
The Never Not Knitting Podcast : Episode 73 : The Tell-Tale Hat

Episode 73

Click HERE to download the mp3 file for episode 73


My Susan B. Anderson Podcast Interviews HERE and HERE.

Enter to win a copy of Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out Knit Toys by Susan B. Anderson by leaving a comment under this post by September 15th. Don't forget to leave your contact information! Only one comment per person please.

The winner will be announced on Episode 74.

Thank you for listening! 


  1. the book is adorable!!


  2. I would love to get my hands on Susan's new book. I have the Spud and Chloe book and I just love it.

    kjramstack at yahoo dot com
    wolfcreeker on Rav

  3. I kook forward to your new episode popping up in my podcast playlist in the next couple days! Ane I'd love to win a copy of Topsy Turvy Inside Out Toys.

  4. Those toys are ridiculously cute and clever!

    Somesylvie on Ravelry

  5. When I was little, my grandma had a Little Red Riding Hood/Big Bad Wolf topsy turvy doll that we used to play with. I'd love to make some of these for my grandchildren!

  6. The patterns in this book would be so fun to make!

    ypsiknitter on Rav

  7. I need this book.

  8. I've seen this book a few places recently. The inside out patterns are so clever!

    katherinelynn04 on rav

  9. I have seen this book, but wasn't fast enough to get from local book shop. It would be fantastic for knitting toys for my nieces.

    Rav ID alilou78

  10. I have been in love with Susan Anderson's designs for YEARS. And her blog--with its header of drawers crammed full of handknit socks--has made me want to knit drawers of socks for myself.

  11. I love your shawl, you did a great job and can't wait to knit it up. I love knitting lace that was my second project I did after learning to knit. I am also very happy to be meeting you soon at the argyle shop in Brooklyn Ny. I am a very big fan of your patterns and books. See you soon.

  12. I'd love to knit these for my daughter and her friends!
    --Lixivia (on Ravelry)

  13. I would love to win Susan's book and knit the projects for my little girl xx

    solaire on Ravelry

  14. This book looks fun!
    lindarumsey on Ravelry

  15. The book looks great - I'd love to win it!

    BTW if you had used Shetland wool in that shawl - you would NEVER have got it undone...


  16. Susan's designs are so innovative-I think my son would want them all.

    misslillyknits on Ravelry

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Wow, these reversible toys are amazing! I wonder if they are difficult to knit. Kids must really love them. The video is so nice! Thanks for that episode and contest! When are you coming to Canada? ;-)

  19. Thanks for your blog and podcasts, I enjoy both so much! I'd love to knit one of these treasures for my inquisitive son.

  20. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book. The reversible toys are genius.

  21. i lover her toy patterns.

    lifeandyarn on ravelry

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I would love to win this book - such cute patterns!!

    judigo on Rav

  24. Susan makes the cutest toy patterns. I would love to win a copy of her book. Thanks. I also can't wait to see your new book!

  25. I would love to knit some of these for my younger cousins, they would love them !

  26. My littles love handknit toys and I love Susan B Anderson's books!

    melosa on Rav

  27. I’m a big fan of Susan’s designs and would *love* to win the book. It’s been on my wish list since it came out! Your podcast introduced me to Susan's work when you talked about Ribbit on the show. I’ve knitted Ribbit and Rabbit of hers before, and it was so much fun. I think my daughter would love interactive toys like this.

    -greg, drmellow on ravelry

  28. This would be a perfect thing to knit from for a couple who is having a baby in late september! Also cannot wait to meet you in PA!
    Skyhuntress on Ravelry or harvestgrl2006@yahoo.com

  29. Cute book!
    On Rav: tlobner

  30. Susan's book would be so awesome to win!! I have some nieces and nephews who would love some and of course myself :-)

    I'm glad the got finished...I'm totally with you on the ripping out part and never think to put in lifelines till it's too late! I'm looking forward to your next book and seeing this shawl!

    Thank you for the chance to win such an awesome book!

  31. The toys are downright Adorable! Susan is sooo clever.
    hotknitter on rav

  32. Would love to win this book. I am hearing so many rave reviews about it.


  33. I love the way that these reversible toys add such layers of playfulness to these toys. I'd love to have the book.

    louisap on rav

  34. I would love this book. I can't wait to knit some of these for use in my storytimes at the library. The kids would totally get a kick out of them!



  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Your shawl design looks amazing! I can't wait for Botanical Knits 2!

