
Botanical Knits Has Arrived!

Just yesterday, a big truck pulled up outside of our office and dropped off 10 huge pallets of Botanical Knits books. 

As I looked at the shipment in its entirety I was super excited of course, but honestly also a bit afraid.
"Uh oh.. what have I gotten myself into?"

I have never before ordered this quantity of books before, and the sheer amount of them was quite daunting.

Fortunately within a few hours, with the help of friends and family, we were able to fill up all of the spare corners of our office space and get the entire shipment inside.

Now is the fun part. I have been enjoying packaging up each little book and getting it ready to put in the mail to all of you who have pre-ordered. For each package I put together, I think about the knitter who will be receiving it. I hope that you all really enjoy it. :)

It's going to take us awhile to package up all of these orders, so I am going to extend the pre-order promotion a little while longer. Everyone who places their order through May 15th will receive the digital version of Botanical Knits along with the special pre-order extras.

Click HERE to place your order.

Thanks again everyone! :)


Anonymous said...


Sue said...

Yay so exciting! I cant wait for mine to arrive.

9peasMom said...

I have been watching for this post, so very excited! I pre-ordered mine and have been loving the digital copies but can't wait to get my hands on the book. Really happy to see this post!

momsue84 said...

Very exciting! Can't wait for my copy to arrive!!

Anonymous said...

There's so many books!

I've been waiting excitedly for my copy, and now I can see that I'm not the only one!

I've already read the digital copy a bunch of times and can't wait to have the actual book in my hands. :D

kamadres said...

That's great! Me, too. I can't wait for it to arrive :-)

Evelyn said...


Suzanne said...

I must have looked like a crazy lady sitting in my kitchen reading your post and waving my hands in the air with extreme excitement. I'm so jazzed! I will try very hard not to stalk the mail carrier.

Lena said...
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lena said...

Congrats! I am one of the lucky ones who pre-ordered, and will look for my book probably everyday:) can't wait, I am soooo excited:)!

Ellen said...

So exciting! I can't wait to receive my book!

Btbroderway said...

I saw this is in my blog feed, and let out a little yelp in my office!! So excited. I have decided to knit Oak Trails the moment I received it in the mail.

Anonymous said...

So exciting for you... and for me!! Can't wait to hold one in my hands. So happy for you.

Unknown said...

I have been happily awaIting my copy. .I love your beautiful photography and patterns. Thank you so much.

Julie said...

AMAZING!! Wow, looking at those pallets is a little daunting, but this is truly an amazing collection, I know you are going to sell every single copy.

Audry said...

I'd be hyperventilating if I saw that many pallets.

I'm looking forward to flipping through my copy of the book!

Wendy said...

Yippee, so excited! That's a lot of books. I agree with Julie, it's such a beautiful book you won't have any trouble selling them all! Looking forward to holding the masterpiece in my hands.

Glana Ricci said...

Here a Brazilian woman awaiting the birthday present, anxious anxious! LOL

Musing Runner said...

I have cast on Twigs and Willows and am loving the knitting. I am super excited to get my print copy. I may have to knit my way through the whole book!


Anonymous said...

I just ordered my hard copy of your book and was so surprised by the additional gift of the e-book. Happy Mother's Day to me. Thank you for a wonderful gift. Now I can start on your wonderful shawl that I saw at a wool fair in New Hampshire yesterday at the Ball and Skein booth. yippee.

Helen said...

That just warms my heart to read that you are thinking of the knitters that receive your books. I am so excited to get my copy, I have started Buds and Blooms and am enjoying the pattern. It is funny how Ravelry and blogs make designers much more real to the average knitting like myse and challenges us to knit beyond our present experience because we know there is a real person who would answer any questions if we got stuck! Hope that mountain of books moves out your door real quick.....I will be checking my mail box!

Suburban Stitcher said...

SO fun! I guess there's no way to reverse it if we bought the e-version first and now want the paperback copy?

TrishKnits said...

OMG, knowing that every copy of the book (including mine!) has been created and shipped with such devotion is very exciting indeed! Be sure to save one copy for the Smithsonian. :)

Unknown said...

I am so excited, for hard copy. I love the book, the colors the attention to details, very estetically pleasing. Also easy to follow patterns. I'm on my second piece from the book. Go Alana Go!! you rock!

Anonymous said...

HOw very exciting! congrats!

Terrie said...

Just got mine yesterday. It is beautiful! I can't wait to start, just have to figure which one. Love your patterns.

Terrie said...

And thanks for the extra pattern & stickers!

Renee W said...

Just received my copy of Botanical Knits. It is beautiful! I cannot wait to start knitting.

Lauren B said...

I received my copy today! What a lovely surprised. The book is beautiful. Thank you, and congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get my copy! I do so hope you'll sign it Alana...:-)

mnash said...

Received my book yesterday, it is so beautiful I can't stop looking at it. The colors the attention in every little detail just perfect. The patterns are beautiful in themselves the whole presentation is something to treasure. You did an absolutely beautiful book from cover to cover!


mnash said...

Received my book yesterday, it is so beautiful I can't stop looking at it. The colors the attention in every little detail just perfect. The patterns are beautiful in themselves the whole presentation is something to treasure. You did an absolutely beautiful book from cover to cover!


Annie said...

I just received my copy and oh my goodness it is beautiful! Unfortunately my postman crammed it into my mailbox instead of leaving it by the door so it's kind of bent out of shape. I have it resting between two law books to try to straighten it out. Thank you so much for your thoughtful extras! Those stickers are adorable and I am really excited about the beautiful ivy trellis hat.

Against my laziness said...

I just came back home and found that nice surprise on my desk :) I am looking forward to cast on, I already know it will be "autumns's end"... but it will just be beginning, great patterns

Lazy Mountain Girl said...

I have gotten real annoying about checking the mail lately ;-) I may or may not be stalking my poor mail carrier.

Anonymous said...

I got mine today!

It actually came a few days ago, but my mom forgot to give it to me. But now I have it! I've had the ebook for a while, but having the physical book is great.