Episode 77
Audry's Celestarium Shawl
Order Lit Knits HERE

Enter to win this copy of Lit Knits; 10 Literature Inspired Knits by Audry Nicklin by leaving a comment under this post by January 15th. Please remember to include your contact information. Only one comment per person please! The winner will be announced on Episode 78.
This book looks amazing! What a great theme. Rav amchart
Lit Knits; 10 Literature Inspired Knits looks wonderful. I would love to knit something from it.
Nerdy knitting books are the best knitting books!
rav somesylvie
Ahh! This looks like a good nerdy book knitting book to me! Rav: michalbeth7
Wow! Those patterns look amazing - especially Mr. Toad's driving gloves.
That book looks fabulous! Thanks for the chance! Ravid: reikimom
Lovely patterns - I'd love to own the book!
A fab collection of patterns!
lindarumsey on Ravelry
Awesome! Rav: -krisse-
Lovely blog! :)
How cool! I just bought my first pattern by Audrey today so I can knit my DH some bike socks and then I come across this giveaway!
Oooo this book sounds awesome! Would love it! :)
Ravelry: anneofjulie
I'd love to wn the book. Thank you for the chance.
lmecoll on Ravelry
LOVE knitting books!!!
KNIT4BEER on raverly
Wouldn't my husband look awesome in the Robin Hood hoodie!!
Awesome idea. Look forward to the fun!
As always, love the podcast! I'm ShadowAP on Rav. Thanks!
Love Binker and Robin Hoodie - cannot wait to try it
Oh my! We'd love to win a copy of this book. My daughter is reading these books and it would be fun to knit themed projects for her. Thanks for offering the giveaway. We always enjoy your podcasts.
I have that book on pre-order and cannot wait!
Looks excellent. Thanks! (Ravelry - bonniebon)
What fun! I'm reading the classic Robin Hood to the kids right now, maybe sweaters all around? Doubtful, but fun none the less! Johnston4kids on rav
Love to win
Wow, beautiful designs. I'l love to win!
jlcest2000 on ravelry
I'm completely enamored with the Robin hood sweater. Definitely going in my to be knit list!
katherinelynn04 on Rav
It looks like an amazing book! Happy Holidays!
What a lovely book! Fingers crossed....
- shadystroll on ravelry
Love the book~
Rav: trl710
The Behind the Garden Wall Socks are lovely. Would love to win this book! Jeanneftc on Ravelry
After going to Ravelry and looking at the patterns and then adding several to favorites, I really want a copy of this book. Your work is great! I am weavinfool at gmail dot com.
The book looks great would love to win it! Thank you for the great giveaway! Rav ID acornknitster
Gorgeous patterns and clever theme ! Love the intraquite designs! Great job, Audrey...Avonlea Shawl is my favorite.
Mariaeb on Rav
Oh my gracious what beautiful patterns. I love the large square shawl! Auntea on Ravelry
The book looks amazing. I would be honored to wi. Thank you for sharing.
Looks like a great book! I would love to win it!
How fun! I really like the Robin Hoddie and probably would knit one for myself. The texture is amazing. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the story about the blanket photo session. Can't wait to see the book. It would be fab to win it!!
Finnknitter on Ravelry
Such fun patterns! I love finding out the inspirations behind the designs.
lindaran on Rav
Wow, that book is cool.
That book looks awesome! I'm on Rav as k8sx. Fingers crossed!
What a neat little book!
I love the sweater on the front cover! katrina.fast@gmail.com
Knitting? Literature? What's not to like? I spent my senior year of high school being called Madame Defarge by a classmate... Carrotmusic on Ravelry
What a delightful book. Wouldn't it be fun to listen to the book while knitting the garment. I especially loved the Behind the Garden Wall socks.
I love the thought of knitting based on book characters....So cozy, in a mental way. Ravelry: Skari13
Love the book!
This sounds like a fascinating knitting book-literature and knitting seem to go hand in hand, not sure why. Congratulations on publishing a book Audry!
misslillyknits on Rav
I just found your site and am listening to your latest podcast. That book of yours, well, let's just say I have to have it. Thank you for sharing on your site. Have a great weekend!
the book looks amazing. Ravelry id: inoka
That book looks really fun. I love the Robin Hood sweater!
