
The Never Not Knitting Podcast : Episode 85 : Books, Yarn and Something Beautiful

Episode 85


Enter to win this beautiful bundle of Skeins in the Stacks yarn along with the current copy of Jane Austen Knits by leaving a comment with your contact information under this post by December 15th. Only one comment per person please! The winner will be announced in Episode 86.

Thank you for listening! 

The Lantern Moon 2015 Retreat will take place at the lovely Five Pine Lodge in central Oregon, where you'll stay in your own spacious private cabin, and have an opportunity to experience the fabulous Shibui Spa!  Teachers will include Alana Dakos of Never Not Knitting, Jean Wells of the Stitchin Post, and Jean's daughter Valori Wells of Valori Wells Designs!  

Full details on classes and schedule will be available in early December.
Pre-register Today! Call Cathy at 800-530-4170 to reserve your spot!

Listeners of the Never Not Knitting podcast can receive free shipping on Skeins in the Stacks orders of 2 items or more. Enter code "NNKPODCAST" in the checkout process HERE.


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Karen said...

That yarn is beautiful! I'd love to give it a try.

LindaR said...

I'm a Jane Austen fan and the yarns look stunning, please count me in!
lindarumsey on Ravelry

katherinelynn_04 said...

What a lovely kit! I love the Jane Austen knits that I have, and haven't picked that one up yet.

katherinelynn04 on rav

Debbie H said...

Beautiful yarn and Jane Austen designs are wonderful!
Barachois on Ravelry

K1teach2 said...

Exquisite! And thank you for the giveaway.

Melissa Littlefield said...

these would be soo cool to knit with! Thanks for offering the give-a-way :)

Love the podcast!


Ingrid K. said...


I would like to take part please!
Such gorgeous yarn and the pattern book looks very special! :)

Ingrid xx

Sally said...

What lovely yarn!
MuddyMoose on Ravelry

Jenelle said...

It looks like a beautiful kit. Thanks for the chance to win! (echinops.aster[at]gmail)

Andee said...

Oh that yarn is beautiful! I love that all the people that you have gift knitted for are so appreciative. Now I feel guilty and I better get some gifts knitted up :) That was a wonderful story. I love how knitting has such a wonderful way of making great things happen. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Andee

adodds said...

What a great giveaway. I love to see yarn that is new to me. Thank you for another great podcast.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you. I love your podcast. davidandamandahill@gmail.com

LT said...

Oh my, pretty colors!

Taure said...

Beautiful yarn! I'm achardin on ravelry

christina said...

awesome yarn! yarnlaw on rav

Rachelle said...

Would love to be in to win, I'm sewsable on Ravelry

Carol said...

Beautiful prize on the eve of thanksgiving. Among other things, I'm grateful for your podcast.

Rebecca Barnes said...

Such beautiful yarn and patterns too. rebecca.barnes@comcast.net

Bente Simone said...

Nice. Hoping for some luck. Beautiful kit.

Bentes on rav

EBS said...

What a great give-away! Who ever wins will be lucky!

Rav: WintonB

decadentdelusion said...

Gorgeous! Count me in!

decadentdelusion on Ravelry

Ms Moore said...

I love your blog, hope I'm in with a chance. Xx

dove said...

Jane Austen era has caught my interest. I would love to try Skeins in the Stacks, the colors are beautiful!

This copy of Jane Austen is one I have wanted to get very, very much. Thanks for the generosity.

Ravelry moniker bluewingteal

Raitalammas said...

Those skeins are adorable! I'm Lammas on Ravelry.

Redrose_blackribbon said...

So so lovely!
I'm serialknitter07 on Ravelry

Stefanie said...

I'm new to your podcast.. really excited about it!

Unknown said...

That yarn is so lovely, I'd love to try it. yiankostamato

Blossom said...

Fabulous prize

Gwiwi said...

What a lovely knit kit. I like this colors and with a bit of luck......it could become my christmas present?

Vanessa. v.ehlen@me.com

Kate (Hunter) Prater said...

The yarn should stay here in Alaska, with me!


britgirlknits said...

Happy thanksgiving and thanks for the podcast!
The yarn and book are new to me so would be a welcome win. Britgirlknits on ravelry

Unknown said...

The yarn sounds amazing! I'd love to knit a Jane inspired project.

Anonymous said...

Something for the romantic in me ;-)

streepie on ravelry

Nia said...

gorgeous yarn and I love Jane Austen knits! I'm mrsskip on ravelry :)

quiltercaroline said...

