
Monarch Knitting

Last weekend I had the pleasure of visiting Monarch Knitting for a book signing and workshop.
A beautiful store in the beautiful coastal town of Pacific Grove.

It isn't often that I am able to do events at local yarn shops, but when I do I always have fun.
This trip was no exception!

 I was so happy to see Never Not Knitting books, patterns, and samples prominently displayed around the store.

 The owner, Ann, and the rest of the Monarch Knitting staff was incredibly welcoming and wonderful.
And the workshop was so much fun. I met so many amazing and supportive knitters!

I also did some shopping while I was there.. of course.. and these gorgeous buttons had to be bought! They beautiful leafy pattern works perfectly with a sweater sample for the new book.

What an amazing experience! I can't wait to visit again. Thank you Monarch Knitting!


  1. Looks like a great shop, and a great group of people!

  2. Thanks for signing my book 'Annie and the Swiss Cheese Scarf'! I can not wait to use it as a teaching tool. I wish I could have been there! I also plan on making Annie's Swiss Cheese Scarf.

  3. I loved the yarn shop. I was just there in November last year and of course left with a bunch of goodies.

  4. THose buttons are so pretty !Ive not seen any like them! I was at anew yarn shop in Wisconsin today. I love a new find in wool land. It was called Fiddlehead yarns..very cute shop.
    I bought a pattern.

  5. I've been to Monarch Knitting, but it looks a little different from how I remember. Perhaps they renovated.

    Anyways, I'm glad you got to spend time at the shop it truly is a good one.

  6. I must know more information about those buttons!!! What a beautiful looking LYS as well - must go there next time I'm in the area!
