
The Never Not Knitting Podcast : Episode 75 : Knitting Dreams

Episode 75


Photo courtesy of The Nature Conservancy / Lori Johnson

Enter to win 2000 yards of this gorgeous certified sustainable wool yarn from Patagonia by following the Nature Conservancy on Twitter or Facebook and then leaving a comment under this post by November 15th. Please remember to include your contact information. Only one comment per person please! Three winners will be chosen and announced on Episode 76!

Thank you for listening! 


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Emma said...

Looks just beautiful!

Emma - knitsbyemma@gmail.com

Blossom said...

That looks divine

Anonymous said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Twitter - what a brilliant project.

The yarn looks super squishy. Great podcast as always. Thanks.

knitsforklipskaap (on Rav)

aggie325 said...

Beautiful yarn....and the mission of the conservancy is inspiring!

French Nanny said...

This yarn looks amazing, it would make something fabulous!


Crouchingcheese said...

I love the work of the Nature Convervancy with Alaska! I followed them on Facebook, it'll be amazing to see their progress!


Karen said...

Loved hearing about your new design Noticed it on Ravelry the other day. I am such a fan of leaves that I am tempted to give it a try, even though I seldom wear pullovers.

It was wonderful to hear about the conservation efffort in Argentina - and even more wonderful to know that wool will be part of the results!

Lydia said...

this is awesome-have liked and am following.

Unknown said...

Can't wait to knit your new sweater design! I am following the Nature Conservancy on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

I am following them on facebook. That yarn looks like the kind you just want to roll around in!

Sangeetha said...

Liked on facebook - the yarn looks fab!

Kim said...

I have followed on Facebook. Such a worthwhile group!
dariasmom on Ravelry

Chrissy said...

I followed on Facebook. I'm stitchedtog(at)gmail(dot)com

Carys said...

I'm following on Twitter; it'll be nice to get yarn news in my feed!
Rav name: monkeybee (or Carys to my non knitting friends!)

katherinelynn_04 said...

Gorgeous yarn! I'm following Nature Conservancy on Facebook.

katherinelynn04 on rav

Greg said...

Very cool! I followed the Nature Conservancy on both Twitter and FaceBook. Hope I win! :)

-greg, drmellow on Ravelry

Hannah said...

I liked the Nature Conservancy on Facebook. This yarn sounds absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for the giveaway! (hannahr on Ravelry)

Unknown said...

Just found the Nature Conservancy on Facebook. Can't wait to read the articles you linked! Thanks for all you do, Alana!!! Love your designs.
connknits on ravelry

Christelleb78 said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Twitter. Thank you!
Christelleb78 on Ravelry

Katie said...

Followed on Twitter! Also excited to cast on for Sprig soon!

lmecoll on Ravlery said...

I liked Nature Conservancy on Facebook. Nice yarn!!!!

lmecoll on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Love the new pattern!
I liked the Nature Conservancy on Facebook. What a great prize!
javajennie on Ravelry

Sally said...

the nature conservancy project sounds brilliant and the yarn loves lovely.

Emily said...

Nature Conservancy rocks!
EmilyMarianne (on Rav)

Melanie Reuter said...

I am following the Nature Conservancy via my little nonprofit @WesleyUC. Wow! I am ynotknit on Ravelry.

Zabelle said...

I'm fallowing on facebook: isabelle.savoie[at]hotmail.com

Patricia said...

I am following the group on facebook and would love to win the yarn.

That is also my revelry id as well.

Anonymous said...

Now following the Nature Conservancy on facebook, thanks for bringing it to my attention. Loving the podcast, as always. Thanks for hosting such great giveaways too.

bysarah on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Twitter. Amazing project! The yarn looks incredible! Thank you.

mrsmcelrath (on Rav)

Toby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sharonathemom said...

I followed the Nature Conservany on Twitter.
rav: sharonathemom

fyjjkj said...

I followed them on Facebook and cannot wait to see their beautiful picture come through my news feed!


Keatyn Bergsten said...

That yarn looks beautiful!
knittingpanda87 on Ravelry

handmade knits by tracy said...

I am following the Nature Conservancy on Twitter.
Rav ID mrstn2006

asp said...

Just followed on Facebook. Nice idea! I'm a relatively new listener to your podcast and am enjoying it. Downloaded Sprig the other day and look forward to making it. Thanks. (asp on Ravelry)

Emily S said...

I love your podcast, and this week's story cracked me up! I bet I have "sleep knit" a few times :D

butterflyem4 at gmail dot com

Kristen said...

