
Little Details Make the Sweater

Awhile back I talked of a new sweater design on the needles out of the beautiful Quince and Co. Owl yarn.
I am happy to report that this sweater has now been completed and I am really enjoying the little details that make this piece so unique.

A little button and loop closure on the cuff...

 A sprig of foliage winding around the asymmetrical neckline...

and the way the leaves gracefully drape over one shoulder.

This design was created for my new book Botanical Knits 2, but I can't wait until then to share this sweater with all of you!

Soon I will have this individual pdf available as a limited time purchase. And... not to worry.. the entire cost of the pdf will be applied to your future purchase of Botanical Knits 2 when that becomes available next year. 

This is just a little thank you for your being so patient with me as I work on the patterns for the upcoming book.

I hope to have this pattern available soon! 


  1. It's beautiful and I know I will want to make it right away! It's a great idea to offer a pdf early to appease (or whet) our appetites!

  2. I just got my botanical knits 1 and I love it. Don't know which I love more ... The patterns or the presentation.

  3. That's exciting and a great offer for the PDF. Thanks for your beautiful designs.

  4. I can't wait to see this new sweater! Thanks for thinking about us impatient toe-tappers. :D

  5. Looks beuatiful! Can´t wait for Your new book!

  6. I love the color and the sneak peek details. I can't wait to see the whole thing!

  7. I love the color and the sneak peek details. I can't wait to see the whole thing!

  8. I love it! Can't wait to see the pattern!

  9. The little details that you add to your knits are just so wonderful. I can't wait to see the final photographs.

  10. So lovely! I need to actually learn to knit sweaters so I can take advantage of all the beautiful botanical knits!

  11. Hoo hoo! Can't wait for the pattern AND the book!

  12. What a stunning sweater, I can tell already that with such perfect details, it's going to be a knockout pattern!

  13. How lovely, can't wait to see the new collection!

  14. Looks like it's going to be beautiful! Can't wait!

  15. This is just gorgeous! I should add your books to my Christmas wish list

  16. I already have some Owl in hand from my own trip to Maine. I hope it's enough. I can't wait until the pattern is available.

  17. You are correct, the little details do make a sweater, and your leaf detailing is beautiful.

  18. I want it now! Please excuse my lack of patience, but I LOVE your designs!
