
My Two Secret Projects

Hello blog readers. As you might have noticed, I've stepped back from my knitting over the past few months and  because of this, my poor little knitting blog has been lacking in content. 
I want to assure you that there have been good reasons for this.

I have been working on a collection of knits that I am hoping to release at the end of the year. For the first time I am designing some women's sweaters which I'm finding to be a fun and challenging endeavor. I love knitting sweaters so much, I think it is time that I crossed over into this new venture. 

You can see that I am using hand dyed yarns heavily in this collection. 
I am enjoying working with such inspiring colors.

One of the sweaters is almost done, but the other projects are still in a swatching stage. I wanted to be done with this by now and have so much more to show you, but there has been this other "project" of mine that has been taking up ALL of my energy.

This little boy who will be joining our family in November!!!!

I cannot quite tell you how happy I am to share this with you. We have been wanting to expand our family for some time now and we are absolutely thrilled to be having a second child.

The last three months have been spent in my bed with my saltine crackers, but it is so worth it!
I'm feeling so much better now and I hope to get back to my regular knitting schedule and get this collection done! I have a lot of work to do but I am really excited!

So.. there will be a lot of fun new projects for me to share on the blog over the next several months. 
I'm very excited about these knits and I hope you will love them too!


drMolly, the BeanQueen said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I join you & your family in your happiness.

Silvia M. said...

Can't wait to see the sweater patterns. :)

Monica said...

Congrats!!! This is indeed exciting. A new collection and a new baby. Dare I hope for some boy-knits? I have a 3 year old son, and I find I am always lacking inspiration when it comes to boy stuff. I keep making things for my niece, and very little for him.
But this is wonderful news.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Alana, that is such wonderful news! Thank you so much for sharing your news, and the scan of your baby with us. Very best wishes and a bundle of hugs to you and your family. Lorraine xx

Candace said...

Oh my goodness!! Congratulations!

Kathy said...

Blessings to you and your family. May this little one be blessed with good health and bring much joy to your family.
Can't wait to see the patterns!

Katrina @ Pics, Pages & Purls said...

Congrats...LOVE the yarn that you have chosen to share with us!

Kristina said...

Congratulations! That is the best project of all!

Rachael said...

What great news, on both counts!

Amy Bailes said...

Love the yarn and the projects underneath, but the last "project" is the best one ever!

Congratulations on your pregnancy and the new baby.

Cara said...

Congratulations! Baby boys are so lovable! Glad to hear the Morning Sickness is getting a little easier to bear.

Loving the yarn choices on the sweaters...what are you using there?

Linden_girl said...

Congratulations!!! Wonderful news!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Congratulations - what an exciting fall you'll have!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Alana!
And can't wait to check out these sweater patterns!

Catie said...

Congratulations Alana and family

Ana said...

Happiness! Love to you and that boy.

Dawn said...

Congratulations! So excited for you! I'll be praying for your little guy to make a safe arrival! Please take care of yourself!:)

Anonymous said...

wonderful news, on all fronts. take care of yourself!

Jaynette said...


I love all of your creations. Your patterns are so original and very well written. And it looks like you make cute babies too.

knitalatte said...

Wonderful news! Wishing you much love during this happy time.

Connie, the daisyhead said...

Congratulations!! What a wonderful reason to slow down!

Amanda said...

Congratulations! So glad to hear you are feeling better!

Vivian said...

Congratulations!!! So exciting to be bringing another beautiful child into this world!

Seraphimgirl said...

Congratulations! So happy for you and your family!

Deb said...

Congratulations! How wonderful for your family! Enjoy your creative time! I send you lots of hugs!

Nuttygal said...

That is wonderful, congrats

Teri said...


One Planet said...

Congratulations Alana! and to your family too.

Tiphanie said...

Congratulations, Alana! I hope you're feeling better. What a blessing this addition to your family is. I bet your daughter is super excited! And now you get to knit up a bunch of baby boy stuff. ; )

Bill Law said...

Congratulations to you and your family.Enjoy every minute of it all!

kelleysgirl said...

How exciting! Congrats and best wishes for you and your growing family!

Carolina said...

Congratulations....sweet blessings to you and your family!

Rosie said...

This is such wonderful news. Congratulations! Oh, and ginger candies may help settle your stomach.

Jessica said...

I am so happy for you! Little boys are so wonderful!!
jpeled on ravelry

Jenn said...

YAY!!! Such amazingly wonderful news! I am so excited for you and your family! Boys are so much fun :) ((hugs))

kristal135 said...