Lovely yarn! I liked the Nature Conservancy on FB.
Globalite on Ravelry

AmH said...

Sprig looks beautiful and so does the yarn :)

mandamom on rav

Emily said...

That's just beautiful yarn and story. I love natural wool. I followed the Nature Conservancy on FB.

Emily, Rav ID: chainoffols

k2ntrish said...

I liked them on Facebook. The yarn looks very squishy.
hotknitter on rav

Sabrina said...

Looks yummy! Liked them on Facebook.

kamoul said...

Another lovely design, Alana. I also "liked" the Nature Conservancy on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

This is a very generous giveaway. Thank you. I have followed the Nature Conservancy on Facebook.

tlobner on Ravelry

FrostKnits said...

I love your book and just started listening to your podcasts. Yay for sustainable yarn!

Unknown said...

I am now following the Nature Conservancy via Facebook and was glad to see that a couple of my FB friends were doing the same!

I'm crossing my fingers that I'm one of the lucky three for this giveaway!


On Ravelry: dinaripper

Phlights of Phantasy said...

Got the Nature Conservancy now on Facebook! Thanks for letting us know about it and I hope I can get some of that gorgeous yarn!

Phlights of Phantasy said...

...on ravelry I am: worldsofpurls (sorry I left that out!)

Anonymous said...

Liked the Nature Conservancy on Facebook.

Great podcast! Would love to win the yarn!!

Thank you,
rav: palelesown

Anonymous said...

I liked Nature Conservancy on Facebook! Thanks for the giveaway - the yarn looks beautiful!!

Unknown said...

Wonderful project. I'd love to win enough yarn for a sweater! Thanks!
karenswb on rav

janine said...

I've been a member of the Nature Conservancy for a long time now. They care for a portion of Tall Grass Prairie in Kansas that we have toured. Their magazine is really terrific with lots of great photographs.

Sue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sando said...

Liked on Facebook and following on Twitter. That wool looks just wonderful.

Sando on Ravelry

Sue said...

I liked Nature Conservancy and signed up for the news feed on FB. I hope that's right anyway! :) Thanks so much for talking about this - I really like to read about such interesting projects and lands far away and oh yeah...fiber! The yarn looks awesome! Thanks for offering this giveaway!
sueites on Ravelry s.ites@yahoo.com

Sorry, I had to delete my first comment because I forgot my information on how to get in touch with me when I win! :)

Unknown said...

I followed The Nature Conservatory on FB. Thanks for highlighting this!
Hickorie on Ravelry

Cher said...

I followed on Facebook. Gorgeous yarn!

Eenae said...

Wow-what gorgeous yarn! I loved the story on the podcast about sleep knitting. LOL! Thank you and the Nature Conservancy for sharing the beautiful yarn with all of us.

Eenae on Ravelry

Asta said...

I have long appreciated the work of the Nature Conservancy. Thank you to them and you for the possibility of winning some beautiful yarn from Patagonia.

Astaellen on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Thank you for another great show - I love to knit & listen! And I love the Patagonia yarn & the work The Nature Conservancy is doing (following on Facebook). Any one of my 3 kids would love a sweater knit with this yarn because they all love people who are doing good things! Thank you for sharing this with the knitting world : )

I'm haveyarnwillfly on Ravelry & email is GJT.ranch@gmail.com

cvawter44 said...

Beautiful yarn and I thought the story was really cute!

Cvawter44 on Ravelry

Rachelle said...

have liked them on Facebook
sewsable on Rav

Carla said...

I liked their facebook page- Very nice

Caitlin said...

Followed on twitter... that yarn looks beautiful!

gail said...

Just liked facebook page also. What a very generous prize from the Nature Conservancy! Thank you for the opportunity to enter.
gail (cottontail on ravelry)

Beth Fitch said...

What an incredibly generous giveaway. Love on facebook. :)
Biscottibeth on ravelry

Anne Bean said...

I followed Nature Conservancy on Facebook. Yarn looks wonderful!

Lauren said...

Thank you so much for sharing about the great efforts of the Nature Conservancy. I am now following them on facebook. That yarn looks so wonderful!

centralcoastknits (we're neighbors-sort of.) on Rav

Luwana said...

I am also now sharing Nature Conservancy on FB. When I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, I used to love to shop at their store.

Helena Dias said...

This yarn looks amazing, it would make something super fabulous!

Mika said...