I am a great Austin fan and the yarn looks beautiful. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Lovely yarn and book. I always enjoy your podcasts. Thank you!

Lee said...

Lovely yarn! Thanks for the giveaway!
Mamagiff on ravelry

Retired Knitter said...

Beautiful. And I would love a chance to win.

Ravelry cat3catz

yarngirl32 said...

Thank you for the nice offer.

yarngirl32 Rav ID

4hens1932@zoomtown.com email

rldelponte7 said...

Jane Austen is my favorite author! Would love to win this!
rav id: lindajeanne

Jen said...

That yarn is gorgeous! jenniferlynnemason@gmail.com

Allison Funk said...

Oh, I love Jane Austen Knits - such beautiful patterns! Please sign me up!

KansasPrairieGal on Ravelry

LBrown8655 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LBrown8655 said...

Beautiful yarn and patterns. Love your podcast! Please enter me in the drawing. Rav ID lbrown8655

Rhee said...

Beautiful yarn, lovely magazine and fantastic podcast
solaire on Ravelry

Dr Sabrina said...

I would love to get to knit with this yarn and make a little purse!

Catie said...

The yarns are gorgeous and her story was beautiful - so glad she shared it.

Sheri said...

Love the podcast. Thanks for the giveaway.

Rav. ID: Craftyslm

Unknown said...

Yeepee! Jane Austen! Yarn! It's Christmas before Christmas! :)

lmecoll on Ravlery said...

It was so nice meeting you at Rhinebeck. I was the one wearing the purple Forest Foliage.
Lmecpll on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I would love some yarn for some last minute winter knits and the book looks great


FadenStille said...

What a great giveaway, Thanks for offering, I'd love to join.
fadenstille on Rav

Deb said...

Gorgeous yarn, would love to get my needles on it

Anonymous said...

What beautiful yarn! Thanks for the chance to win. I'm ShadowAP on Rav.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous yarn! Thanks for the chance to win!

cynthialeigh said...

Oh this is a beautiful giveaway! Thanks,
cynthialeigh2 on rav

Unknown said...

I've been wanting to boy a copy of the latest Jane Austin Knits - it would be great to win one! And the yarn looks great.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful yarn, great giveaway!

Sabrinaquilts said...

This was a great episode. I checked out her shop and was thoroughly entreated by how fun her shop is. I am amazed by the colors she got from berries! I also love her story. Her description of her first impression of a library is how I felt every time I go into a library. Sabrinaquilts on Ralvery.

Sylvie said...

Those yarns are such a beautiful set of colors!

somesylvie on Rav

Klaine said...

The colors of the yarn are so beautiful. I love purple colors :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway...just lovely designs and yarn!

Zsoofi said...

Such a beautiful yarn is a special value here in Hungary, and OMG I would love that book sooooo much!!!
(Zsoofi on Ravelry)

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Oh I'd love to win such a lovely prize. I am a big Jane Austen fan...and the yarn looks so lovely. :)

Anonymous said...

What beautiful Jane Austen colors! thank you, I'm bigblueice on ravelry

Julesy said...

Oh goodness me! So much pretty! Just watched Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility. :)

anneofjulie on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Very beautiful! I'm inspired. .Tx for entering my name for the drawing. d

Devin said...

Gorgeous colors... and thanks for the tip on the Clara dress pattern! I found it. :) My new little girl NEEDS this dress!

sienf said...

That's a gorgeous set and I can't wait to see the patterns

sienf on ravelry

Anonymous said...

The yarns are so beautiful, and I've loved reading Jane Austen!
Rav id hodges00

June said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
June said...

Beautiful yarn and patterns. Would love to win, Thanks for the opportunity!
rudipatoodee on Ravelry

nursenikkiknits said...

Gorgeous giveaway. Alaska is definitely on our short list for upcoming vacations.
nursenikkiknits on Ravelry

Savannagal said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for the giveaway. The yarn looks lovely.

Maria M said...

Thank you for offering this prize. Happy holidays! nysunshine on Ravelry.

Unknown said...

Love Jane Austen

Tlobner said...

Love Jane Austen. Thanks for a great giveaway.
Tlobner on Rav

Jessica Johannesen said...

what a wonderful set of colors!
jessiegirl21 on rav.

Neza said...

Thank you for amazing podcasts and giveaways!

Unknown said...

Such a wonderful episode and the yarn is beautiful.

Janice said...

I love Jane Austen and recently finished rereading all of her books. The yarn colors are gorgeous! I'm sockmonkey628 on ravelry.

Emily said...