Congratulations to you and your family, such lovely news.kristal

*starstofillmydreams* said...

Congratulations Alana! Little Boys are so much fun! I'm intrigued by that glimpse of sweater. I had been hoping that you would branch into designing some more sweaters for women.

Cinnamon said...

Congratulations! How exciting for you and the family. I definitely remember parenting my then 1 year old from the couch during my first trimester with my second. The morning sickness wiped me out, and I was so relieved to feel better in the second. Glad you're there.

Rach said...

Congrats! How exciting! I'm also pregnant with my second and also a little boy. Due first week of september. Glad you're feeling a bit better. Looking forward to seeing the Adult sweater patterns.

grammynan said...

Congratulations! And looking forward to some little boy projects from you, yes? As a mom of 3 sons I have always thought hand knit boys items are so so much more interesting and darling (oops, handsome) than the store varieties.

Cathi said...

Congratulations, Alana! How neat to get a boy this time too. The sweater projects look lovely.

CelticCastOn said...

Congrats Alana!! So happy for you and your family! I bet your daughter is excited to be a big sister :)

Anonymous said...

congrats to your family

Toby said...

Ohhh How lovely! Congratulations to you and your family!

Geraldine said...

A very big congrats and hugs to you! My first time commenting here. What a beautiful blog you have. Take care of yourself and the new baby on the way.


Mona said...

All the knits look great, but I don't think I've seen a better WIP picture than that second one :)
Congrats to your whole family!

Zenitude said...

Congratulations Alana! So happy for your family!
I am also looking forward to your wonderful new designs.

Clumsy Knitter said...

Congratulations on BOTH counts, Alana!

barbara said...

Congratulations! Such great news. Enjoy it all.

Sarah said...

Huge congrats to you and your family!

Kelly said...

What wonderful news! Congratulations - boys are wonderful!

Suzanne said...

Congratulations on the recent "body building" you are undertaking. This is indeed joyful news.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Alana!

I've wondering what you were doing not updating your blog as often and not coming up with new patterns, so this is it! What a wonderful excuse. Believe it or not, I guessed correctly. :)

Unknown said...

omg congrats!! so happy for you!

Kerstin said...

Congratulations to you and your family! What wonderful news! All the best to you for a healthy pregnancy. I've been hoping for you for some time now. :)

she knits said...

Congratulations Alana,
wishing you all the best :0)
Much Love, Mel x x

Nicky said...

This is usuch lovely news !
Maybe we will get to see some of your baby knitting ???

Carol said...

Congratulations to all, can't wait to see all the wonderful new designs you come up with for boys! :)

J said...

Yaaaaay! Congratulations! I can't wait to see him - I am sure he will be just as beautiful as the rest of your gorgeous family.
Great news!

It's funny you mentioned knitting sweaters for women I have been toying with the idea of knitting something for myself too.

I will email you soon regarding my short story - a friend of mine knows what they are doing with podcast recording so he is going to help me record it.

Jude (The Knitter's Legacy girl)

J said...

Oh Alana, I am happy for you! What a blesson! Two little angels in the house. Enjoy. Jen

Michaeline said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you. You are right; it is so worth it. The sweaters sound very interesting and the sneak peak of the yarn is wonderful! Congratulations on both!

Nancy said...

I am so happy for you, too, Alana. My first grandson was born in May. Babies are so wonderful.

Kathryn said...

Many warm wishes being sent your way - Congratulations (from a Mom with 8 boys, boys are wonderful)

Karen said...

Congratulations! Little boys are so much fun, and they love their mommies! I have 4 boys. ;) Sweet blessings to you!

~hunnyb~ on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

all of that yarn looks so delicious... so distracted by yarn.... HOLY CRAP YOU'RE HAVING A BABY. i almost didn't notice! (i'm kidding of course.) Congratulations! Best of luck for the months ahead.

Pat said...

Congratulations!! for the new addition to your family. Babies (boys or girls) are great!

Anonymous said...

How delightful! Congratulations to you, your husband, and the big-sister-to-be!

JodyH said...

Congratulation on the baby AND the sweater patterns! They are both very exciting news!

Armida said...

Congratulations on your precious little blessing, as well as your new designs!! How exciting :D

aliasrlene said...

Congratulations Alana. I am so happy for you!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! And I hope we eventually see a collection of little boy knits to go along with your fabulous little girl knits!

Marie said...

Such joyous news! Congratulations!

Pam said...

Congratulations! What wonderful Secret projects.

I'm looking forward to your women's sweater as I love your little girl knits.