I really, really would like to win this beautiful yarn.... but probably I won't :( I never have luck, but who knows...In any case I won I leave my email: monikachargot@gmail.com

Nevertheless I love your patterns


Collaborate and Thrive said...

I learned something new, I have never heard of the Nature Conservancy. I am following them on Facebook. That yarn looks amazing!

Great episode as always!


Abaris2007 said...

Followed on Facebook, and the yarn looks wonderful.

abaris2007 on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

My newest facebook friend! I am such a fan of sustainable yarns and I'm distressed my the number of companies heading to China for cheap processing. I'm glad that they are trying to keep sustainable, eco-friendly yarns alive. Thank you for hosting.

Unknown said...

It's amazing, it's eco, I love it!!

Unknown said...

ps. followed them on facebook (forgot to mention it)

Love the yarn!

Anonymous said...

Oye ! You back, with nice news :)

Emano said...

Just liked their page on Facebook. I noticed that there was a separate Facebook page for them in my state-- I will have to go back and check that out.

Glad to hear from you again!

Jen said...

2000 yards of luscious yes thanks!

bug said...

I am following the Nature Conservancy on Facebook. Thanks for generous giveaway!

Leann- eddybunch@juno.com

joan blondina said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy! This wool looks lovely!

JoanBlondina on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

I am already a follower of The Nature Conservancy and good on you to drum up more love for our naturally beautiful world! Thanks for hosting this marvelous giveaway!

Lynne Botha said...

Followed Nature Conservancy on fb, and NNK on Ravelry. Blessings on you for sharing all of this wonderfulness!

Kylie Smith said...

I've followed on twitter (@kraftymumma) :)

Gee that suitcase full of gorgeous white yarn looks simply gorgeous!!!!! I am totally in love with 'sprig' too!!! You are a very talented designer!! I wish it would look good on me lol

I loved the sleep knitting story - my hubby enjoyed it too!!

My email is kylie.smith@me.com and I'm knittingkylie on rav :)

Joyce said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Facebook. They have some great pics on there! This yarn looks gorgeous, too!! Joyce: jmcmarie@frontiernet.net

Véro said...

What a nice yarn ! Thanks for the chance !

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that someone is helping restore the ecosystem in Patagonia! And if we get more great wool out of it, it's a win-win!!

Rav ID: inagaddadonita

DonnaC said...

I am following the Nature Conservancy on Facebook. Can't wait to try the yarn.

Unknown said...

oohhh, love this! Rebecca (dustytreeknits on Ravelry)

LindaR said...

Liked on Facebook. Gorgeous yarn!
lindarumsey on Ravelry

Karen said...

I Love Sprig Pattern pattern. You are soooo gifted with your designing skills. I love nature as well and I also joined The Nature Conservancy Magazine on Facebook. I would love to win a sweater's worth of yarn. Thanks for your show. I looks so forward to it each motn.

Karen said...

WOW I would love to win. I am following Nature Conservancy on Facebook. I also joined their newsletter. Thanks Karen

Angela said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Twitter (@KnitterAng) This yarn looks divine, and I'll bet I can get matching sweaters for myself and my daughter :)

penelope10 said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Facebook!
Divine yarn!

Diane said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Twitter. The yarn looks so beautiful.
My Rav Id: zoohouse10

Unknown said...

Liked on Facebook, thanks for the giveaway!!

Alison said...

Thanks so much for turning me on to the work of the Nature Conservancy. I am highly interested in the journey of wool from sheep to skein, and of the cultural, economic and environmental impact on societies/countries. You can check out Clara Parkes' The Great White Bale http://www.clarayarn.com/bale/ for her journey through the American wool industry. The Yarniacs, another podcast, has also been doing a wool series and featuring Deb Robson from the Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook. Your information has been a great addition to my "study" on this topic.

I have both liked the NC on Facebook and are following them on Twitter.

Unknown said...

I am following onTwitter!

I found your site through your lovely Sprig pattern (which is officially my next knit) and I sure am glad I did! I am currently studying to be a librarian and posted your podcast page for my storytelling class (we share resources via Delicious as part of the course) since both you and your guests do such a lovely job. :)

Rav: Kmknittinsmitten
Twitter: PsblossomCreate
Library Blog: LibraryOutLoud.blogspot.com

Jules said...

Such beautiful yarn! I'm following on Facebook and can't wait to see the yarn produced.

JulesBr on Rav.

kristina_whitton said...

Breath taking!

kristina13 (Rav)

Unknown said...

