Episode 72
Click HERE to download the mp3 file for episode 72
Enter to win these 2 skeins of Black Pearl laceweight yarn from The Yarn Sisters Co. along with Ysolda's Strokkur and Orchid Thief Shawlette patterns by leaving a comment under this post by August 15th. Dont forget to leave your contact information! Only one comment per person please.
The winner will be announced on Episode 73.
Thank you for listening!
1 – 200 of 358 Newer› Newest»Ysolda is my favorite! I love reading her blog and all the patterns she writes - they're both adorable and interesting to knit. Thanks for sharing this!!
Kirbalicious on ravelry
I would love to win the pearl yarn! As my second name (after my mother) is Pearl, I can't help feeling it would be absolutely appropriate as well as gorgeous!
first time heard the song, I love it!
great podcast, love the black pearl yarn
ravelry ID: GiovannaGro
I love Ysolda, I don't knit enough of her patterns
Lovely giveaway - thank you
Oh, how wonderful yarn... Would be nice to win this game!
Lovely episode! Love the sound of pearl yarn.
Helena (aka mum2one on Rav)
A pearly giveaway! Thank you for this great episode...
Knitsewcrochet on ravelry and twitter
I like hearing the reviews of the yarns including some I had not come across before.
I'll be looking up Ysolda's patterns now too.
JanHarvey on Ravelry
I am new to your podcast and really enjoying. Today, I was quilting while listening to your latest podcast so your comment in the last podcast about guiltily enjoying quilting hit home... I do enjoy knitting but would not give up my quilting.
Your giveaways sound wonderful...I can't imagine pearl yarn. I have heard a lot about Yolsalda but haven't knit one of her patterns yet.
Quilting is my first love, but knitting is a close second - I suspect if my skills would improve on knitting I would love it even more. The Pearl is beautiful, I would love to win it!
What a fun giveaway. Beautiful yarns and pattern!
Kriste (kristebee on rav)
The yarn is beautiful and I have a lace weight project in my queue but no yarn to knit it in my stash. Thanks!
Ravelry ID: juliaknit
thanks for the great giveaway! this will be a great fall project!
What a beautiful yarn and pattern. I would love to win!
I'd love to get my hands on that yarn and it would be great to have that pattern too.
nannapei on Ravelry
What a lovely giveaway!
emhknits on Ravelry
Very lovely yarn ! I really like your patterns and Ysolda's patterns.
Thanks for the chance
The yarn looks like clouds. So gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway. Looking forward to listening to this episode!!
Hi just love your podcast. This yarn looks beautiful, would love to knit with some. Ravelry glongley
I love Ysolda's designs and would be so excited to win the yarn and her patterns! Thank you for the opportunity.
Barb (KnittyBarb on Ravelry)
What a great giveaway! Thank you. Stitcharound on Ravelry.
thank you for the give-away! i love the look of that yarn, and isolda's patterns are a constant inspiration :)
knitsNhikes (rav id)
Yay! I love Ysolda's blog (such beautiful and interesting photography), as well as yours!
pham9201 on ravelry
Beautiful yarn! How do they do it?!
I am lucky to have been able to retire earlier this year. Though I may not be able to stay retired forever, this has been a time of great abundance and happiness. More time for family, personal interests and reflection.
Even with a large family of kids and grandkiddies, it soon became apparent I would have tons more knitting time. I spent a few months consulting with some very wise people and doing a lot of research to find a local organization which helps women who have experienced violent and tragic events.
For several months now, I have been stash diving and using my most luxurious fibers to knit shawls to support this organization, and they in turn distribute these shawls at their discretion. Since the group is secular, we aren't calling them prayer shawls but compassion shawls.
You may be aware that my town, Prescott Arizona, recently experienced the very tragic loss of nine wild land firefighters.
This type of knitting has been very healing to me personally during this time of community grief, and I am so glad I had already embarked on this project prior to the tragedy as I am sure, like everyone else in our small town, I wouldn't have been able to see straight to put one foot in front of another.