Your cat story is very familiar. I have two dogs and when they were puppies, they got into my yarn too. Nothing worse than walking into a room to find a ball spread all over the floor.
Liz (LizzieH on ravelry)
Love the book!! RavID lenamr
The book looks wonderful would love to own it
I'm glad your shawl survived your kitten. I have a new puppy and I have very similar experiences lately. Audry's book looks like a real treasure. I've been eyeing it up for a while now. I think the Sail to Treasure Island Blanket might make a lovely wedding gift.
I just got Botanical Knits for Christmas :-)
rav: yarnlaw
Love the book! All the patterns are just gorgeous! Ravelry - RachelUnraveled
What lovely patterns.
I especially love the behind the garden wall socks. They are beautiful !!
Love this book. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a relatively new listener and am enjoying your podcast! I just spent some lovely "me" time looking through your book and previous patterns. Audrey's creations are amazing as well! What a creative mind for the blanket design & photo shoot!
Betty4Fiber on Ravelry
The first thing I'd like to knit is the Treasure Island blanket.
Looks wonderful! ashleymccauley on rav
Great idea for a book theme! Globalite on Ravelry
I have a special place in my heart for any books that hook knitting to literature. The pictures are also great. Thanks for the chance to own this treasure.
Beautiful knits in thus book
Amazing book! Thanks for the opportunity.
Literature and knitting. Such an interesting combination!
Swedishgrandma on Ravelry
Literature and knitting. Such an interesting combination!
Swedishgrandma on Ravelry
It's difficult to choose, but I think "Deep Sea Wanderer" is my favorite pattern in the book. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of Knit Lits :-).
Lauriebo on Ravelry
Oh my, how wonderful would Robin Hoodie look on my very own "Little John" - adorable sizing!
By the cover... it seems fab! and tempting (so many projets already in the list for 2014! ) Best for yours... and you all! :)
I would love to win Lit Knits; 10 Literature Inspired Knits by Audry Nicklin. Alana I so appreciate your month podcast. Karen
I would LOVE this! Can't get enough of your patterns! Ravelry ID lexycat
The Avonlea Shawl looks lovely.
RAV: tlobner
Lit Knits looks wonderful!
Rav = outofthisworld
Looks lovely! And what a great idea...Literary Knits!
The stories accompanying the description of the book were great. Anne of Green Gables was one of my very favorite books growing up.
Looks wonderful!!
Rav: sthomasknitter06
What a great idea! This combines two of my favorite things. I'd love to win it.
Ravelry: schmidthannah
How fun. I have a literary friend who would love this!
Oh I'm a sucker for these types of books. I'd love to be in the drawing! Thanks
Brenda in Boston
bacooper8 at yahoo dot com
This books looks awesome. I love the blanket pattern.
Wow love those garden socks!!
Looks like a great book! Thanks for the chance to win! ~ Laura (BlueCanoe on Ravelry)
As a Librarian and a knitter - I would love to have a copy of this book!
This looks like such a neat book! I'd love to have a copy.
Literature and knitting, two of my favorite subjects! I especially love the Robin Hoodie. (mamamustknit on Ravelry)
I would love to win Lit Knits; 10 Literature Inspired Knits by Audry Nicklin.
rav: sharonathemom
Just discovered your podcast and have enjoyed many episodes on a long holiday drive... knitting in the passenger's seat. Thanks for keeping me company! -- Helen
Lovely book
Jane rob on Rav
I am a knitter and an English teacher, so I am happy to see this! Jennie (rav name dayartist)
I'm a huge fan of Audrey's and have already knit Celestarium and Southern Skies! So happy about her latest book--congratulations!
--worldsofpurls(on Ravelry)
I love the designs in Knit Lit; Sail to Treasure Island is so lovely!
Love your podcast. Inspirational, timely information. The beastly shawl is gorgeous, I'll have to knit one. Thanks for the Lit Knit review, I love that book, and hearing from the author was even better.
Sounds like a special book full of treats.
The perfect book for a bookworm knitter like me!
I love Motoring Madness! I knit a pair of gloves 4 years ago and they have been repaired many times due to love of wearing them, but I need a new pair and I think this might just be the pair!
Angela Baker angelajbaker@hotmail.com
Wow this knitting book sounds wonderful, if I dont win I am definitely going to buy it. I loved the story about the treasure map blanket. And I'm sorry your new kitty attacked your knitting
Jessmadi on ravelry
I love this book! I'm especially fond of the Robin Hoodie.
