
Today's Swatching

You may remember me mentioning this gorgeous yarn I found at Stitches West this past February. This is Spincycle Yarns Dyed in the Wool and its AMAZING.

It has the look of a handspun, but is actually a lovely commercially spun yarn with gradient color changes. 
It is extremely addicting to work with.

Today I have been playing around with this gorgeous yarn for a new leafy design for Botanical Knits 2.

I just want to keep knitting and knitting to see what color is coming next.


  1. Wow...that looks like the type of knit that would speed by because you need to get to the next colour/see how the pattern shapes up!

  2. Hi Alana, Your comment about keep knitting to see what colour is next is just an excuse.....you can't stop knitting anyway! lol. You're hooked.
    Cheers, Anita.

  3. I love yarn that encourages me to knit just. one. more. row. It's looking gorgeous!

  4. I can't wait to see your design. I love yarn like that. Noro always does that to me. You knit a bit and then can't stop because you want to see the next color. It makes me crazy but in a very good way!

  5. Ooooo, the color changes are intriguing!!! Please post. :)

  6. Hi,
    I just received Botanical knits in the post over the weekend and it is beautiful! I can;t wait to go through and tab everything I want to knit... There will tabs on every page :)
    I'm looking forward to botanical knits 2.

  7. Ooh, that looks so amazing! I love the look and feel of handspun, but have zero desire to actually spin.

  8. I am not USUALLY a green person, but this is very pretty yarn!

  9. That wool looks just great! Love to see more of your creations with this yarn!
