It has been practically ages since I knit something in garter stitch on straight needles like this.
It takes me back to when I was first learning to knit and how I wasted spent so many years of my life knitting nothing but garter stitch scarves in the ugliest most unusual novelty yarns imaginable.
So 2003.. right?

A garter stitch scarf is a great practice piece for a beginner. It's the quintessential "first project" for a knitter.
In fact the character in our new children's story, like most of us, learns to knit on a garter stitch scarf....
only hers doesn't turn out so well at first.
Hence the title of the story :)
A friend suggested that there should be a pattern for a "Swiss Cheese Scarf" to match the scarf in the book.
At first this idea seemed odd. Why would there need to be a pattern out there for a messy scarf? I'm sure that all of us have a scarf like that already buried deep in a drawer of early knitting! Something we never wear, but have to keep as a memento of our personal knitting history.
Does something like this really need a pattern?
Well.. after some consideration I figured.. why not?
So I am putting together a little scarf pattern that will be a free download on the website.
A little one skein chunky weight scarf with irregular edges and well placed "swiss cheese" holes, just like Annie's. A perfectly quick and fun little knit to give to the child in your life along with the book so that they can "match" with the story character. I'm hoping that this holey version will remind them that knitting doesn't have to be perfect and will motivate them to try their hand at making their own garter stitch scarf.
I'm writing up the instructions for the "Swiss Cheese" section and then will pass it off to my 6-year old to knit the rest of the garter stitch. Then this scarf will be from the both of us.
As a perfectionist.. you have NO idea how hard it is for me to knit something that looks messy on purpose!
Things are coming together on the Annie book! This project has taken on a life of it's own and is taking longer than I thought. Thank you for your patience while we finalize everything.
More information as well as pre-ordering will be available soon.
I can't wait to read the book! Your six-year old is knitting? How awesome is that? I wouldn't have thought they could start so young. My four year-old is waiting patiently to start learning.
I'm really excited about the book and the pattern :) I just put needles in my 6-year old son's hands this Sunday while in church (so he could sit still and be quiet for 20 solid minutes, lol). He was a quick study and since he loves hand knits, and reading...this will be a perfect little gift for him.
Oh my gosh, I may have to knit that scarf just because the whole story is so sweet.
I'm also super excited about this book! My 9 year old and I love to sit and knit together. My 3 year old is wanting to learn to finger knit soon. I know we will all love the book!!
Cute idea! Love how the scarf is looking so far!
I think it's a great idea :) Very cute. Can't wait for this book to come out - especially since I'm a children's librarian who knits. I see a themed storytime on the horizon...
I started teaching my now 12 year old granddaughter to knit when she was 5. I was talking with her a couple weeks ago about why she was so eager - she says it's because that is pretty much all she saw me do about that time. Which makes sense because I was knitting scarves, hats & mittens for the 3 grandkids we had at that time. Guess she forgot about their crocheted afghans that they got the same year.
Cute scarf!
Oh girl! Get yourself a copyeditor! "Their" is not the same as "there." :)
The scarf is super cute. In fact it looks just like the first scarf I ever made...
I think it looks wonderful. You gotta embrace your random side too y'know. And besides, this is the tidiest mess I ever saw!
I bet it IS hard to knit a messy scarf. The fact that you can and make it look natural demonstrates your skill as a knitter.
What a great idea to design a messy scarf. Even though it goes against your knitterly instincts, it'll be so inspiring to your young readers.
this whole idea just keeps getting cuter and cuter!
Nice article, thanks for the information.
Steph @ sewa mobil jakarta
I don't know if you speak French but in one of the most famous movies here, one of the characters gets a pullover for Christmas and he's like: "Oh great, a mop! Is it to take out the garbage?
I guess you can find an extract on youtube with the title "Le Pere Noel est une ordure" (meaning "Santa Claus is an asshole") and you can find a successful copy of this masterpice here:
Oh, I think the scarf is really cute! :D
Cute idea with the scarf and the story. Not to make you feel bad or anything, I think you should know that someone already designed this scarf and even called it Swiss Cheese Scarf. Look here on Ravelry:
Hi ElinH,
That is certainly a lovely pattern. Not to worry, this scarf will be much different. It will match the scarf in the children's book.
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