I'm vernalequinox on Ravelry
I love how all the patterns tie into books , my two loves rolled into one ! Beautiful patterns :)
Great book! I found several patterns I would love to knit.
-Mervi- on Ravelry
I love the idea for this book and would love a copy - kannasoup on Ravelry
Love your podcast! And thanks for the opportunity to win the book.
Cathy Rav: kh76sp
I'm loving the Motoring Madness mitts and the Sail to Treasure blanket in this book!
crookedknits on Ravelry
This is a great collection of patterns. Cannot wait to see it in person!
Fun book!
Entertaining podcast and inspiring book. I love the Never Not Knitting theme song. Hilarious
I love, love, love the leaf motifs.
hotknitter on rav
Love the book theme.
dariasmom on Ravelry
Looks like an interesting book.
Looks like a fun book!
AnnBan on Ravelry
Looks like an awesome book!
Literature and knitting are my two favorites. I would love this book!
Sarascott7 on ravelry
(I know, uncreative username!)
Sounds like a fine book! Two of my favourite things, a good yarn and a good yarn.. RAVELRY ID is pinkscrapbooker
Magnifique ! Je croise les doigts et j'espère ... Belle année à tous.
Thomathilde on Rav
I love knitting books
usk68 on Ravelry
you can never have too many knitting books. lifeandyarn (on ravelry)
I'd love to win the book! Thank you for another nice episode of your wonderful podcast!
What a beautiful book! dustytreeknits on Ravelry. Thanks!
Great podcast, Alana, as always. I would love to see pictures of the kitten, before it turns into a cat. The book sounds wonderful, count me in!
Barbara, aka Potchke on Ravelry
Loved your podcast. This was my first episode. Definitely a subscriber now. Thanks!
Thanks for finding these pattern pearls for us! Would love to knit something from the book!
RavelryID: Rimfrost
The Robin Hood Sweater is so yummy!
It is definitely going on my "to knit" list! Really creative patterns! I love the book!
Looks like a wonderful book!
What a great book!
I would love to own this book - I am already planning to make the incredible Robin Hood Hoodie. So inventive!
Rav name: snowmeltknits
The Robin Hood hoodie always looks amazing! =) Ravelry: lizdistracted
I'm so glad you're back into podcasting. I really enjoy listening to you while knitting and cooking.
I'm looking forward to Botanical Knits too!
Rav name: katbiggs
What is not to love here. Books and knitting. By the way what color is that brown yarn?
Looks lovely!
I'm serialknitter07 on Ravelry.
Sounds lovely and looks gorgeous!
Rav kitchenerstitch
Cant wait to get my hands on this book.
uknielsen on ravelry
I totally relate to your shawl and kitty story. Love your podcast.
This book looks amazing! Thank you for the opportunity and the great podcast.
DiabolicalRica on Ravelry.
I'm here and the book looks wonderful!
Wow! Great patterns in there...and a great theme!
RavID: PKJewelry
A very clever idea for a knitting theme! Thank you for including her story on your podcast and for the chance to win.
Oh, what a great book! :)
kamadres on ravelry
The leaf motif of the Robin Hoodie is wonderful. Sign me up. Sharp24246 on Ravelry.
I am so glad to have found your podcast! Keep it up! Scurfuffler on Ravelry.
Glad to have found your podcast! Keep it up! Scurfuffler on Ravelry
Would love to win that book as much as I love your pod. Ravid: Ridderstolpe. Thanks!
I can relate to the story of your kitten attacking your shawl. We have a cat who has a thing for my yarns. But she seems to like whatever yarn is IN my knitting bag. No matter where I put it if there is a way for her to get to it she will. So be warned, your knitting is not safe just because it is put away in your bag. Aubry's book is beautiful and I'm so impressed that she did it all herself. I would love to have a copy of it. Love listening to your podcast. Can't wait for your new book to come out.
Thanks for the chance!
The book looks great! I'd love to win it.
Ravelry: Distel
What a great book, love the theme! I can't wait to add it to my collection.
Loved the stories this episode! I, too, have a knit-loving kitten who has been known to give me project-related heart-attacks. ravelry: punkconformity
I love the intersection of books and knitting!!!
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