Cami said...


lilndmama said...

How exciting and congratulations!!!

Hazy said...

Congratulations. What a blessing to you and your family

Martha said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news about the upcoming blessed event - and by that I mean the baby (although the collection of sweaters will be something for the rest of us to look forward to). Love your designs and am looking forward to following your progress on both projects. :)

thewalshfam said...

So happy for you!!! Congrats!

Kristina said...

Congratulations! This is the best project of all!

Louise said...

Such wonderful news, congratulations :) I was super sick with my boy as well, I feel for you!

Sabrina said...

Congrats! What a blessing! I bet you are SO excited to get your little boy :)

diane k said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
diane k said...

Congrats on both accounts! Boys are so very special and have a special relationship with their mothers. I just saw my 27 years old yesterday.

Dee said...

I just had to congratulate you! I have loved watching your adorable daughter in your pictures - now we can watch your little boy! I am also excited about your sweater projects- can't wait! All your patterns are just perfect and fun to knit.

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Congratulations to you and your family! I'm glad you're feeling better. Looking forward to your sweater pattern...it looks beautiful!

cindymen said...

Congratulations! Very exciting to be adding a new baby to your family.

sylphette said...

Congratulations, Alana!!!! Best wishes to you and your family!!! :)

kjramstack said...

Congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Sara said...

Congrats!!! How exciting! Babies are blessings. Love the sweater/yarn colors! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

emily said...

Congratulations... on both projects! Little boys are a handful, but so much fun! I look forward to your sweater knits... and to future little boy knits!

acornarts said...

Wanted to leave a Congratulations earlier, but like you said, Blogger has been weird. Wishing you & your growing family all the best! Can't wait to see what boy knits you come up with;-D

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Will little boy designs be in the future?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What an exciting time for your family:)

Shelley said...

Beautiful news - congratulations!

knitterlydesigns said...

That is so wonderful for you. You wish a healthy pregnancy and baby! Can't wait to see what else you have been creating.


jillian said...

congratulations alana, what wonderful news!

also, on a yarn aside... what is that beautiful greenish-orangish skein in the photo (beside the blue one)?

Anonymous said...

i don't know how I've missed updates on your blog the past few days but I'm happy I did so that my congratulations will not be eaten by the internet.


Millertime Productions said...

Congratulations!!!! Such exciting news on both accounts ;)

Knitterella said...

Your lil boy is adorable already! I'm SO thrilled for you!

Kitty Couture said...

Congratulations again Alana :)

Unknown said...

Congrats Alana! Looking forward to seeing the new beautiful addition to the family....and the sweaters too :) I miss your podcast!

Kim said...

Congratulations! And I know this means that you'll be having boy patterns too - looking forward to seeing what your little guy is going to get.

Kate said...

Hooray for BOYS!!!!! Congratulations Alana :)

Anonymous said...


Charlene said...

Alana, I'm so happy for you and your family! I just spent 5 days with my two little grandsons, one two and a half and one, six months old. So precious. You are a very lucky and talented women!

melosa said...

Congratulations! Can you tell that I'm a little behind in my blog reading? I hope that te remainder of your pregnancy is easy sailing.

Smoked Cheese said...

Super excited for you and your family. Perhaps a special knit for the new big sis! Can't wait to see what you come up with for your little boy. Bright blessings for a safe, happy and health pregancy!

Julie said...

Congratulations Alana!! That's such exciting news. Is your little girl looking forward to being a big sister? And I'm very excited to see your adult sweater patterns later in the year, too!

The Studes said...

Congratulations on the pregnancy. I kinda wish that were lived closer so our girls could playtogether and you could have a bit of time to yourself and your pregnancy.


kamoul said...

Wonderful. Congratulations

Lindy said...

CONGRATULATIONS, on the new baby. I"m sorry I'm a little behind so I just saw this post. My sister is having a baby in the next two weeks. I can't wait to see what he looks like.

Lindy said...

CONGRATULATIONS I'm sorry I'm a little behind. You will have to post some pictures later on. Best wishes to you and your baby.

Lucy said...


kjt said...

I am so behind since the last month or so of school has been really rough.
Just take care of yourself and don't do too much.
That burst of energy in the 2nd trimester is very deceiving.

norabrown said...

Sorry I missed ths originally.

Congratulations. I'm so happy for you!

Alisha said...

Congratulations Alana & family !! I've got a long way to go to get caught up on your podcast so I had no idea about this great news. Can't wait to see the boy things you make for your little one.