
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 46 : A Knitter's Hands

Episode 46


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The winner of Episode 45's Knitterella Drawing Giveaway is Maria! Congratulations!

*Please check back soon to enter the drawing for Episode 46!

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Click HERE to download the Episode 46 MP3 file.


  1. LOL! I LOVE the song at the end of your podcast! Did you write the lyrics? I'm curious about your husband now. Do you knit him anything?

  2. Sorry to hear that you're sick. I had a temperature of 39C degree a few days ago and it felt terrible.

  3. Hi Alana,
    Just thought I'd let you know Jenny and Nicole from the stash and burn podcast named you one of their acessory queens! wooo congratulations : )

  4. I knit when I am sick too! But I tried to knit when I had the flu this week and had to rip out my beret out 4 times before I got it right. Never knit when you are delirious or have a temperature! It's a disaster!

  5. It was great to hear another episode. I hope you are 100% very soon. I wish I could get all that knitting time without the ailment though. Have a great holiday season and thank you for the podcasts and giveaways.

  6. This is my first time listening to you podcast, wow, where have I been...under the rock with the people that haven't seen Melynda's pattern for French Press Slipper?

    I really enjoyed this episode and the story of "A Knitter's Hands", I will be back to hear future episodes.

  7. I absolutely love love love Cascade 220 :) I really should knit myself the French Press slipper, I purchased the pattern awhile ago and still haven't made it.

  8. I always enjoy your podcasts, Alana. Thank you. I like cascade, too!

  9. This was my first time listening to the podcast, but I will now be a regular subscriber! I heard about it on the French Press Knits blog (which I heard about from the KnitPicks podcast-- who knew the knitting community was so connected?)

  10. Hope you feel better soon but I can relate for secretly wishing for an excuse to spend time in bed knitting. My recent cold just was bad enough to knock me out!

    I really enjoy your designs and your podcast!

  11. I cannot believe that I just stumbled upon your blog maybe only a week ago.

    You are my favorite distraction :)

    I am so excited to listen to all of your blogs (old and new) I have already listened to quite a few, but cannot wait to hear while I knit or clean the flat !!!

  12. love the best friend sweater - any plans for an adult version?

  13. I have laryngitis too! Thank you for going ahead with your podcast no. 46 when obviously your throat was still sore.........you poor thing!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Trying to catch up and looking forward to knitting the felted slippers. I have Cascade 220 in my stash. Never thought of felting it.

  16. First time listener. I enjoyed it and will listen againc

  17. LOVE the podcast/blog. I just found it and I have really enjoyed listening...even to the older podcasts. Last night I started knitting the shawl collar cowl. Keep up the good work. Thanks.

  18. So enjoyed your podcast... 1st time for me... and the closing song was fantabulous!!!

  19. i appreciated the story told as i have man-size hands too! i have to have someone else try on fingerless gloves and mittens to make sure they will fit a gift-recipient with normal-sized hands!
