Stitches West 2008
On My Way to Stitches!
The Tilted Duster is done! I am leaving for Stitches right now. I am SOOO excited!
Pictures at Stitches West and the "official Tilted Duster photo shoot" soon to come!
Tilted Duster Frenzy
On the way to Stitches in the car and while I am there I am planning to complete at least one more sample for my new Knitty submission. I have to turn that in by March 1st. So many deadlines!! If I finish that up with time to spare I HAVE GOT TO finish that stand mixer cover!!! I have of course neglected it again to get all of these um... important (?) knitting projects done.
By the way I am a little sick of always referring to it as the stand mixer cover. The name makes it even seem more boring. Can anyone think of a cool name for it?
Not Another Clapotis!
I just had to see what all the fuss was about!! I've actually been planning this project for awhile but am just now getting around to it. I am using the yarn called for in the pattern (Lorna's Laces Lion and Lamb) in the Gold Hill colorway. I really like how it is knitting up. The colors are really beautiful!
Father in Law's Fabulous Felt Clogs
I especially love it if I can knit something for someone that they really need or want. About a month ago now my Father-in-law was complaining that he went slipper shopping and could not find any slippers to fit his gargantuan size 14 feet. So you can understand how I knew right then and there what I needed to do.
I went to my parents to felt these suckers because it was the only top loading washer available to me at the time. It is a brand new super high efficiency washer. These slippers under the right felting conditions should take 10-15 minutes to felt down. My slippers were in the washer for *gasp* 3 hours!!!! The hot cycle was truly not hot at all so I had to manually load the washer with hot water from the sink. I also kept having to restart the agitation cycle a million times because it only lasted about 10 minutes, not to mention the agitator barely agitated! So 3 hours into it I knew they were a little bigger than I had hoped for but was too frustrated to care.
I also sewed these great 2-piece slipper bottoms from Fiber Trends on there so that he wont slip and break anything. I sewed them on the others I made too. I think that they are especially necessary for little ones because they can be extremely accident prone.
For these clogs I used Lamb's Pride worsted. My last clogs were made from Cascade 220. The Lamb's Pride made a fuzzier texture and worked just as well so I would say that these two yarns are both a great choice for this pattern.
I am still teaching classes on these clogs so go to the website to find out more information or call me at the shop.
(805) 466-Yarn
Sea Silk Contest
I purchased this beautiful skein of Sea Silk when I went to Santa Barbara last. Read more about that trip here. I am having a hard time finding the perfect pattern to make with this one skein.
-I am looking for something wearable that will show off this yarn beautifully.
(Ideally I'd like to make a lacy shell or shrug.)
-The pattern must be able to be made with only 400 meters because that is all I have.
-The pattern must contain a picture of the finished item.
I look forward to receiving all of your comments!
The Smock Coat Photoshoot
I found out that it can be quite challenging to get a toddler to cooperate with picture taking. Do you notice that she won't look at the camera? She was too distracted...probably by her coat's gorgeousness... :)

Hooded Jacket
To sum up...Debbie Bliss rocks. I'm thinking about making the beret next to go with the coat.
Its Finally Finished!!!

I dont want to see any seed stitch or red fabric for awhile...