
Upcoming Forecast

The pattern forecast for tomorrow looks Cloudy.

Yes, the "Cloudy Day" beret pattern will be here soon.

Grab your size 5 circulars and your umbrella...

Illustrations provided by JillZielinskiDesigns.com.


paws said...

With a chance of meatballs? I kind of hope not...

ctexas said...

Can't wait for a new pattern.

Unknown said...

can't wait, can't wait!

Kaitlin said...

Just wanted to let u know I adore the podcast. Started listening to the 08 ep 1 and workin my way to the most recent. In a noisy dorm it's wonderful and entertaining- my roomie prolly secretly thinks im crazy but oh well. :)

Happy nc listener

Cakewalk Yarns said...

Looking forward to it!

jcoombs said...

I'm ready!

Poethead said...

The soft colors of the graphic makes me eager to see what design is coming!