
The Never Not Knitting Podcast : Lessons From Knitting

Episode 78


Enter to win this copy of The Art of Seamless Knitting by Simona Merchant-Dest and Faina Goberstein by leaving a comment under this post by February 15th. Please remember to include your contact information. Only one comment per person please! The winner will be announced on Episode 79.

Thank you for listening!


Jodi_E said...

I'll be first. Love the podcast. I will be listen here soon as for the Ravellenics I am knitting "Gramps" for a little guy who came into the world 2 weeks ago to a friend. Super excited to listen now.


Anonymous said...

A woman in my knitting group is knitting Gramps right now and it is super cute!
As always, love the podcast and thanks for the chance to win. I'm ShadowAP on Rav.

Ms Moore said...

Only recently started following to feed my new knit/crochet obsession.... I have never knitted in this way and would love to try. Thanks for the opportunity.

Sheena xx

torirot said...

Looks like a nice book! I'm torirot, here and on Ravelry.

slmiller8 said...

I'm very interested in this book!

toomanyufos on ravelry

Betty said...

I'd love to read this book on seamless knitting.

TMYinHNL on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

The patterns of this book look beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity.
I'm peal on ravelry.

Emma said...

You can never get enough good sweater patterns!


LauraLillyLaura said...

I would love to win the book. beehiverugs on ravelry.

lmecoll on Ravlery said...

I'd love to win this book. Thank you for the chance.
Lmecoll on Ravelry

pat said...

Gramps is too cute! Thanks for the opportunity. Enjoy the day.

EBS said...

Could always use a book like this! Thanks!
Rav: WintonB

LindaR said...

This book would be a much needed addition to my knitting library. I currently have a whole stack of sweaters and cardigans waiting to be seamed!
lindarumsey on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I'd love very much to win this book.
It looks very interesting

Andrea said...

Hi there!
I am from Germany and this was my very first podcast I was listing to!
I enjoyed it very much and I would like to win this book.
I am Saphiera on ravelry.

kleggett said...

I'd love to win this book.

Btbroderway said...

I am training for a half marathon, and I love to listen to your podcast while I run. btbroderway@gmail.com

amchart said...

This book is full of amazing patterns. Rav amchart

Marilyn a.k.a. Merry said...

Seemless is the only way to go.
Wahoomerryf on Rav

Rose said...

No need to make extra work for yourself if there is no need. Yay! for seamless!


Sabrina said...

This book looks great! I love knitting seamless sweaters :)


Sabrina said...

This book looks great! I love knitting seamless sweaters :)


lilpixie said...

I would love to add this to my library. Pick me please :).

Unknown said...

I would love to have this book of beautiful patterns!

DiannaVB on Rav

Anonymous said...

I also am interested in this book. Thanks for your generosity! I'm lerounds on ravelry.

Deb said...

I'd love to win the book :-) deballan on Ravelry

C. said...

This book sounds very nice. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
CecileinIndiana on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Love cables, would love this book! Thanks for this giveaway.
bdgrammy on Ravelry

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Beautiful sweaters. Thanks for the chance to win this great book!

katherinelynn_04 said...

The sweater on the cover is absolutely gorgeous!

katherinelynn04 on rav

mvink said...

I'd LOVE this book!! Thank you for the chance!

mvink on ravelry :-)

sharonathemom said...

This book is something I absolutely need! Thank you for the opportunity.

rav: sharonathemom

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Those tiny sweaters are adorable! Can't wait to see how this new "gramps" turns out. =) Wow, that book looks incredible! I love the idea of seamless knitting. =) I also took a craftsy class with Faina Goberstein and it was really thorough, so I'm sure the book is great. =) Thanks for the podcast!

I'm InSheepishFashion on Ravelry. =)

j*e*n said...

Looks like a great book, especially since I don't like seams! I'm jenbaker79 on Rav, thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I love seamless knitting. I'm a terrible seamer, so this book totally appeals to me!

I'm vernalequinox on Ravelry.

Unknown said...

Thanks for such a great episode and giveaway! I suck at seams.
PenguinSoup on Ravelry

Barb said...

Love your blog and podcast. I have knit several of your patterns and wait with anticipation for the new book. Top down knitting is my favorite. So I appreciate the chance on the book.

kathy b said...

Im huckmom on Ravelry


Kathy B!

BarbAltman said...

Thanks, Alana, for another interesting podcast. Please enter me to win this book.
I'm Potchke on ravelry.

Sarah Shafer said...

Hope your family is well now! Please enter me into the book drawing. I'm SShafer on ravelry.

