

While I was recently visiting the yarn shop Loop, during my recent visit to Philadelphia, I picked up these adorable tiny skeins of Koigu fingering weight yarn called "skeinettes".

The owner of the shop, Craig, assured me that they are the perfect amount of yardage for a single hexipuff.

And so they were. :)

I am slowly but surely adding to my beloved Beekeepers Quilt. I am so happy to have these "skeinettes" from Philadelphia included in the mix. I so enjoyed my time on the east coast and I know that whenever I see these little puffs in my finished blanket, I will remember that trip.

Into the bag they go with the rest of their friends! :)


  1. How awesome is that! I love it when I can find exactly what I need for a project. Good to see your hexipuffs are still coming along, they look great!

  2. those little skeins are so cute, and what a great way to try out a new yarn, if you haven't used it before.

  3. Oh wow, your hexipuffs look gorgeous and those skeinettes are SO tempting!!!

  4. I bought some of those skeinettes for a friend who makes knitted finger puppets for children's storytimes :) They are great! So colorful and a nice amount of yarn.

  5. Craig is wonderful as are all the Loop staff. I am lucky it is my LYS. Love the hexi puffs.

  6. awww I have one tiny skein, but no hexiplans. YOURS are so sweet

  7. What cute hexipuffs! I started my beekeeper's quilt at the beginning of the month and am absolutely addicted! They are so fun to make and are perfect for mini skeins and skeinettes!