I'd love to knit something for my Austen-loving sister if I won. Thank you for the informative and inspiring podcast!

Frickerbasket on ravelry

Eliz T said...

As always, a very enjoyable pod cast!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous colours. I am CnitterCatey on ravelry.

Knit pretty,

Chloe said...

Oh lovely giveaway! Pygmina on ravelry

Unknown said...

Oooh! Me! Please!

Great episode, Alanna! The Clara Dress and the goat are both fantastic. Good work!

Lucy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lucy said...

Such beautiful yarn and patterns!

Lucy21780 on Rav.

Heather said...

There is something so rewarding about giving a handmade gift, as much for me I think as the recipient. Thanks for another great episode.

Sheila said...

Lovely yarn!

Gaby said...

I love Jane Austin and the yarns look amazing.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Gabyj on rav.

sharonathemom said...

Thank you for the opportunity for this great giveaway!

Rav: sharonathemom

Jody said...

I just found your podcast. I really love that you share other's knitting stories as well as your own. I'm hooked - er - stiched in?

I'm HealthyGirl on Ravelry.

KathyRV said...

I was named for Elinor in the Jane Austin classic. I love the idea of knitting projects inspired by the characters.

Anonymous said...

The colours are so subtle. Thank you for the podcast and lovely patterns.
Jabberwok on Ravelry

Laura said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I always enjoy your podcast!

bluecanoe on Ravelry

Hind DP said...

Thank you for the beautiful prize, I love Jane Austen!
Mamamustknit on Ravelry

Tobie said...

154I'd love these...colors beautiful!

Dawna said...

I love the gorgeous colors of the Jane Austin inspired yarns. They are perfect for the JA patterns.

Your Clara dress is so cute. I have admired that pattern for a long time.

Dawna on Ravelry

Alison said...

Loving the color palette of those yarns with the Jane Austen magazine.

emlymom on Ravelry

Rebecca said...

This was such a lovely episode! I enjoyed it so much, Alana :)

That sounds like such a fabulous kit!

CrochetLover103 on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Thanks for another great episode!

slmiller8 said...

That yarn is lovely, and I've had my eye on the magazine, too

Ellen T. Andresen said...

Beautiful set of miniskeins!

Anonymous said...

I love your podcast and I love this giveaway! I'm very excited! Nalleandzoesmom on ravelry.

Unknown said...

Jane Austen + purple!!!! I can't think of a better pair. I love it.

KT4JC said...

Oooo...I love the Jane Austen books!

Jersey Shore Deb said...

Great episode as usual--especially loved the story, since I too am a book/library lover plus an avid knitter. Also loved the message that you can make something good out of a seemingly bad situation.

Would love to win the giveaway!

margaretk said...

Thank you for sharing the story with the "Stitch in the hard times" theme- I came back to knitting while sitting through a loved one's illness, and I think I have another time like that in the near future. Knitting really helps, as does reading. I am a huge Jane Austen fan, and I have made socks and a shawl from earlier editions of Jane Austen Knits. I would love to win this giveaway! Thanks for podcasting.

Valerie said...

Just bought the bundle but would love to have another. Thanks Alana for featuring our Cordova artist.

Lonneke said...

Thank you for the lovely podcast.
And what a wonderful give-away!
Lonneke on Ravelry

Bev and Kev said...

This would be a wonderful Christmas gift!

Ravelry name: AunyBetsy

Sarah said...

Great episode! I loved the knitting story; it made me want to curl up in a library with a book and yarn. I am monotropa on Ravelry.

gardendeeva said...

What a treat to knit those lovely Jane Austen patterns with such yummy fiber.

Thank you for this giveaway!

gardendeeva on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I really like the connection of colorways to literature. Books and yarn, my two fave subjects.

rinebird said...

I love Skein % would love to win.
rinebird on Ravelry

joan blondina said...

Oohhh I would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity!

JoanBlondina on Rav

Mimi F said...

Not sure my first one went through. That is lovely and thanks for the opportunity to win.

sandy l said...

Sense and Sensibility is one of my favorite Austen stories. I would love to win this yarn.

2y1xmom on ravelry

Mrs. MacKenzie said...

Reticules are cool! Beautiful yarn and fun podcast.
pmack17 on rav

Rebecca said...

Gorgeous! dustytreeknits on Ravelry

Ady Grafovna said...

Beautiful! I am grafovna on Ravelry.

Isa said...

Thank you for the giveaway!! All colours are gorgeous. I'm iribeiro on ravelry

k2ntrish said...

I loved your interview with Hannah Fettig on knit.fm.
hotknitter on Rav

Unknown said...