    I have heard such amazing praise for this book and I think Susan B. Anderson as such a talented designer! I would love to knit a bunch of the toys in this book for my children and nephews!

    wingsfromthemarsh on Ravelry

  37. The Topsy Turvy book is adorable! I would love to make several of the ones I saw in the video :)

    battinasprinkle on ravelry

  38. Another great podcast! Great story. Susan's new book is one I would love to have in my library!

    Wendy (Wendeluu on Ravelry)

  39. Great episode and I love the toys! Also, your lace is stunning!
    Sarah Wise
    sarahewise on ravelry

  40. I LOVE knitting toys, although reversible seems like a bit of an added challenge. Awesome!
    Rav ID: ShadowAP

  41. I think Topsy Turvy Inside Out Toys would make some perfect gifts for my two and one-on-the-way grandchildren!

  42. I have never knit toys but this book makes me want to. I have a 3 year old granddaughter and she would love the dolls.

  43. What a fun book! I'd love to win.

    EastBayKnitter on Ravelry

  44. Enjoyed your podcast, as always. I struggle with knitting lace (I persist, but it is a challenge) - I can't even imagine trying to design lace. So kudos to you!

    The regifted hat story was great - one has to wonder...

    Thanks for sharing the link to the topsy-turvy video. Oh my goodness, those toys are cute - especially the lamb / bunny. I have Susan's Itty-Bitty Toys book, and it looks like I would love this new one as well!

    RobinV on Ravelry

  45. I love this book!!

    I always try to knit something special for my Princesses & all my nieces & nephews for Christmas & birthdays. Anything from Susan's book would fit the bill - She is such a genius!!

    Find me on Rav - PrincessMommie

  46. I used to love inside out toys as a kid, this book looks so cute!

  47. I love the video, the toys are so cute! My daughters will love these!

  48. Another great podcast! I really feel for you having to reknit that shawl so many times. Bet it is going to be gorgeous. Can't wait to see for myself. :)

  49. Another great podcast. I really felt for you when listening to your shawl problems. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished piece! :)

  50. I think I have most, if not all, of Susan's books. One of them is even signed. I'm going to buy if/when I don't win. LOL Also...I live for lace but I totally get the frustration of the dreaded rip back. :0o I'm looking now for the picture of your piece.

    Ravelry: Meitrannan

  51. Hi Alana - the new lace shawl design looks wonderful. Susan Anderson's designs are the cutest knitted toys around, hands down. I would love to get that copy of her newest toy book!

  52. I love Susan's books and toys and have made several of them which my children still adore!

  53. As always a wonderful podcast episode.

    Thank you

    jessmadi on ravelry

  54. Just discovered your podcast and I love it. I am a fairly new knitter but I am totally addicted. I played the song at the end for my husband, he enjoyed it and I think is worried I could end up like that. I have looked thru the book that is the giveaway and I think it looks like so much fun, might be awhile before I master all the things it takes to make them but I have wonderful new (my first) granddaughter and it would be fun to knit her these toys.

  55. I would love to have this book-2 new grand babies this week on separate coasts!

    Grammie2maddie (rav)


  56. Would love to win this book. I am taking a couple of her classes on craftsy

  57. I have had so many babies to knit for recently...it would be fun to have this book and make toys instead of hats and booties all the time!

    gardendeeva on Ravelry

  58. Another great podcast, thanks! Would love to win this book. I'm GardeningWitch on Ravelry

  59. Ooooh, that shawl is BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait for your book to come out so I can pick up the pattern!

    And I've loved Susan B Anderson's designs for years and I'd love a copy of this book. I'm MelissaPurls on Ravelry.

  60. How clever, never thought about inside-out toys!

  61. I've knit so many of Susan's designs. Such great patterns! Thank you! Johnston4kids on rav

  62. Thank you, Alana, for another wonderful podcast!

    dkgirod at mac dot com
    KrochetKristin on Rav

  63. What a great book! I'm a big fan of Susan's and would love to win!

    Goodstuff on Rav

  64. I found your podcast on Stitcher. Stuck in traffic and didn't even mind as I enjoyed your blog. I will be a regular listener from now on! . Already checked out the toy book you mentioned. Pick me!

