
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 3 : The Tale of The 3 First Sweaters


Pam Sykes (aka Pretty Knitty) said...

Have not even listened yet. . .but am so glad to see the third episode is UP! I was worried that you might have gotten discouraged. . .I sure hope not!

Anonymous said...

I have not knit a sweater for me. The only sweater I have knit was for a baby and that does not count. I am new to knitting(Jan'08). The sweater I made was a baby pinwheel sweater for my soon-to-be-niece. Now I had never knit a sweater, done a y/o,changed colors or knit on dpns. I had never knit a sleeve or had to cast off a part and join a sleeve. I am new at this do you think I would choose a pattern on sraight needles, or a simlpe stockinette sweater no, I like a challenge. I ripped it out 4 times. I would forget a y/o or put it in at the wrong place. I had to hide it while I was knitting. I see my sister daily and knit when I am at my moms house. It was very hard. I dont have anyone to help. I am the only knitter I know that does not just knit scarfs. I made it. It is nice and I like the results but I hate the feel. The yarn I used is a bit scrachy. Well when it was made into a garmet it changed into a scrachy sweater. I have pictures of it on my blog and it fits both my then-6 month old and 4 year old. I may re knit it as I fould out that she suddenly does not like hand knit things as they fall apart when washed. (So not true.) Well this is much longer than thought. I have not looked through any knitting mag so I have no idea what to expect. If you like interweave I guess I would too.

Jennifer said...

I learned to knit by knitting a sweater for myself. Crazy, I know. I was taught by a yarn store in San Francisco and I think they wanted to sell me and the other students in their beginning knitting class as much yarn as they could. So, we all knit sweaters for ourselves. This was in the early 1990s and I didn't know that this wasn't normal. I chose a basketweave turtleneck in some expensively soft brown. You can see pictures at http://www.ravelry.com/projects/orange/first-project--first-sweater

The sweater came out fine (especially considering it was my first ever project), and I have no fear of knitting anything as a result!

I have both the Vogue and the Interweave mags so I don't need to win either.

omly said...

My first (baby) sweater was a gift for my step-brother's baby. Yes I knew that the mother was a "Gap baby" sort of person, but this baby was family. And every family baby (and since then many friends' babies) deserves something handmade.

Knowing the recipient though, I did make sure that the yarn was washable. Since I didn't want to be responsible for dressing him in something flamable, I sprung for a superwash wool at my LYS. It wasn't the cheapest option, but I wanted it to be something that might actually be used.

Did I mention how much of a beginner I was? I think this was only my second or third project. So I didn't notice anything amiss at first when I went through all the yarn called for for the smallest size, and then had to go purchase another skein not one but two more times.

I finished it and compared with the picture on the pattern. I had to admit it looked a little... squat. And the knit-purl pattern didn't stand out quite as much as I expected... And it was a bit dense, sort of like tiny baby bullet-proof armor.

It turns out that I had twisted every knit stitch in the garment, though I didn't know that until later. Needless to say, the mom was not impressed, and quickly shoved it back in back in the bag at the baby shower without showing it.

But what about my first full sized sweater? Never afraid to jump in with both feet, it was Rogue, which I additionally challenged myself to accomplish in a month for NaSweKniMo. I did it too, and it is still one of my favorite sweaters.

Beverly said...

I have not knit a sweater yet, just a raglan shrug, so no seams and little fitted action there. I like the way you just dive right in to your projects ... nothing seems to intimidate you ... and it's given us some funny stories. Thanks for that! I've loved listening to your 3 very entertaining podcasts and hope you continue. You offer a unique perspective to the whole knitting podcasting thing! If I am eligible for the drawing (even if I haven't knit a sweater yet) I would like Vogue.

Kate/Massachusetts said...

I learned to knit when I was 5 years old. My older cousin taught me. I was very good at making blankets for Barbie dolls! lol

My first sweater was knitted many years later when I was 18 and it was a fisherman knit. It came out HUGE...can you say gauge?... and I took in the excess yardage on my sewing machine. It was acryllic yarn and I still have it although I cannot fit into it. sigh. It was worn alot but still looks great. No errors in the knitting either just gauge incompetence!

Faerycircle said...