Hind DP said...

Thank you for the giveaway, this looks like a great book!

mamamustknit on Rav

Drae said...

Thanks for posting - the podcasts makes me miss my days in CA when Monarch was my closest LYS. alcbrooks on Rav if I'm the lucky winner!

Gracieanne said...

The patterns in this book are gorgeous. Maybe I'll win!

Thanks and I always look forward to your next podcast.

gracieanne on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Nice show. Thanks!

Tiffany said...

Ahhhh...that looks like my kind of knitting. No seams.

Tobie said...

I've seen this book and it looks great.
But anything seamless would be!

Rachelle said...

Looks like a great book!

Danielle said...

Danielle C (bbtigercub on Raverly)

So excited for your new book to come out! Hope you and your family are feeling better.

Unknown said...

I love this book and have always wanted a copy! davidandamandahill@gmail.com

glongley said...

I would love to have a book to help me make myself a sweater. glongley on Ravelry

Knitnchick said...

Love, love, love the stories. They are great. This one had special meaning to me. Knitting has been therapy, meditation, and a way to be creative for me. Thank you.

Caloci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heather said...

Sorry to hear you've been dealing with sickness, hopefully everyone is on the mend, I am loving the cowl in the book. Thanks for the chance! I'm looking forward to seeing the next "Gramps."

k2ntrish said...

Sounds like an interesting book.
hotknitter on rav

Unknown said...

Totally into not seaming right now! Baysduck@hotmail on ravelry. Thanks!

Caloci said...

I am so happy to finally be listening to an episode that is new so I can participate in your give aways! I really enjoy your podcast. Caloci on Ravelry.

Jennie said...

I've heard a couple different interviews about this book, and it sounds wonderful. By the way, thanks for the recommendation for Snow Capped Yarns from the Net Loft. I highly recommend it!

Jennie (dayartist on ravelry)

TeresaFelina said...

I've just heard about you and I'm delighted listening to your podcasts. I downloaded the podcasts application so that I can hear you any time,anywhere...so much to learn!
Cheers from Madrid, Spain
By the way, that book looks great for me :)

Unknown said...

Love the sweaters in that book! LizzieH on Ravelry. :)

Savannagal said...

I haven't yet seen the book, but I hear there are a lot of lovely patterns in it. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I see great potential for me to improve my technique. This book has some lovely patterns, many of which I can see myself knitting.
I'm cmsnyder on ravelry.

Dr Sabrina said...

The patterns in the Art of Seamless Knitting are gorgeous. I'd love to win a copy.

I'm drsabrinas on Ravelry

Duanna said...

I love knitting while listening to your podcast!


KC said...

I agree with you on the urge to knit everything in the book (kinda the way I feel about Botanical Knits!). I especially love the Lace Cardigan and the Textured Pullover.

kconnors on Ravelry

Victoria said...

Loved the newest podcast Alana!

RavID: terraki

Anonymous said...

You always have such good prizes- I´ll win one day if I try for long enough!
As always, thank you for a wonderful podcast.
freakflag on ravelry

CDS said...

Hi Alana! I love listening to your podcast. I enjoy the reviews and stories from other knitters and, of course, hearing what going on in your life. I pretty much only knit seamlessly and would love reading in "The Art of Seamless Knitting" how to convert seamed patterns into seamless. I'll come by when I'm at Stitches West! Oh, and I'm Grandknit on Ravelry!

Rachel said...

The design featured on the cover is gorgeous! Looks like a great addition to the knitting library....
misslillyknits on Rav

Dana said...

LOVE your site and your patterns!

Karen said...

I love seamless knitting and would love another book on that subject. In "The Art of seamless knitting", I would love to try a Dolman Style Sweater. Thanks karenbochinski@gmail.com

christina said...

love your podcast!

yarnlaw on rav

Unknown said...

LOVE the podcast! Would love to win this book, thanks for the chance!
Nanapam18 on ravelry

Rebecca Barnes said...

I hate to seam! I would love this book! rebecca.barnes@comcast.net

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kh76sp said...

Love your show, of course! Hope your Feb is illness free!! These are lovely patterns.

Ctrunek on Rav


Elise said...

Love seemless knitting!!

Carol said...

I would love to win the book! I am such a fan of your podcast, thank you for the opportunity.

Gardendeeva on Rav


Anonymous said...

Fabulous book, an would love the chance to win. Melanie1 on rav

Varje said...

I love this podcast! Keep up the good work!

varts on Rav;)

LindaMGeo said...