  65. I love Itty Bitty Toys, and I know I will love her new book. Thanks for the opportunity!

    Dayartist on ravelry

  66. I've been wanting to try knitting some of her toys - would love to win this book!

    Ravelry: DebMomOf3

  67. I can't wait to see your shawl and more lovely patterns in your next Botanical collection :)

    knittergrl on Rav

  68. This book has been on my Amazon wishlist for a while!
    dariasmom on Ravelry

  69. Would love to make something from this book. :)

  70. This book is too cute! I'd love to make stuff for my nephew from it!


  71. That looks like a great book. It would be fun to knit some of these for the kiddos.

  72. How clever! The toys would be a huge hit for my niece and nephews!

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. What a lovely book. I always love seeing your podcast appear in my playlist :) x


  75. Adorable toys! What a fun way to use up all those partial skeins in the stash.

    NextChapter on Ravelry

  76. Alway enjoy listening to your podcast. I love the book of knitted toys and would have fun knitting them for my 5 grandchildren!

  77. I just found your podcast...I really enjoyed it so very much!!! Needless to say I have subscribed to it so I will not miss an episode now. The book you review by Susan B Anderson sound adorable...I been knitting for just over 1 year and think that might be my next thing to learn to knit TOYS!!!

  78. Thank you for the chance to win this book. Would be fun to knit some of these toys. Love your podcast. Thanks again

  79. I would love this book, so I could knit some toys for my daughter.

    StitchesPlease on Ravelry

  80. I love Susan's Designs and would love to own the book.

  81. Susan's book looks so adorable! Now that you are such a speedy knitter, you could easily knock out a few of her sweet toys in a matter of hours!

    Would love SBA's new book - my kids would go gaga over those designs, too!

    Your shawl turned out absolutely beautiful. The way you made your decreases and created the designs is gorgeous. You hands may have been numb, but the end result is breath taking.

    Have a safe and fun trip out East! You'll be only a couple of hours from me when you're in B'lyn.

    jbilliau at yahoo dot com
    jilliau on Ravelry

  82. OMG, the toys looks so cute in the Topsy-Turvy book! I've never knitted a toy, only crocheted. This seems like the perfect book to leap into some new techniques!

  83. I love knitting toys for my kids, and this book looks so adorable!

  84. New listener here, you are doing a fantastic job! Your song seriously cracked me up, it reminds me a little too much of myself :) I hope I win, I love to make toys for my kiddos! Blessings to you :)

  85. I had no intention of knitting a toy again (my grandson has too many) until I saw the video of the book. Wow!

  86. Susan Anderson is so great at these toy and kids books!

    rav: caffeinatedyarn

  87. I'm a new listener to your podcast and I love it. Your "lacy beast" shawl is beautiful! And of course, I'd love to win the copy of Topsy Turvy Inside Out Toys. I'm an "advanced beginning" knitter and I'm sure the inside out patterns would prove a nice challenge! ;-)

    LucyLocket81 on Ravelry

  88. love the idea of inside-out/topsy-turvey toys!! thanks for the offer.

    it was soooo very worth stitcking wtih that shawl...it's fabulous!

  89. I have Susan's Itty Bitty Toy book and have really enjoyed the video showing how the reversible toys "work". I would love to add the book to my library of "things to knit for the grandkids!"

  90. I LOVE Susan B. Anderson's patterns! I would love this book!

    JoanBlondina on Rav.

  91. That book is SO CUTE! My girls would Love those inside out toys.


    grandymom on rav.

  92. This book would be perfect as we are waiting the birth of our FIRST grandchild. We thought we would never see the day. I would loved to knit every one of he toys.

    sherryglover1 on RAC

  93. I would love a copy of Susan's book Topsy Turvy. I have Itty Bitty Toys and love it! My kids favorite patterns are the ones that turn inside out.

    Ravelry - Knitgen


  94. I absolutely love Susan's patterns! Being from Madison makes it even more awesome

  95. Love all of Susan's stuff! I have been excited for this book to come out. Thanks for the chance to win!

    RavId Eenae

  96. A joy to add to my new collection of books and projects.

  97. Susan B. Anderson has definitely influenced and inspired my own knit toy designing. She's got lots of great toy patterns. The reversibles especially are a lot of fun!

    AuntieEmsStudio on Ravelry

  98. Sounds like just the book for a grandma!

  99. I´ve just found your podcast, and am really enjoying it! Found it just Before cleaning the bathroom, and had such a great time the cleaning didn´t even feel boring! The knitted reversible toys sounds like great fun! I have four kids, of whom two can knit with help. I would love to do these toys with and to them!

  100. Oh my goodness - what a lovely giveaway. I've always wanted to knit one of Susan B Anderson's toys... thanks for the opportunity!