Our local area (and the nation and the world, it seems), have gathered around to support the fallen firefighters families financially and emotionally (even in knitting some items for those who were expecting newborns in coming months) so it's been a glorious time in that sense with everyone bending over backward to assist however and whenever they can.
As part of the ongoing need to honor those who have experienced such profound losses, I am more committed than ever to continuing my knitting of compassion shawls. I promise that if I win this particular drawing, the shawl I make will go to that project and find a home on the shoulders of someone who really needs it.
Thanks, as always, for the opportunity.
I also love Ysolda, and her post on cleaning and repairing well loved sweaters was fantastic!
bbatting on ravelry
I would love to try out that yarn and Ysolda's patterns are fantastic. I've had my eye on the Orchid Thief for a while. What a great contest!
jenbrook96 on Ravelry.
Pear yarn and Ysolda - a perfect combination. So excited to hear you will be visiting Loop. Can't wait.
Justwantstoknit on Ravelry
As I am recuperating from neck/spine surgery, this would be most welcome to win. Knitting is the only thing keeping me sane as I'm limited to many activities while wearing an attractive neck brace!
Keeping my fingers crossed!
Jayellesea on Rav
Love the stories shared in each episode. How do you find all these wonderful writers?
So lovely!
Carys - tincer123 on Ravelry
I am a fan of your design and new listener. Very glad to have found your podcast.
Ravelry ID: ting-ting
Wow, knitting with yarn made from pearls. Sounds like a very special experience.
Ravelry name: Astaellen
Wish me luck! I would love to win the Pearl yarn!
Outofthisworld on Rav
The yarn sounds amazing! Pairing it with Ysolda's pattern would be heavenly! Loved the Sweater Surgery story and am looking forward to you new patterns, too!
Forgot to leave : sharonathemom on Ravelry.
Thanks for the chance to win this lovely yarn. And thanks for the podcast and all your lovely patterns. Guru Nam Kaur
I have yet to knit a Ysolda pattern...what's the matter with me! :) I am looking forward to seeing your new collection too!
Thanks to you, Ysolda and the Yarn Sisters Co for offering the giveaway!
tlobner on Ravelry
I love Ysolda, and love that she models her own designs.
hotknitter on rav
O, it would be wonderful to win!
Thanks for the opportunity.
Add my. Ame to the drawing, please!
toomanyufos on ravelry
Always fun to have a visit from you via podcast Alana, thank you. Hope to see you in Brooklyn!
Take care
Bluebirdnest on Ravelry
The pearl yarn would be so beautiful knit up as Orchid Thief, a pattern that I've wanted to knit ever since I first saw it.
Also, it is so awesome to be listening to your podcast again. Welcome back!
Dawna on Ravelry
That yarn looks like a little piece of heaven! Enjoyed your podcast ... my first time. Will tune in from now on! Rav amchart
Beautiful yarn and I really like the Orchid Thief pattern.
Ravelry ID: gretalj
I was so happy to see episode 71 on my playlist! I've missed your podcast and so happy you're back at it. The Black Pearl yarn is beautiful and someone will be very lucky to receive it!!
Rav ID: frootloop42
Beautiful! Love everything Ysolda designs!
Divinetwist on Ravelry
I LOVE Ysolda! I had the pleasure of finally getting to meet her at TNNA- my husband got to meet her a few years ago when he went to get a book signed for me at the LYS where she was signing/talking. I was stuck at home on bed rest, and he felt sorry for me, so he went (and came home with not only my signed book but also my Addi needles and yarn!). Bedrest was worth it after all that!
~Jessica, AKA MonkeyButtBabies on Ravelry
Love Ysolda's new pattern!
alligator on Ravelry
I love making lace shawls. That was what my second project I made when I learn to knit. I also love knitting ysolda patterns and love her also so she is so sweet. Honeybunny2369@yahoo.com
I have several of Ysolda's patterns in queue but for some reason have never knit one! I love her design aesthetic. That yarn is gorgeous, too!
katherinelynn04 on rav
I am a recent listener to your podcasts and find them enlightening. Thank you for offering the pearl yarn! I have been trying to save my pennies in order to be able to get a skein of the yard. I have seen it in person and it is stunning!