Another great podcast! The Jane Austin book and yarns are wonderful! Thank you for this opportunity!

Rav: llmcguire

Rachel Rachel said...

Alana, I love you and your designs! I am new to podcasts and am so happy to discover yours! I would love to be entered in the drawing for the beautiful yarn from skeins in the stacks!

Ravelry ID: rachelinblue

Unknown said...

I love all things Jane Austen and all things knitting! Thanks for the giveaway!

Kelly Rock said...

Jane Austen is my favorite!!

Sammylynn said...

This is beautiful. I love this podcast and I love everything I am learning.

Samantha Johnson
Raverly.com Sammmylynn87

Charlotte Hyland said...

Thanks for doing these awesome give aways! Love the podcast. charlottehyland on Ravelry or charlottehyland@gmail.com

Claire said...

Beautiful dress, and the goat has so much character. I love the books by Jane Austen--particularly Sense and Sensibility. Thanks as ever for doing the podcast and the giveaway! Claire Fried.

cfried on Ravelry

Unknown said...

What a beautiful prize! I love the colors and the magazine! I always look through those when I visit Barnes and Noble!

My ravelry name is porcupineology incase I win !

Sue said...

Looks great! Wouldn't that be fun to knit! Thanks for your beautiful designs and delightful podcast! ravelry k1p2sue

Anni said...

What beautiful yarn! I'm a huge Jane Austen fan, ad would love to win.
Rav ID: solovyay
Email: asmith7@binghamton.edu

Craftyziti said...

I LOVE Jane Austen! What a beautiful giveaway!

On Ravelry: craftyziti

Kim said...

I love the Jane Austen magazine and this yarn is lovely.

dariasmom on Ravelry

Yarn Minded Knitter said...

I love the Jane Austin books, read my first one in elementary school. I would love a chance to win beautiful yarn and a wonderful magazine.

Ravelry ID: msmelody

Knitterchow said...

Loved this episode! Beautiful yarn based on favorite characters, what could be better?

Knitterchow on Ravelry

irislover said...

Would absolutely LOVE to win this prize....the podcast is awesome and enjoyed listening......feel blessed to have met Alana AND have the yarn dyer Anna as a neighbor and a friend!

Anonymous said...

Literature and yarn, is there anything better? Thank you Alana for all of your amazing designs and a great podcast to listen to, as well as your great give-aways. Count me in.

I'm tmariechickadee on Ravelry.


Connie K. said...

Thanks for the lovely giveaway! Jane Austen is my rainy day go-to author and I love the patterns in this magazine!


catherine.cy.ng said...

Would love this yarn!

LesleyAnn said...

Wow. What a lovely gift! I love Jane Austen. I absolutely love yarn and fibers of all kinds and colors. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

LesleyAnn on Ravelry

Mrs. S said...

Makes me want to read and knit! I love Jane Austin and knitting!

KSaegaert on ravelry

D. said...

The colours are lovely! Thanks.


pamelaric said...

I've been looking at the patterns in that book and would love to win it with the yarn.

Sarah said...

This is so beautiful. I love the yarn.
Violet83 on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I'm a Jane Austen fan too & a huge fan of beautiful yarn. I love your podcast & so look forward to it. Thank you - with love, Sandra (aka as haveyarnwillfly on ravelry)

Unknown said...

Beautiful yarn AND Jane Austen? Count me in!
sassykrafty on Ravelry

Sarah said...

Thank you for the chance to win this awesome prize! Sarahsparkle on Ravelry.

timothyandreas28 said...

You have awesome prizes Alana! Thanks for the chance.

Rebekah said...

What a lovely giveaway! Fingers crossed...

Ravelry id: flutterbysong

Carla S said...

This yarn is so beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway.

knittingNancy1 said...

Ravelry ID: Knittingnancy1
OHHH I love purple! I hope I'm lucky enough to win!

Unknown said...

I love, love, LOVE the "Jane Austen Knits" magazines!!!! And those yarns look fabulous. Count me in!

Meitrannan (pronounced My-Tran-Ann) on Ravelry (or WarmGlowKnits@gmail.com). :0D

Kristen said...

What a beautiful prize!

globalite on Ravelry

Joanne said...

This is my first time listening to your podcast. I enjoyed it very much.

The yarn and magazine you describe sound like a wonderful prize to win.

joannekiley on ravelry.

Ellen said...

I'm a big Jane Austen fan and an even bigger fan of purple! I would love to win.

shpizl on Ravelry

Gen said...