Would love to have a copy of this book! Love your podcast, Alana! LindaMGeo on Ravelry

Teresa said...

Glad you are feeling better. Thank you for a great episode.
I have not yet knit anything fitted so maybe no seaming would give me the push to do it.

Poethead said...

I would love to win this book. Thank you for the opportunity.

Kate said...

Exciting give away! I am Fatmouse on Ravelry.

artmajorese said...

I was just thinking of starting Gramps for my newborn! I'm artmajorese on ravelry.

Unknown said...

Love your ideas, I'm going to start on the beekeepers quilt soon. Enjoy your podcasts as well, thanks for the inspiration!

Unknown said...

I just found your podcast, and love it. I'm all the way from Sweden.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad your family is on the mend. Being sick is no fun!
Ravelry KnitTenFeet

Ellen said...

I agree, the patterns in that book are gorgeous! I would love to win. Another great podcast. Loved the story.

shpizl on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Great podcast! Thanks - BeccaHoffman on Ravelry

Ana said...

Would love to win this book....
Ana - anahuron@gmail.com

Lisa said...

I've had my eye on this book and would love to win it. Regardless, it will be in my collection sooner or later:)

finnknitter on ravelry

Maria said...

Oooh, that book has been on my wishlist forever. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed :)

Kiwiria on Ravelry

Unknown said...

really nice book to have a look and travel throught lifeweb hosting coimbatore

Karen said...

Thanks for arranging for this give away. The idea of knitting without sewing is the best ever. - Carrotmusic on Ravelry

sandrarumsey said...

This looks full of beautiful patterns. Thanks for the chance.

Aristi Dounia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wings from the Marsh said...

I knit the Gramps cardigan by Kate Oates for my godson! It's a lovely pattern! The "Art of Seamless Knitting" seems to be a useful and wonderful book of patterns! Thanks for the chance to win it!

wingsfromthemarsh on Ravelry

MegR said...

I'm knitting a (mostly) seamless sweater right now. The patterns in this book look lovely. ravid: mradford

lakchi said...

Love anything seamless, this books looks great. Thank you
Ravi ID. Lakchi

adodds said...

The book looks great. Will definitely check it out.
Skibum on Rav

Maria i Falkenberg said...

Love to win!


Swedishgrandma on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

I started listening to your podcasts about a month ago and I LOVE them! I am up to Episode 44 and I am going to listen to them all in order. But today, I couldn't help myself and I jumped ahead to the current Episode :)
I would love to win The Art of Seamless Knitting!

Kristen said...

Oh, Gramps and the Gramps Cardigan are both on my wish list to knit. :) And I'd love to win the Seamless Knitting book.

Rav ID is globalite

Emano said...

I would love the Seamless Knitting book-- I would so much rather be knitting than seaming!

FrazzleDazzle on Ravelry

Jayne said...

This would be awesome. Finishing is the worst part of the whole knitting process. I would love to not have to sew my sweaters together :)

Janice said...

I made the Gramps cardigan for my granddaughter at the request of her very fashion conscious mom. Of course I put a little pink in it. It was a big hit. I'd love a whole book about seamless sweaters!

I'm Sockmonkey628 on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for seamless knitting!! I am DramaticLyric on Ravelry.

Emily said...

Just discovered your podcast which led me to the blog. So far I love both! I'd love to win the book, I hate seaming so it is right up my alley. I also love gardening and hiking, so I can tell I'm going to love your botanical knits book when it comes out.



Anonymous said...

I listened to your pod cast for the first time this weekend - and I loved it. Now I've also found your blog - which is also great.

As I prefer to knit seamless items, I'd very much like a copy of your book

streepie on ravelry

Jill said...

I hate seams; I would love this book!
ravID: jillypox

Mary said...

I would love to get my hands on this book!

Sarah said...

This Book is right on Top of my whishlist for quite a while now. Love the designs.
I am Psychorat on ravelry.

Best whishes

Unknown said...

Hi, I have only just discovered your podcast in the last week - I am really enjoying it.
I would love to win the book - nobody I know likes seaming!

gailm on ravelry

Tonya said...

I detest seaming, so I'd love to win this! I'm tmc712 on Ravelry.

Lenamr said...

Love the podcast! RavID lenamr

eileen-s said...

Seamless is great, 'cause when you're done, you're really done! Love Monarch knitting too - always visit when I'm in Monterey. Ravelry: eileen-s

dendiane said...

Love your podcast! I'm currently knitting your pattern, Sprig, and I think it's coming out really good. Can't wait to wear it!

Unknown said...

