
Three Different Ways to Enjoy Cream and Sugar

I've just received back these 3 Cream and Sugar Cowl samples from my lovely test knitters.

It's a wonderful thing having my patterns knit up by others because not only does it help me get the pattern in tip top shape before releasing, but it also allows me to see what the pattern looks like knitted up in different yarns.

These above samples are all knit in fingering weight yarns, but each yarn is very different from the other and produces varied results.

The gold cowl was knit by Eliana and is out of Malabrigo Sock. A very straightforward and nice fabric. 
Malabrigo is such a classic wool yarn, I'm glad to find another great application for it.

The brown cowl, knit by Preeti, is out of The Fibre Company Road to China Light. This cowl is the epitome of soft and squishy. This yarn also gives the fabric a slight fuzz which is lovely and adds warmth.

The third cowl, the pink one, was knit for me by Sarah. This was knit from Madelinetosh Prairie which is a light fingering weight yarn. This yarn created a delicate, ethereal looking cowl. I really like the resulting effect. Its very beautiful and different.

Thank you to all of my fabulous test knitters for creating these samples for me!


Julie said...

Gorgeous! I love the rosy Madelintosh.

Ariane said...


Sara said...

Love them! Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Love the pattern and love the colors!

Anonymous said...

They look super seriously awesome. Do you send yarn to your testers and they send back the FO? :)

Suzanne said...

They all look so snuggly warm. By the way, if you ever need a test knitter, I'd love to do that for you?

Anita said...

I love the colours used on all of the samples and I just love the pattern as well. Looks lovely. Roll on winter. Kind regards, Anita.

Bonnie said...

They are all so lovely I would never be able to choose!

Gebreidesjaals: Knitted Scarfs or Scarves said...

what a beautiful blog. Very interesting! The blog of Julie inspired me to begin a blog myself. you can see: www.gebreidesjaals.blogspot.com

Overanalyzer: said...

I have been searching for a pattern just like this! I bought yours straight away - gorgeous! Cables and sock yarn are such a great combo and you're so right on as far as the "special skein" of sock yarn problem.

Maryse said...

All three are lovely and knitted with yummy yarn!

Brad Fallon said...

I love the colors and design! It is best to have your pattern tested on different yarns to see its result.
Custom Patches

Unknown said...

Just beautiful - I can't wait to cast on and knit this.

Lisa said...

I just want to TOUCH them.
I would also be interested in test knitting.