I have been a member of the Nature Conservancy for years. I follow them on Facebook. That yarn looks beautiful, and if I don't win (which I doubt I will) I will watch for it when it becomes available and give it a try. Love the podcast.
Daressa on Raverlry -- ipinnt@gmail.com

Juliaknit said...

Followed them on Twitter, Lovely yarn!

Juliaknit on Ravelry

im said...

Enjoyed your podcast. I've been a member of TNC off and on for many years. This sounds like a great project of theirs, and what a perfect fit with your leafy designs, since that is their logo. Thanks for the podcast.
Irene, bluebirdnest on Ravelry

Dr Sabrina said...

So cool that you are sharing about the Nature Conservancy! I'd love to try out the Patagonian wool.

monica said...

Beautiful yarn. I love to support environmental conservation efforts! Love Srig!!!

Diane said...

I added The Nature Conservancy to my Twitter feed! I am really intrigued by their foray into yarn manufacturing. Can't wait to see how this turns out. Would love to get my hands on the yarn early

Deb said...

I listened to your Podcast in the car today, then came home to an email from Patagonia (the company) with a video link to this very initiative with the Nature Conservancy! I was so glad to know about it already.
Just followed Nature Conservancy on Twitter and would love to win that beautiful (and sustainable) wool.
Deb (JerseyShoreDeb on Ravelry)

Judy said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Facebook. How inspiring.

This yarn looks adorable.

Judy - judy18@y7mail.com

Tobie said...

Beautiful yarn!

KT4JC said...

Beautiful yarn & seems like a great cause. I'm interested to learn more about them through their FB page.

KT4JC on Ravelry

jessobsessed said...

Just liked the Nature Conservancy on Facebook! Crossing my fingers for some luck with this beautiful yarn.

jessobsessed on ravelry

Agileknitter said...

Following Nature's Conservancy on FB andTwitter. Just downloaded Sprig and can't wait to make it. Agileknitter on Rav

Carol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan said...

I fail to think about 'like' the groups whose missions I believe in on Facebook. It really is a good way to keep up with the doings of the groups I care about. Nice that having followed the Nature Conservancy I'll be more up to date on their activities.

Suna on Ravelry

KnittingArchivist said...

I simply LOVE your new desing:Sprig! Can't wait to get it on my needles. The yarn is fab and i'm happy to follow Nature Conservancy on Twitter.

Elliee at Ravelry

Unknown said...

What a neat company! Look forward to seeing more of their stuff in the future. Also, thanks for the yarn tips on the Sprig sweater! Hopefully I will be able to cast on soon :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful contest! I´ve actually been to Patagonia before and bought yarn from the region, but that type of opportunity doesn´t present itself everyday. Thanks for promoting awareness of this company.

-Julianne (stirfrypeapod@gmail.com)

Olive said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Facebook. What beautiful yarn!

Kendra said...

Just followed the Nature Conservancy on twitter. Thanks for the info and chance at some lovely yarn!

Julesy said...

Followed and liked! Would be wonderful to win!

anneofjulie on Ravelry

Hind DP said...

Liked them on Facebook. Love your new pattern!

mamamustknit on Ravelry

Olga said...

Wow, the yarn looks fabulous! Can't wait until it becomes commercially available. Loved your story on the nature conservancy and have followed it on twitter. I look forward to exploring their work.

Love Sprig:)

Unknown said...

This yarn looks beautiful. I can see pretty vest and sweater made out of this. Glad you shared about the Nature Conservancy. I am friends on FB now.
Love your Podcast and patterns.

Unknown said...

Followed on facebook- the yarn looks fab!

LeAnne said...

Love the Patagonian yarn. Liked nature conservancy on Facebook. (Lcbrown50@hotmail.com)

Unknown said...

I liked it! Actually, I love it!

Prairie girl said...

Ooh. I love the sprig pattern. And the yarn looks so lovely. I followed Nature Conservancy on twitter.

Nicky said...

I am following the Nature Conservancy on Facebook.
I would love to win the yarn.


Anonymous said...

I'm following The Nature Conservancy on Facebook. That wool looks divine!

I'm vernalequinox on Ravelry.

Kristin said...

Hi Alana,

What a great partnership between the author of Botanical Knits (and Botanical Knits II) and one of the world's premier environmental organizations. And the yarn just looks scrumptious! I follow the Nature Conservancy on Facebook and my Rav ID is krismi.

Deb Hickman said...

Great episode, I'm following The Nature Conservancy on both, Twitter and FB. It looks beautiful wool. Deb x


sara said...

