
Onto The Next...

Now that my first collection design is out of the way.. I decided to pick up this swatch again from a few months back. This will be collection design #2.

Apparently at the time all of these numbers and scribbles made a lot of sense to me. 
I didn't take very good notes because I was absolutely POSITIVE that I would remember what I was doing..
But now.. a few months and one fuzzy pregnancy brain later.. I have simply no idea.

I've been swatching this poor idea to death over the past few days and I hope to make sense of it all soon.
I'm desperately hoping that this gorgeous yarn from Pigeonroof Studios will work for this design. 
I must use it on something.. its just too pretty.

On a side note..  Season 6 of the Never Not Knitting podcast is starting tomorrow! 
Join me then for episode 51!


WildflowerWool said...

Oh, can I relate! Good luck figuring out your notes.

CelticCastOn said...

ohhh excited for season 6! Hopefully you can escape the knitting notes fog and figure it out :)

Keppy Girl Knits said...

Oh I feel your pain; I had a pattern for a couple of felted purses on my old laptop...it crashed. I didn't have my pattern backed up and so now all I have is my legal pad with scribbled notes that probably make less sense then your notes on your project. I don't have a really good reason like pregnancy brain! Moral of the story for me is back up my computer!
I can't wait for your new podcast!

Suzanne said...

The whole design process is mysterious so I loved seeing your notes. Good luck retracing your knitting steps. I'm so excited to hear the podcast tomorrow.

Auntea said...

I'm not the only one who is always "sure I'll remember"?! I have confidence in you, you'll remember. Gotta say, I am so jealous of your perfect stitches. Whenever I see your knitting I marvel at how perfect it looks.

thewalshfam said...

So exciting, Alana! We've missed you! :o)

stephaniesewsagain said...

that happens to me with my ufo's. OH I'm sure I'll remember where I left off. Yea right. I found a sweater last month that I don't even know what the pattern is.

Maryse said...

Being so sure I would remember, I know what you mean! Grrr to me! I look forward to the start of the new NNK season!

Unknown said...

I started laughing when I saw your picture because I think I used to have the exact same calculator! Can't wait for the new podcast season :)

In Julie's Opinion said...

I love that yarn and can't wait to see what you make out of it! Good luck with the notes :)

Cakewalk Yarns said...

I totally get that...I design my own socks as I knit them & quite often have nothing to go on but coffee stained, scribbled sticky notes (and usually a critical one gets lost)

Can't wait for the podcast.

Cami said...

I am impressed that you wrote the notes down. I lose good ideas because I am convinced that I will remember them. Come to think of it, I have one to write down right now. :D

Evelyn said...

What a great lesson you just taught me. And what beautiful yarn ... and colors. Keep swatching!

Julie said...

oh, that's the worst, when you totally forget the awesome idea! I'm sure it'll slowly start to come together, or maybe different elements of the original idea have worked their way into other designs.. that yarn is so pretty, btw.

Geraldine said...

I love this yarn, green is my favorite color. Good luck with the calculations!


penelope10 said...

That yarn is so delicious I had to order a third skein!
Can't wait for your designs!

Jenn said...

So glad I'm not the only one who continues to believe "this will make sense when I come back to it." It looks wonderful so far!

Melody said...

I've done this so many times. You'd think I'd learn by now. I'm working on designing lacework right now. There's one particular piece that I'm stumped on because I started it a few months ago and now can't make a bit of sense out of my notes. But the good thing about knitting is the next pattern is just a good rip and re-knit away.

Hope you figure it out soon.