Oh what a beautiful Yarn! What a pleasure to work with and so special too!
Daniellek88 on Ravelry
Such a great giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity!
Rav ID: kellknit
Thank you for the opportunity to win this lovely yarn. And anything from Ysolda is a bonus!
Wow, beautiful yarn. If I win, please give it to KatieB for a compassion shawl. What a cause.
iGirl on Ravelry
The yarn is gorgeous! I'd love to win it and the Ysolda patterns - I've always wanted to knit something of hers but haven't yet. :)
DebMomOf3 on Ravelry
Another great podcast. I've coveted the Orchid Thief since it was released. That yarn looks divine - there is something wonderful about natural colorways to me!
Thank you, I'm bigblueice on ravelry
Oh what a great giveaway! Pearl yarn....awesomeness! Ysolda patterns also....cant beat it, thanks so much.
Wow would love to win this, gorgeous patterns and yarn
charlyfeathers on Ravelry
What gorgeous yarns - I would love to see how they knit up!
lindarumsey on Ravelry
Love your blog. Would love to win the yarn! Melanie1 on Ravelry
Pearl yarn! If I win I'll give them to my mom. She's allergic to animal fibers so she would be delighted.
-Mervi- on ravelry
Gorgeous yarn.
wahoomerryf on Rav
The yarn is beautiful! I would love to win.
Loved the yarn reviews this episode; thank you! Would love a chance to work with such decadent yarn along with a Ysolda pattern!
jilliau on Ravelry
How very fun to knit with such lovely yarn. Thank you for the opportunity. Have fun reading the comments!
Ysolda's aesthetic is fantastic, and that yarn looks so decadent! Thanks for sharing!
Love Ysolda patterns! thanks for the chance to win.
Such beautiful patterns and I bet the yarn will be a real treat to work with!
kjramstack at yahoo dot com
I would love to win the yarn and pattern.
Wow! Not only this amazing yarn, but Ysolda patterns at a discount! I can sign up for this...this yarn would be amazing for a bridal shawl! My daughter is getting married in Feb 2014...just enough time to knit! Thank you!
What a great giveaway! Thanks so much!
Previous comment contact info: mariaeb on Ravelry
I would love to get my hands on pearl yarn. It sounds amazing! stitchedtog(at)gmail(dot)com.
Interesting yarn and patterns. Thanks for the opportunity!
RavID: Camanoah
I love that you put a list of links for all the mentioned designers/patterns/yarn companies mentioned in your podcast. I always scour them finding new blogs to follow. Thank you! meagan(dot)radford(at)gmail(dot)com
I love Ysolda's patterns. They're so original and well-written. jadedisc on Rav
Thanks for another great podcast and good luck on your east coast tour! I would love to win the Black Pearl yarn and Orchid Thief pattern - looks like a great combination!
knitwish on Ravelry
Awesome giveaway!! Love her patterns!! I always swatch and check gauge lol learnt myself for a project I worked on a couple years ago :-) yarn looks and sounds amazing...what a great combo!
Thanks for the chance!
really awesome episode. And pearl yarn? So intriguing!!!
HarryPotterAddict (Rav ID)
I was so excited for Ysolda's segment, she's mentioned her accent on twitter & I wanted to hear it :-)
The Black Pearl yarn sounds simply divine (that's a fancy word for amazing. I've been reading a lot of "Fancy Nancy" books to my daughter.)
knitonepugtwo (Rav ID & gmail account)
Wonderful! I'd love to try all the yarns mentioned; they all sound so nice.
First time listening to the podcast. I enjoyed all of it. Thanks!
