look as nice as mine. I had just told her the story about making a "Swiss Cheese" scarf as I had, just the day before read about this particular book coming out. I would love to win this as a very special Nanny Gift for her. She works so hard at her knitting!

  101. I love your podcast! The book looks like a wonderful read! Thanks for offering a giveaway, I have my fingers crossed :)

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. The book looks wonderful!

    Juliaknit on Ravelry

  104. The book looks great & pictures are awesome.

    Jarkaplete on Ravelry


  105. Your book looks so adorable and the Deluxe Edition extras are fantastic! I really enjoyed hearing your daughter read some of the story and learning more about Neesha :)

    StarSpry on Ravelry

  106. I've pre-ordered my Deluxe Edition and can't wait to share it with my daughter. I would love to win a signed copy of the book as well!

    I am xanthey on ravelry

  107. Pre-ordered but wouldn't mind winning another! Looks like a fantastic book and set. Excellent job, Alana!

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Great! Loved hearing from your daghter! Go Alana!

    Its dustytails123@gmail.com

  110. This book sounds wonderful. I can't wait to teach my granddaughter how to know!!!

  111. Your creativity is amazing! I can't wait to get a copy of this sweet book in my hands!

  112. Hurray! I'm still in time. I'm pregnant and hoping for a little girl. I think it would be awesome to read this book with my baby, boy or girl. But then, what knitter wouldn't want to read this with a kiddo?!? Thank you! K, bigblueice on Ravelry

  113. The book looks so nice! I hope to win a copy.
    I just found your podcast and have benen listening from the beginning for a week ( at the moment I'm listening to episode 40) Love it! You are amazing and have inspired me a million!!

  114. I would like to be entered in this giveaway! Lovely book :) I love knitting ever since I learned from a book as a child <3

  115. It sounds like an awesome book and the scarf reminds me of a couple of first attempts when I started knitting.

  116. What a lovely way to learn a (grand)child to knit. I hope you will sell many copies.

  117. Thank you for a chance to win this. I think Annie is so cute, my daughter would love her!

    mamamustknit on Ravelry

  118. I'd love a signed copy of this beautiful book. Thanks so much!

  119. this book and all the other things that go with it (the puzzle, the doll and such) are a very good idea! I'd love to win a copy!

  120. this book and all the other things that go with it (the puzzle, the doll and such) are a very good idea! I'd love to win a copy!

  121. My favorite part of this podcast was hearing your daughter read - what fun! I'd love a copy of this book - thanks!

    RobinV on Ravelry

  122. I collect children s books.. and I am crazy about knitting.. so I'd LOVE LOVE to own this book!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like a great inspiring book!
    Pretty please!?


  123. Perfect for my granddaughter who is trying to learn to knit. It includes my two favorite things, books and knitting.

    schwip on ravelry

  124. The book is really sweet, and it must be really exciting for you to see your idea and story realized!

  125. What a cute book. It would make a lovely gift for a friend who just had a baby. Congratulations. Savannagal on Rav.

  126. What a cute idea for your book and I loved that you had your daughter read a portion of it on your show. She's a very good reader, especially for a first grader!

    I'd love to win a copy of your book to give to a future granddaughter. At the present my only grand child is a 13 month old boy (who loves books more than any of his toys - his favorite thing to do is go to the library!). I'm sure he'd love this book as well, but if I won it, I just think it could be a special gift for a special girl. Thanks for offering this give away!

  127. Ooh, so fun! My daughter would love a copy.

    melonkelli At gmail DOT com

  128. Can't wait to share this book with my little one!

    Jen105p on Ravelry

  129. Can't wait to share this book with my Abby.

    Jen105p on Ravelry

  130. What a great episode, and the book sounds soo wonderful. Hope I am the lucky winner!

  131. This looks like a wonderful book. I loved the podcast. What a nice interview with your illustrator.

  132. This looks like an adorable book! I'd love to give it to my nephew :) rachelunraveled on rav

  133. What a cute book. Great interview with your illustrator.

  134. This is my 4 th attempt at trying to comment on your great show and interview. Proving I am not a robot is way too hard!

  135. Love everything you do, Alana! This was one of my favorite episodes. I'm sure your daughter very much contributed to that and this is such a precious project for your family. I've pre-ordered but would love to win a copy too! Thank you so much for your creative inspiration. Lynda

  136. I love everything you do, Alana. This was one of my favorite episodes and your daughter greatly contributed to that. The book is such a beautiful and precious project for your family. I've pre-ordered but would love to win one also. Thank you so much for all your creative inspiration. Lynda

  137. This looks like an adorable book. Congratulations! My 20-year old son just asked me to teach him to knit. Maybe I should read it to him first. :-)

  138. What an adorable book! Congratulations! My 20-year old son just asked me to teach him to knit. Perhaps I should read it to him first. :-)

  139. I just love the reading by your daughter on the podcast - Great Job!

  140. My grandson learnt to knit last year and his little sister wanted to learn then - but too little to get the knack - I am so excited that this book will be the answer to her wishes.
    I will knit the scarf too - to go with it and I have a perfectly cute pair of little girl needles to match for her. She will be so excited - I can't wait !
    Congratulations on your achievement and wonderful ideas.
