
Project Update...

A lot has been going on around here!
First of all, my pile of gray Malabrigo is rapidly turning into the
squishiest, softest, cuddliest cardigan. I cant wait to wrap myself in it when its done.

The pattern is Vine Yoke Cardigan by Ysolda Teague. Its a pleasure to knit, but I have to admit that the sweater's current proportions are scaring me a little.
Fortunately I know a thing or two about blocking handknits into submission.

Also last weekend I had the awesome opportunity of going on a knitting retreat put on by Bonita Knitting and Bobbin's Nest Studio.
There was a beautiful boutique set up just for the retreat participants. It wasn't my fault that they happened to include the most beautiful skein of sock yarn in the sale.

I had to cast on for Damson straight away.

Do you blame me?


  1. Bobbin's Nest Studio is absolutely beautiful, I was there just last week while I was vacationing in Santa Clara. (And as for the sock yarn, I totally understand, it is quite breath taking.)

  2. OMG, I am working on the same projects as you! We're both big fans of Ysolda isn't it? Your Vine yoke cardigan looks awesome and I can't wait to see it on you. I heard a lot of good comments on the Dameson too. Keep up the good work.

  3. beautiful work, as always! great minds think alike it seems - I'm also working on my Vine Yoke Cardi (just started) and Damson (brought back from hibernation after working on other things)! VYC is addicting. I'm not sure if it's the yarn (also using Malabrigo.. in Lettuce.. you'd probably love it! ;) or the pattern or the combination, but I have a hard time putting it down once I pick it up!

  4. PS: Bobbin's Nest is an AWESOME shop! :) It's one of my favorites - I just wish it wasn't on the other side of the Bay from me so I could go there more often. LOL

  5. Oh, the golden colours are delightful!

  6. Your Vine Yolk looks so beautiful and no wonder you couldn't resist that yarn, I love fall colours.

  7. Love your Vine Yoke cardi and great color. What an awesome color for sock yarn - gorgeous!

  8. Your Vine Yoke Cardigan looks beautiful, it works so well in the grey :)

  9. What a great cardigan pattern. It's going to be lovely.

    I like the color of sock yarn that you chose and I think it will be perfect for Damson.

  10. That looks so great!! I haven't used Malabrigo yet, but keep hearing how wonderful it is.

  11. What beautiful sock yarn!

    The sweater is fabulous!

  12. Your sweater looks great- I love that color of malabrigo. Don't worry too much about the dimensions.... my vine yoke seemed awfully small and short while in progress, but after blocking, I ended up with a normal size sweater and it didn't even require much tugging.

  13. Can't wait to see the finished product! Love the gold-colored yarn. Very unique.

  14. No, I don't blame you that is exquisite!

  15. I can't wait to see some snaps of that sweater on you. It looks both interesting and lusciously soft, a great combination!

  16. SO GORGEOUS. i can almost feel it even in the photographs.

  17. Your Vine Yoke is gorgeous. I started with the original pattern but ended up frogging because of the size. I think I'm going to go down one size. The garter stitch will gain length once it's washed and blocked.

  18. It looks beautiful! I have to tell you, your daughter looked so happy with the bird / nest, I had to order the yarn to make one for my 4 y/o niece. And then I HAVE to make the snake for my nephew. Homemade holiday gifts, it feels good!

  19. Oh my goodness! That cardigan is beautiful! I cannot wait to see the finished produce. That grey is gorgeous!

  20. That is the most beautiful yarn!


    P.S. - Please come over to enter our 2nd Annual Halloween Contest/Giveaway - better hurry!

  21. Oh that cardi looks gorgeous!! I can't wait to see it when you are all finished.

  22. your cardi looks soo soft! and i love the yarn you chose for damson