Thanks for the great giveaway, would love to win!

Maureen said...

What a wonderful giveaway thank you!!!

Jennifer said...

I'm now following the Nature Conservancy on Twitter. What an excellent cause and a wonderful partnership for you.

I look forward to see what you can design with their beautiful yarn. I'd love to win some too!

Rav: jacflash

Thank you.

Erika said...

I love the trend for organic/sustainable yarn!

Karen said...


Peta said...

Good for you, Alana, for featuring the Nature Conservancy's Shear Salvation. Hope I win!

Unknown said...

Just followed in Twitter. What a fantastic project!!

FireMedic on Rav

Erica said...

Followed on Twitter! I'm ericat13 on Ravelry.

Unknown said...

The Nature Conservancy is a wonderful organization. I follow them on Twitter. The yarn I'd gorgeous!

glongley said...

Followed on Facebook , Ravelry glongley

Unknown said...

Followed on Twitter. Very interesting to here about their projects. Thank you for sharing the info. Would love to try out the yarn. Sprig is also a very pretty sweater. Keep on Knitting !!!

Nancy said...

Thank you, Alana, for another great episode and the chance to win this yarn. I am interested in the work of the Nature Conservancy and am now following them on Facebook.
Your new sweater is beautiful.

Deborah said...

I am now following the Nature Conservancy on Twitter. I love the idea of the project, both as a knitter and a lover of nature. Thanks to you and the Nature Conservancy for bringing this to the attention of the knitting community!

Oh, and I LOVE your Sprig design. Can't wait to see the rest of BK2!

Unknown said...

I am now following the Nature Conservancy on Twitter. Thanks for sharing the info about this project - so interesting! I am looking forward to learning more. And of course, the yarn looks amazing!!!

Sarah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah said...

What a great project, and a great prize! I would love to try out that yarn.

ravelry id: pnlives

Anonymous said...

Oh, so bummed that it will only come out end of next year! I've been looking for natural colours lately for an aran pullover.

ravelry: surfchick

Unknown said...

I liked the NC on Facebook. Your patterns celebrate nature through design, and I am excited to see the connection to environmental conservation organizations such as the NC.

Joan Henry said...

The yarn is sooooo beautiful!

Sewing with Deila said...

Liked the NC on FB. Would love to win

Mimi said...

Love the yarn up for wins;) just bought Sprig, which us next up after Entagled Vines. I'm on the sleeves and it's turning out great. Thanks for the great podcast and beautiful patterns.

Helene said...

This wool looks scrumptious! I've just started listening to your podcasts, love them, as I love all of your knitting designs. Keep em coming! xo

ICQB said...


I followed The Nature Conservancy on Facebook and would like to be entered to win the fabulous yarn from Patagonia!

Thank You,

stacyb said...

Liked Nature Conservancy on Facebook. What an awesome giveaway. I'd love to win :)
yellowbirdknits on Rav

Dilia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dilia said...

Lovely yarn!
just followed on twitter
rav: wispywinds

Harpy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Oooooh! That looks lovely! I followed TNC on Twitter. :0D

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a lot of beautiful yarn! I'm ShadowAP on Rav.

DianaAnn89 said...

Wow! That yarn looks incredible! I'm glad it didn't end up being scratchy. =) It's exciting that the work they are doing is also providing knitters with beautiful yarn!

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Twitter. =)

Diana - dianaann89@gmail.com

Betsy said...

Following on Facebook - that yarn does look yummy!

grammie2maddie - rav

Kate Price said...

It was really interesting hearing about the yarn - looking forward to it being available in an LYS!

Following them on Facebook and I am katepricey on rav

Malinda said...

Very interesting, would have never guessed the Nature Conservancy having yarn, but after listening to your podcast it is a great cause. Following them now on facebook. Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful yarn.

knittybarb said...

I follow The Nature Conservancy on FB! Would love to win the yarn.

Rachel D. said...

I am following the Nature Conservancy on both. Love the story and efforts behind this yarn.

DiabolicalRica (Ravelry)

rusticknitter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kathie said...

Following the Nature Conservatory on FB. What a beautiful idea! The yarn addicts in us to help support nature?? Win/win!

KathieR (on Ravelry)


Eden Stein said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Facebook...this new yarn looks perfect to knit one of your sweaters with!

Andrea said...

Would love this yarn.

Me and You (Andrea and Mark) said...

Just signed up to follow on FB. What beautiful photographs throughout.
Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful yarn.