Ravelry: fernknits
Can't wait to listen to the episode! Have to wait for the kidlet to go to bed but I wanted to swing over and post a comment to say thanks as always for the lovely giveaway chance and all the great links.
Eenae on Ravelry
Wow, I'm intrigued by this yarn. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.
Thanks for the lovely podcast.
Knittedpeach on Ravelery
I would love to win that lovely yarn. Yum !
Thank you!
(Goodstuff on Ravelry )
this yarn looks lovely!! i hope i'm lucky enough to win it!! thank you for offering this giveaway!
^)^ linda
lbquilts on rav
I just loved Ysolda's story. Just lovely.
OmnicronCeti on Rav
Thanks for offering to add to a lucky one's stash...and pattern library. Glad to have you back pod casting, too.
Ravelry -- atlnana24
I love Ysolda and I know exactly what I would make with that yarn! What a lovely giveaway! :)
I am ClaudeandWilbur on ravelry.
What gorgeous yarn! I'm still listening to the back episodes - I'm on episode 61 and catching up! Thanks as always for your generosity with the giveaways :-)
Rav ID: ShadowAP
The orchid thief is such q beautiful pattern. I have been lusting after it!
MLES on ravelry
Always enjoy your podcasts and I love your patterns. Thank you for all you do.
Loved this Podcast - wish I lived on east coast of America so I could meet you. Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful wool.
Alana, you found such an unusual yarn for us! And Ysolda's design are so yummy!
Thank you for this episode and giveaway.
iris68 on Rav
Another great show, thanks Alana!
katepricey on rav
Must. Have. Amazing. Yarn!
ally-klayr on raveley.
This yarn looks so soft & I love the sheen! The shawl is beautiful too...looks like something that would be in your book, Alana! :)
Kristen Taylor
KT4JC on Ravelry
I love your podcast and look forward each month for the next episode. The yarn looks amazing. I love knitting lace shawls and this yarn would be perfect.
Perls <3
YT patterns <3<3
Crossing my fingers :)
Susmag on Ravelry
Beautiful yarn and pattern.
ohh a yarn giveaway
lifeandyarn on ravelry
Hi! Just recently discovered your podcast and am having a great time listening. I can't imagine how they made yarn from pearl and would love to check this yarn out. Thanks for the chance at it.
Take care.
okyakiOops, forgot to include contact stuff.
I am carrotmusic on Ravelry.
Have a knitterly day!
Oh I want to play with this yarn. Maybe an evenstar? Myravelry name is Zabelle.
Thanks for the chance to win!! Beautiful yarn and pattern!
Ravelry: PeggyPeaches
I'd love to try the Pearl Yarn, I'd knit a shawl for a friend who is just starting chemo.w
Just knitting away in the sun in the garden, while listening to a podcast - such a nice vacation. Except I keep on chasing my pattern through the garden, because the wind gets on it!
dijkstra.shanna AT gmail DOT com
shannadijkstra on Ravelry
Thanks for the great podcast, so happy to hear you're working on new designs - owl sounds like a wonderful yarn!
A yarn made of pearls - how exciting!! That must be sooo luxurious!
I'm mintti on ravelry :)
Loving the new podcast season and hope to dive into some pearl knitting!
krismi on ravelry
Great podcast! I listened to it while running, thus enabling me to indulge my two favourite hobbies at the same time!
Victoria (Spiderknits on Ravelry)
Love the Orchid Thief, though I've never had the chance to make it.
culabrat on ravelry
Ysolda's designs are just lovely! I pretty much want to knit every pattern that she publishes (same deal with Gudrun Johnston).
Rav id: caffeinatedyarn
I love listening to your podcast on my commute. It incorporates knitting into every day, including ones when I don't actually have time to get some serious knitting done.
loveinindy@gmail.com and loveinindy on Ravelry.
Nice podcast.
I'd like to enter to win that pearl yarn :)
Love the black pearl yarn. So glad to hear the podcast again!
