
Sometimes I Go Places...

With my baby boy getting older, I am now starting to think more seriously about traveling for book signings.
I was honored when one of my stockists, A Yarn Less Raveled, invited me for a Botanical Knits book signing and event in Danville, California. A town right outside of San Francisco.

When I walked into the store, I was overwhelmed by the kindness and support from the store owner, staff and customers. The entire shop was decorated for the event with signage, beautiful displays, and even themed refreshments. I just loved the little details like the autumn leaf cookies and the little knitted leaves scattered about the tables. The shop staff and customers even knitted several items from the book for display in anticipation for the event.

The event itself was a huge success. I met so many wonderful knitters who were so genuinely excited about the collection and my patterns.

I especially enjoyed seeing these ladies again. They refer to themselves as my "#1 fans" and are amazingly enthusiastic.

I really received a VIP experience from this wonderful shop. I couldn't have had a better time. They made me feel so welcome and so special

 I hope to visit this friendly shop again next time I am in the area and I hope you will too.


  1. Looks like a successful night, I am checking your site now to see if you have a tour listed for Botanical Knits. I'm in Texas and would love to go to one!

  2. Hi Alana,
    That shop looks like knitting heaven to me. Love the knitted leaves, they're cute.
    Cheers, Anita.

  3. That is wonderful. Looks like a great shop.

  4. Alana, your designs are beautiful and feminine, just what I like. But now, what should I do to get your patterns knit up for me when I don't have the time to knit myself? I have many of your patterns because I envision myself wearing them, but just don't have the time to knit due to children and my own work.

  5. I regret I live so far far away from US and can't take a part in such meeting. Your patterns are just amazing!

  6. You deserve the royal treatment, Alana!

  7. It's so nice that they "rolled out the red carpet" for you! You deserve it for sure for all the hard work you do to bring us your beautiful designs.

  8. The pictures look great! I wish I lived closer and could come to a signing...I am also in the #1 fan club!

  9. Wow, that looks like it was an awesome event! What a gorgeous yarn shop, too.

  10. I'm glad you had a great event! I live in the Bay Area and will have to put this shop on my weekend warrior list of things to do. Much success to your book and knitting projects!

  11. Wow! That looks like such an amazing day- what an effort made. Just goes to show how much people appreciate your designs!

  12. You must have felt so welcomed!And what an awesome yarn shop!
    I'm almost finished with my Sand and Sea shawl. I'm excited to finish it to start one of your new patterns!

  13. Looks like a beautiful event... can't imagine a better theme than knitting and leaves.