Camanoah said...

Liked on Facebook. What a wonderful organization and a wonderful prize drawing.
Rav ID: Camanoah

Tahra said...

That yarn looks like buttah! Count me in on a contest!

Tahra - milwaukeeknitchic (Ravelry)

Kim said...

Nature Conservancy has been in my Facebook for some time now as I have followed them since the early 1980s. Also have some friends that work for them. The Pantagona yarn is definitely a plus for both sides.

GDean said...

Liked Nature Conservancy on FB. I am looking forward to finding our more about the Patagonia issue. Thanks for your podcast...and your patterns. :)

Btbroderway said...

ummm. I need this. K Thanks. btbroderway@gmail.com

GDean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joy said...

That's gorgeous. Thanks for the giveaway. I'm following the Nature Conservancy on Twitter.

joyatee (at) gmail (dot) com

Janeo said...

I love using sustainable yarns- thanks for the info on this one.
Janerob on Rav.

Petra said...

What a wonderful project. We've been supporters of TNC for a while and I follow them on Facebook.

MaiKiki on Rav

Knitdog said...

Have worked closely with the Nature Conservancy here in Maine and am happy to be now following the National Organization! Yippee ki yay for sustainable yarn!

Agnes said...

Hi Alana,

I just followed The Nature Conservancy on both Twitter and Facebook. What a wonderful organization they are, I'm so glad to have found out about them through your podcast.
I also read all about their "Sheer Salvation" story about the Patagonia sheep ranchers and the project as a whole, I am so thrilled!

I would love winning a sweaters worth of their gorgeous yarn! And I already know I'd be knitting your latest design "Sprig" out of it! :)

My email address is: elevenhills@hotmail.com

elevenhills on ravelry

All the best,

Loretta said...

I'm following the Nature Conservatory on twitter. Lovely yarn, great podcast!

Irocknits! said...

Wow! I can't believe how luscious that yarn looks and image what one could do with 2,000 yards! Such an inspiring story too. Thanks for the opportunity.

Irocknits on Ravelry

Laura Sue said...

I have followed the Nature Conservancy. I raise Gulf Coast Native sheep and have a big interest in sustainable sheep and fleece farming. Thank you for supporting the Nature Conservancy.

Unknown said...

Thank you for an opportunity to win such Fabulous Yarn while informing us of such a worthwhile organization. I have "Liked" them on FB and have subscibed to their site & newsletter as well.

Knitfun4me on Ravelry

VerBear said...

I just followed the Nature Conservancy on Facebook, and 3 of my friends were already following them! It is a wonderful cause.

I am just a beginner at knitting, but I love love LOVE your podcast. Your enthusiasm is contagious!
my email is veradidur@gmail.com

Thank you!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Interesting article, love what they're doing..... yummy yarn too.

uknielsen on ravelry

Unknown said...

I thought I had my comment entered, but it is not showing up.

I was a docent for the Konza Prairie in KS for about 1 1/2 yrs. and enjoyed being a part of their education program.

I liked the Nature Conservance on Facebook this evening. Thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful yarn!

skentstuard said...

what a wonderful organization. Thanks for sharing.

UmmRania said...

I followed them on Twitter! This is such amazing looking yarn what a beautiful giveaway.

Thanks so much!

Ummrania on rav

Margo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah-Mae said...

Following on facebook.
Thank you!

knerdy on Ravelry

Janice said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Facebook. It seems like a great organization. And that yarn looks wonderful!

Sockmonkey628 on Ravelry.

Jen said...

I liked the Nature Conservancy on Facebook! So glad you introduced us to them! Thanks!!

CJ said...

I liked the Nature Conservancy on Facebook! That yarn is beautiful!

Ravelry ID = carota

KatieB said...

I followed the Nature Conservancy on both Twitter (ktcosmos) AND Facebook.

Thank you SOOOO much for info on this new fiber from the Nature Conservancy and Patagonia Inc. partnership. It makes me feel optimistic about where we're headed when I read about projects like this.

BTW, on Ravelry I am LooseKnit

maja_linusson said...

Thank you for another good episode, it made my day!
I´d love to try the yarn out! and i´m totaly in love with the sprig sweater!!

Fernanda said...

Lovely yarn - I am following the Nature Conservancy on Facebook. Thank you and I love your podcast!!

Unknown said...

I just finished listening through all of your podcasts from the beginning. Very enjoyable. Thank you.

I followed the Nature Conservancy on Facebook.

Ravelry ID is ilailea.

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