That cabled tunic is gorgeous. I would love to add this book to my collection.

csomdecerff on ravelry

Unknown said...

That cabled tunic is gorgeous. I would love to add this book to my collection.

csomdecerff on ravelry

Unknown said...

That cabled tunic is gorgeous. I would love to add this book to my collection.

csomdecerff on ravelry

Unknown said...

That cabled tunic is gorgeous. I would love to add this book to my collection.

csomdecerff on ravelry

Suburban Stitcher said...

This book looks very very intriguing. And...I could certainly always use more education on sweater knitting. dianne at suburbanstitcher dot com

K1teach2 said...

Lovely podcast! Taking me through sock mending and making me hate it a little less. Lovely Seamless Knitting book would definitely be well used on my bookshelf.
K1teach2 on Ravelry.

Savannagal said...

Wow, there really are a lot of cute patterns in this book. I love the Cabled Cardigan and the Textured Jacket. Gorgeous. I would love to win the book. Thanks for the giveaway. Savannagal on Rav.

Unknown said...

Alana. Hello. I just finished knitting your sprout sweater which was seamless. I really loved knitting a seamless garment and would love to knit more seamless garments.

Kind regards,
Liz Cordova
I am celi65 on ravelry

therese said...

Excellent podcast! I put the Gramps sweater in my queue and the story was the best I've heard yet on your podcast. Sure, I could use a new book of circular knitting patterns!
Therese (knitzincville on Ravelry)

Unknown said...

So many beautiful patterns to knit, hope I win!

Skyhuntress on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Love your podcast and would love to win this book


cksknitter said...

I love all the new information I get from listening to your podcast. Thanks!
Knittoday at hotmail dot com

Minnie said...

Great episode! I love the listener stories about their knitting experiences. I am minnienewman on Ravelry.

Dori said...

Looks like a fantastic book! I listened to you tonight while I was spinning. Enjoyed the podcast. Good luck at Stitches West!

TopHat said...

Oh I'm excited to see your new book! Wonderful!

Molly Emerald said...

This book sounds perfect for me! I am casting on my first ever sweater for ravellenic games tomorrow and i already know I'm gonna be a seamless lady haha.

Also me and one of my best friends are trekking over to Santa Clara from Spokane Washington to Stitches West and half the reason I wanted to go is so i can have you sign my copy of Botanical Knits in person. I cannot WAIT to meet you. You've been such an inspiration to me as a beginner knitter and your nature inspired designs are what have inspired me to grow and learn as a knitter (because omg all of those cardigans and sweaters with leaves! i MUST learn to make those!) My name is Molly and I'm MollyEmerald on ravelry.

Scarlet said...

I've got to try--I'm Seamless on Ravelry for just the reason you might think.
On another note, for some reason I lost your feed and for a while thought you had stopped podcasting. It made sense, during the Botanical Knits busyness. I was delighted to find you again. Love listening!

Unknown said...

Great Podcast this week! I a huge fan via Coastal Knits and am in the middle of a Rocky Coast right now and would LOVE a copy of the Art of Seamless knitting!


allknittedup12 (ravelry)

VerBear said...

What a great podcast. I would love to get a copy of this book! I am obsessed with circular knitting.

VeraDidur on Ravelry

wendy said...

Gorgeous pictures from Golden Gate Park! Can't wait to see the finished book!
tildylou on ravelry

Val said...

I would love to win. The patterns are beautiful.

Tobie said...

I try to make most of my sweaters seamless-
I've checked out this book and it looks great.

Unknown said...

This book sounds so interesting. Several of the patterns are calling to me. Thank you for th review and the contest.

9crafty11 said...

Hope you all are feeling a lot better now! Not good that you were all hit with sickness!! The book looks great & there are some lovely looking items is in it! Thanks for the great prize!!


Unknown said...

This podcast was like a well-balanced and soothing cup of tea! Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you. I would love to put my hat in the ring for the book.

Arielle or alaPenelope on Ravelry

freehand13 said...

The book looks great, who doesn't like no seams!

Devin said...

Another great podcast, Alana! Looks like a great book! KnittyMcPurly on ravelry. :)

Raitalammas said...

I love your podcast and your designs!

I´m Lammas on Ravelry.

Sheila said...

I would love to have a copy of this book!

Inconsolable Underwing said...

Hello! I came here when I found out about your "Botanical Knits" book, but well, I would love to win "The Art of Seamless Knitting"! -- madtita on ravelry

Rineke said...

As a beginner knitter I would love to learn seamless knitting! Thanks for the chance to win..

NewHeritageKnits said...