Dariasmom on Ravelry
That's a beautiful yarn. And Ysolda's patterns are wonderful. What a great combination.
I love Ysolda's designs and she is a great mascot.
Love the yarn and I always enjoy knitting Ysolda's patterns.
Lovely yarn. Would make a great wedding shawl. Thanks for the giveaway.
Savannagal is my Rav name. Sorry I forgot to mention that above.
Yay for Ysolda!! I'd love to win those patterns and that luxurious yarn :)
The Black Pearl yarn looks so luxurious!
Love Ysolda's patterns!
Glad to hear you back again. I would love to win the giveaway! bandgb@gmail.com. :)
Oh, that is lovely yarn.
Your sponsors are very generous, and so are you!
I looked up Botanical Knits after hearing about it on the Knitmore Girls, and I purchased it immediately after I saw the first patterns on the website. What beautiful patterns! I look forward to seeing the next book as well.
Susan (susancoyotesfan on Ravelry)
I have loved Ysolda's patterns since the Ishbel mania. And that yarn looks SO soft!
That yarn looks amazing!
What beautiful yarn!!
BangersAndMash (on Ravelry)
Wow, that is amazing looking yarn. Though it makes me a bit nervous to think what it would look like when I was done with it!
I've heard nothing but great things about this yarn, and I'd love a chance to try some.
What a treat all these gifts would be :)
meppybn on Ravelry
Oh my oh! What gorgeous yarn, and that shawlette pattern is fabulous too. I would love to win this. ;)
cherylmac on Ravelry
What an awesome giveaway! And how wonderful of Ysolda, "Iss-all-duh" BTW, to participate.
This is my second attempt to leave a comment. Sorry I'm having a hard time. Finely got through all your episodes so that I can now enter your contest. Yay.
Karen in Honolulu
I'm so glad you are broadcasting, again. I can't wait to see your new sweater.
kwillow on ravelry
Love the podcast!
Crystalcrafts on ravelry
Hi - I received Botanical Knits about 2 months ago. I love the photography and of course the knitting designs. I browse through it often and dream of crisp autumn days. It helps me endure the hot, humid summer days here in South Texas. It was 105 degrees F yesterday. Yuk!
This yarn sounds amazing! I am very curious how it feels.
I too love Ysolda's patterns and your report about the pearl yarn has me intrigued as well. So many interesting things have been turned into yarn that I think Pearls? Why not! Thank you for your podcasts - I enjoy them a lot!
LeaMV on Ravelry or javakatz3(at)gmail(dot)com
Pearl yarn? Wow - now I have heard almost everything. Is there no end to the ingenuity of the people who make our wonderful yarn?! Oh I so want to win this.
An interesting line-up of yarns but the Black Pearl yarn...wow! It sounds stunning! Your new sweater pattern also sounds very intriguing. I can't wait for you to publish the pattern!
KathyR on Ravelry
I love all of Ysolda's patterns and books. The yarn looks wonderful! Thanks!
Juliaknit on Ravelry
So nice to have your podcasts again, Alana! And to know there is a Botanical Knits 2 on the way is also fab! I would love to win this month!!
What a lovely giveaway. Love the Botanical Knits...
sherryglover1 on RAV.
This is a really awesome giveaway! I would love to try knitting with that yarn :)
surfchick on ravelry
Love Ysolda and that pearl yarn... Yum!
I love your podcast. It keeps me motivated to knit! rdyourthe1@gmail.com twistedwhispers on Ravelry
What a treat, both the yarn and the patterns!!! Love your work!!!
Thank you so much for that wonderful podcast. It was fun to knit to and I especially loved the Never Not Knitting song at the end! The pearl yarn looks scrumptious and my fingers are itching to touch it! The Owl yarn looks great too!
Thanks again!
I love your podcast! I anxiously wait for new episodes so I can listen while I walk in to work. The pearl yarn looks magnificent.
Thank you!
The yarn looks amazing - made from pearls - OH MY!!!
littlemaze on ravelry
Thank you for offering such an amazing drawing. I can't take my eyes off that gorgeous yarn!
