
Healing And Knitting

Recently I've been going through a medical situation that has proved very taxing physically as well as emotionally. I am feeling much better now though. Thank you everyone for all of your kind notes and well wishes.

During this time I have found great comfort in my knitting. It has been such a nice distraction to focus on and relax with. I've picked up my Snicket socks again and am working on sock #2. I've also started a beautiful new lacy leaf project in an unbelievable yarn that I will be reviewing in the next podcast episode.

I'm sure you've noticed that both my current projects are green. Indulging in my favorite color makes me very happy. :)


Casey said...

Alana, I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better. I just discovered your podcast last month and love it!

Knitting does, indeed, have healing powers. Take care of yourself!

kjt said...

Love to you Alana!

Annie said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better, dear! Can't wait to see what you've been knittin' up!

Ariane said...

Continue to take care of yourself and continue to knit! Heals everything!

Anonymous said...

SO glad you're feeling better and SO glad that knitting has brought you comfort, rather than creating stress or pressure for you! Looking forward to seeing your latest creations. :)

Anonymous said...

Last year, I got into the unfortunate situation of getting a very bad throat infection at the same time that I had two of my wisdom teeth removed. Knitting pulled me through. Glad to hear it helped you too : )

Cinnamon said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. And thank goodness for knitting! I'm still enjoying all your podcasts (I started from the beginning a few months ago).

Kate (KnitsInClass) said...

I'm glad to hear you are on the mend - knitting is a wonderful way to take it easy, so nice to see what you've been indulging in! Beautiful yarns and patterns -

Poynter said...

Hope you're feeling better soon Alana. Thinking of you.

Toby said...

I am so glad you are feeling better. I am so happy your knitting brings you comfort and is not the cause of your recent illness.
Take care of you... and please indulge on!! :))

Laura Hooker said...

Alana, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry to hear of your under the weatherness! IS THAT A WORD??? At any rate, love the WIP, and wishing you well ASAP! Laura

Jessica said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are starting to feel better! You have been in my thoughts and prayers or a speedy recovery! And I agree- green is a very soothing color- perfect to heal by!!

barbara said...

Take very good care of yourself, Alana, enjoy every stitch of your knitting ...

Dajda said...

I'm glad to hear knitting helps you to recover - it's a beautiful thing, isn't it? And the greens are just perfect. :)

juliedonahue said...

The greens you are knitting with are lovely!

I hope you continue to feel better!

juliedonahue said...
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Knit Kat said...

Everyone's posts are sooo right! Doctors ought to be prescribing knitting as universal panacea for all ill. Say socks for minor complaints, shawls for headaches or backaches and mansize sweaters for more serious complaints!!

Seriously though Alana,I am really glad you have come through on the other side!! I told you it was a passing phase, didn't I? (My Ravelry name is nellie1001).

thewalshfam said...

Glad to hear you're on the mend! Keep relaxing and enjoying your knitting! I can't wait to hear more about it!

Dawn said...

Wish I was closer to help you out....been praying for you to feel better. Let me know if I can do anything. Love ya!

Julie said...

Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear that you have been struggling with health issues, I'm really hoping that you are doing well, recovering quickly, and that your family is doing great. I went through a difficult time a few years back and knitting totally saved my sanity. And then again when I had my wisdom teeth out!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you're on the mend. Take good care of yourself and keep on knitting!

Anonymous said...

You're doing what you have to do. And that's just awesome.

drMolly, the BeanQueen said...

Green is ALWAYS good Alana! Good to hear you are improving.

Spooky Girl said...

Hurray for healing knits!

I don't know if anyone is aware there was a survey from a university in Cardiff (UK) about knitting and health:


Not sure if they're still taking responses, but it's an interesting topic!


Tinkie said...

Here's to your continuing, rapid recovery. The heart knows just what to do when the body and spirit may falter; the favorite things are a touchstone of better days gone by and yet to come. You are a very dear treasure and I love that although I'm not practicing a newly learned technique at your side, I enjoy so much keeping in touch with you through this portal. Alana, you're such a true talent and sweet young lady wrapped a lovely package - undoubtedly donning something green! Take care, Kiddo...Stephanie Chavez

The Unraveled Librarian said...

Green IS the best color there is--I often find myself forcing myself to buy other colors, or it would be all I knit!

I hope you continue to feel better. Unhealthy situations of any sort are draining and it's good to hear that you're on the upswing.

Robin said...

Alana please get better. Prayers are with you!

Fernie said...

So glad you are feeling better. Sending you healing vibes. Green immersion is always good!


Drop Stitches Not Bombs said...

I'm really glad to hear you're on the mend - you certainly seem to be knitting some delightful things despite your ill-health. The last few things I've knit have been green as well - it is such a wonderfully soothing colour. I sincerely hope you continue to feel better and better - your blog and podcast bring so many people such a lot of pleasure.