Really liked your latest podcast. Especially enjoyed Elisa's story.

I'm a long-time listener who only recently got caught up enough to be able to enter an up-to-date prize drawing! The Seamless Knits book you described sounds really intriguing. I would definitely use what I learn in that book to improve my design skills.

Thanks for providing many hours of listening enjoyment as I knit and perform around-the-house tasks, Alana! You educate me and keep me entertained with your nuggets of knitting fun and wisdom.

I am NewHeritageKnits at Ravelry.com. My email address is NewHeritageKnits@hotmail.com.


Unknown said...

I love your podcast Alana!! It's always filled with useful information and I learn a lot just listening to you.

Personnally I am a fan of seamless knitting, not only for the convenience of not having to stitch up pieces together but for the beautiful look of your finished product.

I have to admit, I have never knit a sweater before, I guess I am too scared to make a mistake and have to unravel everything (I hate having to undo my work, but being a perfectionist I do it when I have to) but finding seamless sweater patterns online is a pretty big challenge!!

Ahhh.. maybe if I keep listening to your podcast and looking at all the beautiful sweaters you make I will find the courage to start one -- and finish it!!


Unknown said...

Hi Alana, I'm a long time listener of the podcast and I love it. It was the first knitting podcast I found and definitely opened my mind to the awesomeness of knitting. Now I host my own podcast (www.pearlofthepacific.info/podcast) but still look forward to listening to yours.

The book looks very interesting. I'm not much of a garment knitter and that is because I'm not a huge fan of seaming. This book would a great addition to my knitting library.

Unknown said...

Seamless knitting! Great!
batya7 on Ravelry

pekecrazy said...

I love top down sweaters with little seaming. Very interested.

pekecrazy said...

I love top down sweaters with little seaming. Very interested.

kh76sp said...

Always love listening to you - a calming spot in a chaotic world!
ctrunek on Rav

Glana Ricci said...

Thank you for everything!

Ashleah said...

I'm so excited for your next book!

a1dawen on Ravelry

Unknown said...

This book has beautiful patterns with new techniques I might learn and would be a wonderful addition to my library. mpitts602@gmail.com

Barbara C said...

I have just listened to your podcast for the first time, NICE JOB! I love your patterns and have made the Cedar Leaf. Shawlette three times.

Unknown said...

If I had to pick a favorite pattern in this book, I don't thing I could. They all look wonderful!

Love that you're giving us a chance to win it!

Shel80 on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I'd love to win the book. It looks lovely :)

sandyfrench at gmail.com

BCGramma said...

I'm excited to listen to the new podcast. I save them for when I'm stuck in the car waiting for a train. It's like getting my knit fix without knitting. I've tried knitting but the train usually ends and I'm in the middle of a stitch, and darn those people behind me, they want to go and not wait for me to finish that stitch or row.
I can't wait for the new patterns, I'm eyeing the brown rusty colored cardigan.

MG said...

As a first time listener, I was enchanted! Thanks for wonderful reviews, ideas, and the story by tihe listener on what knitting teaches. I will be listening again! MGBB

sarahrose said...

I'd love this book as I am knitting my first sweater, here's to hopes that the seams will be... seamless!
(cyclerose on ravelry)

Sarah said...

Sorry if this is a duplicate comment - some kind of error loaded when I tried to publish the last one. I only recently (within the past year) discovered your podcast and have been really enjoying it. I really like the recommendations! I especially enjoyed this episode's story and have been thinking about the lessons from knitting this week as a few patterns have been testing my patience. I keep reminding myself that all a mistake means is more time knitting, nothing worse than that. My Ravelry username is monotropa.

Unknown said...

As a new pretty new knitter, I'm in slight overwhelm - there's so much out there! Yarns in all colors and sizes, patterns, ravelry, podcasts and blogs. Several friends I knit with listen to podcasts and have recommended a few. After listening to those, I searched to see what else was out there and found Never Not Knitting. I've added it to favorites. The knits on botanical knits are amazing. Thank you for sharing your talent.


Karen said...

The sweaters in that book are gorgeous!! And that little baby gramps sweater is darling!

Love the podcast!


kajmerr on Ravelry

tss818 said...

I always look forward to your podcast! Thank you for offering a chance to win The Art of Seamless Knitting. The slouch hat is my favorite pattern in the book.

tss818 on Ravelry

Reinventing Mother said...

Would absolutely love this!!!!!

britgirlknits said...

Would be wonderful to own this, thank you

Karin said...

Just started listening to your podcast and I really enjoy it. Thank you so much!