Let's see my first sweater was about 4 years ago...maybe...It was when I first learned to knit...I knew the knit stitch and the purl stitch and how to increase and decrease...so how hard could it be...really that is what I thought...I mean I had made scarves, and several wash cloths...I could do this...so I found a pattern that I liked...a simple cardigan...but did I read the directions first...nope...just how much yarn I would need and off I went...I didn't even look at the picture that well, cause if I had I would of noticed that it was a 3/4 sleeve and stopped right at the waist...not the best look for a "fluffy" girl as myself...so I knit away happily...thinking to myself..."self this is a piece of cake"..."yeah I know...and everyone said this would be soooo hard...shesh what pansy's they all are"...as I got to where I'm supposed to start the arm shaping and noticed that it looked a bit too short for my tastes, did I stop, Nope not me...I know best, after all I know how to do the knit stitch, the purl stitch, well you get what I mean...so on I went...I made the back and the 2 fronts and started on the sleeves...this is where I finally noticed that the sleeves were 3/4 sleeves...but I you don't like 3/4 sleeves said self to self...I know, I know...I'll just make them longer...I mean how hard can it be...just a few more rows and there, you have it...the sleeves came out too big for the arm hole openings but that didn't stop me either...I MADE them fit...so they have some puckers...they just look like slightly puffed sleeves...I did the button band and the button hole band and finished...HORRIBLE, HATE IT...never worn it, never put buttons on it..it just sits in my drawer as a reminder to self to read the pattern first before starting...and does self listen to self...Nope...made another sweater...but that is another story...
Thanks for a great podcast...

P.S. this will post as if I'm Knit Wit...but I've changed my name to Faerycircle now...

Dawn said...

Another wonderful podcast!:) Did a baby sweater first...it turned out so narrow it looked like it was for an anorexic baby with monkey arms. Not to be daunted by that experience I chose to knit a sweater for me. Its made in an ugly mustard yellow (have no idea what possessed me to use this color because it resembles barf) but I got all the parts knit...went to seam it and one side was longer than the other....I forgot to change back to the smaller needles after the shaping area...rip it rip it redid it...then the seaming....I hate seaming! (Yes, I'll remember you do this!) I cried and cried over this...took it to the lady who taught me to knit....she knits so fast its like watching lightning strike...finally got it finished. I entered it in our fair and it won first prize...but I've never worn it. I can't stand to even look at it. Its in a box tucked away with its blue ribbon!

Eileen said...

I've only been knitting a year and haven't knit a sweater yet. I want to though! I can't afford to spend the money on the yarn and not have the sweater turn out so I hope to take a sweater making class in the next year or so.

I would love to win the Interweave magazine. :-)

I'm really enjoying your podcast! Thanks for taking your time to share with us!

AudKnits said...

I loved Episode Three! Your wonderful sense of humor shines through. Thanks for an excellent podcast!

As for my first sweater... It was the Berroco Marijke pattern, a very basic sleeveless crewneck. My class had a great teacher who made us swatch right from the start, so the sweater fit nicely once it was done. So far so good.

Being made of Berroco's Zodiac yarn, though, it had a lot of vibrant colors and some shine to it. I felt like it was kind of silly looking. I wore it proudly around the house, but was too self-conscious to wear it in public.

So, guess what I was wearing when I fell down in our house and broke my foot! Yes,the silly sweater. Here I was, writhing in pain from the broken bones, and I made my husband take my sweater off me and put on something else. All I could think of was, "If the doctor sees me in that goofy sweater he won't take me seriously!"

I haven't worn it since.

Thanks for sharing your stories with us, Alana, and triggering funny memories of our own!

summerjc said...

I am a new knitter, and I just discovered your blog and podcasts. I have enjoyed them so much! They are so nice to listen to while knitting. I can't wait to get all caught up!

pb said...

a friend hooked me up to your podcasts and, after listening this far (yes, fine, i started from the beginning,) i'm determined to catch up ... it shouldn't take me long, i'm listening from my day-job desk.
i started knitting about 18 months ago and have NOT attempted a sweater. in fact, i haven't even knit anything for myself yet, though i have two projects lined up for ME just as soon as i complete the gazillion other projects i've got going on.
i've friended you on ravelry and i will be commenting as i go along!

so glad to find yoU!