Oh my! so beautiful!!! I am KnitGen on Ravelry. I would love this set. I can just imagine going to tea with my new reticule on my wrist.

Unknown said...

Jo (gojo63 on Ravelry) I love Jane Austen a few years ago I did a free podcast walking tour of bath it was lovely seeing the places while listening to the text

Unknown said...

Loved this months podcast, guest story was really good, count me in for chance at the giveaway thxs

Miss Woolple and the happy things said...

I love your podcast, please keep on making them!
And I love Jane Austen, so who knows...
All the best

Anonymous said...

I would Love to try the yarn.
RavID apfelschnute

Loretta said...

I need to read some Jane Austen now. Great giveaway! BTW, my toddler loves your theme music. She kept saying "more, more!" so we listened to it about 8 times. :) I'm LorettaJ on ravelry.

Leeann said...

Jane Austen, yes very romantic. I'm so drawn to this period of time.Mostly the dusky colors and the beautiful hats of the period. I hope I can be the winner of this wonderful gift. Happy Holidays to you and thank you for your podcast. I live in the interior of Alaska. Sad I didn't get to go to the retreat to meet you. whiteravencreations@yahoo.com

ml said...

The colors look great. I'd like to try the yarn out.
Rav ID is nookknits


RC said...

What a fun giveaway. That yarn is stunningly beautiful! Rav id is craftyland.

Unknown said...


~Lucia (pearlofthepacific on Ravelry)

Kaarina said...

Nice! Thanks!

Kaijaknit2 on Ravelry

Karen said...

Love those beautiful shades of purple. It would be excellent fun to knit something inspired by jane Austen in those colors.

Wonderful podcast. Keep up the good work. And may all your holidays be excellent!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful yarn colors - thanks for the giveaway!

PeggyPeaches on Ravelry

TheFoxandtheOwl said...

Love this and have lots of Jane Austen fans in the family. Really enjoy your podcast!

Unknown said...

What fun! Beautiful yarn and Jane for company:)

sandrarumsey said...

Beautiful colours. Thanks for the chance.
Rav. I.D. SanRum

sienf said...

That is a gorgeous set of purples and I'd love to see the inspired knits in that magazine!

(sienf on Ravelry)

localyarnz said...

I love Jane Austen and I love those beautiful purple mini skeins!!

localyarnz on Ravelry

katrina said...

Lovely colours! I must admit that I've never managed to get through Sense and Sensibility, though...

thornythistle on rav.

JulieV said...

Lovely yarn. And happy holidays.

Adebar said...

Oh yes pleeease 😀 I am a bit fan of Jane Austen and the yarn looks lovely!
Adebar on rav

Cora K said...

Oooh! What a nice pile of goodies.

StikineStix said...

So beautiful!
Stikinestix on Rav.

Tennesseegirl14 said...

Lovely giveaway!!!!!

Tennesseegirl14 on Ravelry

Eenae said...

How fun! I love all things Jane Austen!

RavID: Eenae

Lina said...

How beautiful! I'm a huge fan of Jane Austin and an avid knitter, so I don't see how a prize could get much better! I'm Dragonbard on Ravelry.

Ericacr said...

Love the yarn and the whole idea of Anna's work!

im said...

The yarns look lovely. I'd love to do some colorwork that includes all of them
from bluebirdnest at Ravelry

Unknown said...

lovely yarn, thank you so much for the opportunity. my contact is Bpknits2 in ravelry.

LindaMGeo said...

Beautiful yarn and Jane Austen. It can't get much better than that!
LindaMGeo on Ravelry.

Deb said...

What a gorgeous set of yarn colors - I would love to knit something from this book with it!

DebMomOf3 on Ravelry

Sally said...

What Beautiful Yarn!

Greta Cornejo said...

Ohh, me please!
Thank you for the giveaway

auntgerry said...

I would live to knit with this

Jamie Schull said...

What a wonderful giveaway! The perfect magazine to dream over with a cup of hot tea. The yarn looks luscious and unique! Please count me in as well!

Romykins said...

Great podcast! romykins on ravelry

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge Jane Austen fan. I would love to win this!

Jasmyn said...

What an awesome giveaway!! Would love to win. -jas330 on Rav

Tina said...

Beautiful yarn and I LOVE this magazine!

MoxyKnitter on Ravelry

Puella63 said...

Jane Austen is perhaps my favourite author. I love the Regency style too.
Puella63 on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

Jane Austin knits is something beautiful, indeed! Good luck to us all. KnitTenFeet on Ravelry

alene said...

beautiful yarn linked to a classic story

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