  101. Too cute. I have a couple of her other books and love them.
    Betsy (dixieknitter73)

  102. Thanks for the chance to win. I love her blog and I have her other books, but have never knit toys.
    Camby on rav

  103. I'd love to win the book. Thank you for the chance.

    lmecoll on Ravelry

  104. I love this! I'm learning needle arts, and these projects would be a great goal to strive towards!

  105. What a great podcast, my girls use to have fabric inside out toys when they were little. When you were talking about the book, it bought back memories. Deb x

    Rav- Tinkhickman

  106. I'd love to have this book!

    I'm nannapei on rav

  107. Terrific concept for toys! I don't do much toy knitting, but some of the designs are so cute, I'd want to have them around.
    AnnBan on Ravelry

  108. I love Susan's designs , I have her other books. Thanks!

    Rav Id. Lakchi

  109. As always, LOVED your podcast. Thank you so much for introducing me not only to Susan's work but so many other designers (including you!!). I have purchased Spud and Chloe and am always on the look out for more!
    And the tell tale hat was so funny! Thanks for sharing

    lovetobecrafty on Rav

  110. Loved the podcast as usual! The book is adorable as all of Susan's work is. Thank you for the chance!

  111. Darling book, Thank you for your podcast give away opportunity.

  112. I'm hoping that I'll win this book and one of my children will have to give me a grandchild!! Thanks for he chance!

  113. Love the podcast and crave the book. Sherry (spejo on rav)

  114. Hi Alana!

    Just wrote a whole comment and it got deleted :( I'll try to remember what I said.

    This was the first podcast of yours I've listened to. I'm just getting into them as I'm newly back in the crafting world and hoping to gain all the wisdom I can. My specialty is knit headbands, but I have so much to learn and love to tackle new challenges. This week I completed my first fingerless mitten, and it was my own design! Anyway I just wanted to say your blog and podcast are great, congrats on all your success.


  115. I want to knit several of these toys for Christmas. It would be so fun to win the book. Thanks for doing the contest.

    Couchhound on Rav

  116. I really enjoy Susan's books and would love to win this one. Thanks for the giveaway.

  117. I'd love that book! I just finished Susan's Craftsy class---what fun!

  118. Love Susan B. Andersons books. Also love your podcasts and "Annie and the Swiss Cheese Scarf" and "Coastal Knits". Thanks, Linda Kirsch - LRKKnits on Ravelry and Lindatbe@gmail.com.

  119. I just listened to every. Single. Podcast of yours in one week! While I'm sad to be all caught up and have to start waiting for the new ones, I'm equally happy to now be tuned in, in time for the drawings. I would love to win the book!

    On Raveley, I'm spy061413.

  120. I love those inside out toys, have made a few of the old ones as gifts and they are always well received.
    Ninnilina on Ravelry

  121. I would love to have this book I have 6 grandchildren just one is a girl and I would love to make her the doll. Just love your podcast .. Gale for Maine

  122. That bird/egg is the cutest knit toy I have ever seen. Unfortunately my 11-year old is not impressed. But I have younger nieces... would love to knit more inside out toys.
    I just found you podcast and am really enjoying it, when knitting, and walking to work.
    Am new to your work, but now I have to make the hat from Botanical Knits, very pretty!
    zetaflickan on Ravelry

  123. I took a class this spring at The Loopy Ewe when this book first came out and got to see her samples up close. Too, too cute and fun. Would love to win this!

  124. I am a new reader of your blog and I love your book, "Botanical Knits"!

  125. These toys would be perfect gifts for my first grand child who is 6 months old now! What a lovely collection. I can't wait for the next Botanical Knits either!

  126. Sounds like a great book for gift giving as well. I give you credit for seeing that shawl through,

  127. Hi Alana,

    I can't wait to see your lace shawl but I LOVE shawlettes. Any chance you'll also offer it as a shawlette?

    Gracieanne on Ravelry

  128. Hi Alana,
    I love lace and can't wait for your shawl pattern!
    Any chance you'll also offer it is a shawlette?

  129. The toys are just the cutest! ashleymccauley on rav

  130. Hi Alana!

    I loved the story about the knitter that wanted to knit baby item out of non traditional yarn weight. It goes to show you what a little math can accomplish!

    Please include me in the drawing for the hat book I am knitting hat right not for Halos of Hope!

    My rav ID is JulieRKnits

  131. Susan is so clever. I love her designs and these toys are on my list to knit.

    Abingham on rav

  132. The book is awesome! I'd love to win it. Looking forward to your next podcast! yasuen315 at hotmail dot com.