Pretty exciting giveaway! Am anxiously awaiting your new pattern release. :)
I am so excited that you are coming to Argyle! I almost fell out of my chair when you announced it on the podcast! Of course the pearl yarn sounds amazing and I love Ysolda too.
Ysolda is one of my favorite designers. I'm currently working with one of her yarns from Scrumptious. Would love to win this little package!
alcbrooks on Ravelry
Great podcast and can't wait to see the sweater pattern you teased listeners about! And I'm completely intrigued by the pearl yarn... would love to win! (Rav = JavaNut)
I love all of the knitter stories. Its great to know that even seasoned knitters have horror stories. Thank you for such a wonderful podcast.
Mandykatt78 on Ravelry
I always love it when I get new podcasts from you in my iTunes!Thanks for another great podcast!
TopHat on Ravelry
Alana you always show me new things I want...pearl yarn oh such delight!!! My son is getting married one year from Aug 15 what a beautiful wedding shawl this would make for my daughter to be!
Looking forward to your new shawl pattern too they are my favorite things to knit!
quiltsalot3 on Ravelry
darlenemasters at eastlink dot ca
Oh my word! That's some gorgeous yarn and fabulous pattern. Thanks for the giveaway.
rav id: karitive
I now have urge to knit shawls! Especially with the beautiful pearl yarn! Skyhuntress on Ravelry
Great episode! The Black Pearl laceweight yarn looks so lovely! Both Ysolda's patterns look awesome, too. Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow! I can't believe that there is a yarn made out of pearls! That's incredible. Thanks for the chance to win this yarn. =) I think even if I don't win I'm going to have to try to get my hands on at least a few skeins of this amazing sounding yarn!
I can't believe they can make yarn out of pearls! That's so crazy!
Ravelry: zippybg
Wow! Great prize .....thanks. dudtytreeknits on ravelry
Would love to try, yarn and pattern sound great! I am spanishviolet on Ravelry.
I am so intrigued by yarn made of Pearls! I would be ever so grateful to win this beautiful yarn as well as the pattern. Ysolda's story was great!
ayntbee on Ravelry
What an amazing looking yarn!
RavID: LightsOn
I love podcasts and hearing about new patterns and yarn.the links in the show notes are much appreciated. Your podcast is among my favorites. Thanks!!!
Your podcast is one of my favorites, I love all the guest stories and I love how you make talking about your projects interesting.
Jessmadi on ravelry
Enjoyed the podcast. I cannot imagine what that pearl yarn is like - it sounds amazing!
RobinV on Ravelry
Just found your podcast and enjoyed it. I would love to win.
Rav name: MeanderingHome
Interesting yarn - thanks for the opportunity!
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
Love your episodes and would love the yarn!!!
Lenamr on ravelry
Pearl yarn, what a concept! Thanks for a wonderful episode!
Theatergrrl on Ravelry
pearl yarn? wow! I'd love to try this out and make a real heirloom project.
I am enjoying your podcast!
Ravelry: Dinaripper
(pronounced with a long "i" in Dina...just incase I win! ;)
Wow that yarn is very interesting!
Oh my goodness, there is always so much to learn from your episodes, thank you. Love the idea of yarn made from pearls, how luscious this sounds and would be so perfect for a beautiful shawl.
That yarn sounds super cool - and an Orchid Thief would be a beautiful match for the yarn.
I loved Ysolda's story - so poetic! And I have been wanting to knit orchid theif forever. This giveaway is perfect!
Please add a Boston area stop to your East Coast tour! Ysolda's story was beautifully written. I love her patterns, and would love to win one. The pearl yarn is gorgeous- would love to try that out! Thanks, as always, for the chance to win.
Pearl yarn - how is this possible?
ysolda's patterns are beautiful!
yellowhairedgirl on ravelry
ysolda's patterns are beautiful
yellowhairedgirl on ravelry
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